I've read your file

>I've read your file

>Graduated high school at 11, top in your class at Harvard, holds doctorates or honorary doctorates from every ivy league university, semester abroad at Cambridge, head of your class at the Sonic Fighting Academy, nine tours of duty in Vietnam, six in Iraq, deployed in Nicaragua, Green Beret, Marine, Navy SEAL, stormed the beach at Normandy, practically invented counter-terrorism ops, Silver Star, Purple Heart, Congressional Medal of Freedom, winner of three AVN awards, Olympic alternate in archery, water polo, Badminton, BMX and Freestyle skiing, TIME man of the year in 1982, 1990 and 2002, finalist on Iron Chef season 3.

>So tell me, how did you end up in a place like this...?

>He breaks a pencil in half with his thumb
>"The wrong people pissed me off."

>You'll love this guy,he's seen action in Afganistan,Bosnia,Iraq,Iran,Somalia and has 16 medals of honor with 4 purple hearts,top of the class in West Point with masters from Harvard and Columbia
>Who said anything about a he?

Bump because I enjoy frogposting but am not creative enough to participate in said threads

>I can't do this
>Yes, you can
>You just gotta believe in yourself

>ok, I'll try
>makes the best shitpost the board has ever seen
>racks in the (You)s
>woah kid, not bad

>I've read your file
>I didn't know you could read.

>i'll need two hours to solve this complicated task
>i'll give you 20 minutes
>okay i'll do it in two

>narcotics agent finds some cocaine
>sticks his finger into it and licks it
>"superb quality"

You're making us all look bad

>a character is part of some testing for CIA/FBI/Sup Forums janitor
>"You have 5 hours to complete this task, the ones who fail to complete it are out"
>character comes up with his sheet of paper after 10mins
>"What do you want?"
>"I finished"
>everybody stares at him in disbelief

>Character surrounded by a bunch of people in smart suits and serious expressions
>They are dressed as a generic slacker

>Action hero beats up some random hoodlums in a bar during the first act

>Kid gets superpowers
>First thing they do is use those powers to humiliate the school bully


>movie trailer
>a classic, well known song is sung in a slow, edgy voice with all the energy drained from the lyrics
What a wonderful world.

>the town

and people liked that shit

>protagonist tries to warn about trap/ambush
>hard ass in charge vehemently ignores them
>everyone in the unit dispatched dies

>A simple bully becomes a fully fledged psycho and tries to kill the main character because the plot demands it

>Male protagonist correctly inserts a menstrual cup into the female protagonist's yoohoo
>"I grew up with nine sisters."

>girl takes out a man with a single punch
>drops trou and takes a piss on the unconscious man
>the hero cleans up after her while she shaves her face and explains the offside rule

''i grew up with brothers''


>Two partners are working on a case
>"How do you wanna do this?"
>"Remember Berlin 1997? Like that."
>"You sure? I'd say Atlantic City would work better"
>"You're right, Atlantic City it is!"



>reckless detective gets suspended but goes solo to solve the case anyway
>gets offered his badge back after being crowned a hero
>refuses it

>I've read your file
>and your other file

> head of your class at the Sonic Fighting Academy
my sides

>i'm gonna need you to hand over your weapons
>pulls out 3 guns from waist, 3 from shoes, blade from leg, knives lodged under each armpit and asscrack, 5 rifles off his back
>''oh and this one''

>picks up gun
>what do you know about guns
>I grew up with 3 guns

>classic rock song is sung by ephemeral female voice with syntwave accompaniment

>a slow piano remix of early 80's pop that gradually gets more epic

otherposting always makes me laugh

>hard rock version of an 80s soft pop song

and your OTHER (you)

Happens briefly in One Punch Man I hated that shoe horned shit