ITT: Stories that ruined characters forever

ITT: Stories that ruined characters forever

Also this


>implying he wasn't ruined with my le young ward is junkie!!!!

Not Parker.

Every time I see this I don't understand the context

It's when Jean Grey blurts out that Iceman is a faggot.
She's waving her hands around like that, trying to get a point across in an argument she's having, without actually saying that he's a fag but Iceman doesn't get it, so she just says it instead.

lel what


I thought this whole time that shit was an edit what the fuck

I kid you...

That's 1/2
That's 2/2

This one is a edit.

10/10 huge improvement

Except for the lettering.

Then a couple pages later, Iceman asks Jean if she thinks Angel is gay because he's too pretty.
Yeah, fuck you too, Bendis.

Another one

With my guy it was a more gradual thing. Still, the one that started it is famous...

You do a big hero v hero event once, it's ok.
When it becomes the norm though... then it's fucked up.

Although she's only in it for like ten pages, I blame Hush for kicking off the idea of Lady Shiva as a League of Assassins flunkie. It's an absolutely awful role that has never given her a single good story, and to make matters worse, because Hush is such a popular entry-level story, this is the first impression that a lot of readers and even professionals have of her, and therefore it keeps popping up not only in comics but in videogames and TV shows as well.

wtf canary no chill


I wish I could say no hero has been fucked as badly as Iron Man. Sadly that is not the case.

It's actually shaping into a pretty good story.

If anything, it makes him more interesting.

I'll always unironically like Civil War because it was first Marlel comic I ever read.
Dark Knight Returns is first DC.

DESU I still like it, too, but that's because I see more the comic it could have been rather than what it was.

Also good choice with DC.

Oh, yes. Back in the day, it was hype and comfy and everything nice. But when I look at it knowing what I know today... we lost more than we gained. It was too successful for its own good.
And thanks. I was on crazy Elseworlds rampage when I got into American comics. I remember even some comic where Batman is Egyptian god.

I'd say that it started with Gay for Justice then it all went downhill for Roy

This was the moment when I knew Peej was dead and would never come back.


>they're bringing back Traci Thirteen
>no relationship with Jaime
>instead she's going to be a dyke with Natasha, a character nobody has ever liked