Literally Kill Whitey: The show

Literally Kill Whitey: The show

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Literally Didn't watch an episode: The post.

this is not Black Dynamite

t. havent seen an episode


Did you actually watch the show?

has a nigga as mc
must be SJW shit

I think we can all agree that Wuncler/Rummy were the best characters in the show.

>that episode where a retarded black slave got fucking raped and chained up as in a barn
>he was portayed as a monkey
this show was something else

T. Faggot retard.

Boondocks was the most anti-establishment show on the electric jew, it openly mocked black dysfunction and black "culture", its constantly referenced the Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral commission an dither "conspiracy" stuff.

Dude, this show was way harsher on black people and black culture as a whole then it was on whites.

Of course knowing Huey is depicted like "the voice of reason" "the guy who know the truth" "his visions of things are the right things to do".

And the problem is ?

It was way too wild for real.

Literally list the number of dead whiteys featured in The Boondocks.
compare said list to the number of dead darkies featured in The Boondocks.

I'll wait...

>tfw the most niggest of niggas on the show were two white guys

>Implying it wasn't Bob Ross

Yeah, the show makes fun of whites, but it mainly makes fun of niggas. This show triggered Al Sharpton, so it did something right.

If Oprah had run for president instead of trump or hillary, would she have won?

You mean Uncle Tom: The Show.

Robert clearly prefers the lifestyle and company of white people.

anyone who watched this show knows that it makes fun of blacks WAY more than whites. Your either shitposting or dont know what your talking about

>you say its a anti white show when...
>everything about uncle ruckus
>Everything Tom
>Shit loads of satire

tbqh the Chapelle show was more anti white than this show ever was

>Your either shitposting or dont know what your talking about

*You're either shitposting or don't know what you're talking about.

Hell no. She's an awful person and nothing more than a vapid day time host. The equivalent of the Hallmark people gushing over this year's fashion or some Holiday trick you need to try this year! She doesn't strike me as a political person in the slightest and using her as a wish fulling fantasy for the first woman black president was a really shallow choice by McGruder. I guess the point was just to get the idea across really quickly and Oprah does that, but fuck. She would be horrible.

This. The Dr King, R Kelly, and Obama episodes are some of the biggest examples.

>tfw the MLk episode perfectly predicted Black Lives Matter

>Watch where you walkin', bitch
>What did you just... Hahaha, wait a minute, I'm white! Hahahaa

>Rich black man tells poor black people how to act: The Show

In what way is Oprah a worse person than either trump or Hillary?

the xbox episode, that used actual rumsfeld quotes was absolutely amazing.


She's black

I would vote oprah over trump or hillary.

Thinking further, I'd take her over Jeb, Romney, Cruz, W, Kerry, Dukakas, and Mondale.





Oprah is just too dumb to be in a political office. She doesn't even know how fucking taxes work. Trump, for as dumb as he is, is at least knowledgable enough in that basic factor enough to get away with not paying any for two decades.

For every arguement ever made about racism and black people around the world, China is the great counter arguement.
>They were slaves!
So we're the Chinese

>They were kept in ghettos and uneducated!
So we're the Chinese

>They were held down out of jobs and people were racist!
The Chinese couldn't even speak English.

>Europe stole Africa's resources and over through their governments!
British Naval Diplomacy

>Cocain and Drug addiction destroyed families!
Opium wars.

>Your either shitposting or dont know what your talking about

This is Sup Forums, so it's probably both

>people still forget that Huey didn't vote for Obama
I hate to sound but if black people had redpills Huey swallowed his when he was coming out of the womb.

It's more like Y'all Niggas are Gay: the show.

Whitey reporting in, season 1 of this show was fucking amazing, after that it kinda went down hill, still funny though.

>So, Robert, I want to give you something near and dear to my heart.
>aahahahan I got you, from beyond the grave! Hahaha you'll never be able to get me me back!! Ahahaha

Laugh every time.

He was like 10 he couldn't have voted in that election at all

yeah, but the Chinese were not incompetent wastes of skin, and so they got over it

Trump has a 157 iq
But Oprah is preferable to most politicians anyway

>Eight years later and he was right

This is so true. What is it about white folk that make them have more self-control than black folk (on average)? Prevents them from killing people over a piece of chicken like the blacks do.

Wait, was this a stealth Sup Forums thread? Good one.

centuries of experience with building complex societies governed by law

She endorsed a memoir that was totally made up as her book of the month. She got memed into oblivion by old Sup Forums on her own show, on national television. If she were president, Iran could tell her they REALLY DO want peace, but that they're unable to get coal because racism, etc. and so they have to use nuclear power, and she'd direct all her administration's resources towards fighting international prejudice against Iran.

It's weird though because they behaved (for the most part) for a little while prior to civil rights and 10 minutes afterwards. What caused the shift? If they had stayed with the same mentality, we might have even been able to live harmoniously.

Wish there was an episode of Boondocks that showed what happened. That would've been pretty informative.

>Black Here
There a quite a few things that has made a lot of my people act the way they do. Some if it is being victim of circumstance and some of it is being influenced in very negative ways.

>What is it about white folk that make them have more self-control than black folk (on average)?

>Prevents them from killing people over a piece of chicken like the blacks do.

I take it you've never seen a redneck, a skinhead, or the average Wal-mart shopper in your life? It sounds like your basing your whole experience with race with how the media portray them.

white guilt works both ways

this is true. even normie white people like bros and Chads are quick to jump at the chance to fight

White people on Sup Forums like to pretend white people never do anything.

>Ending to the show was Riley getting chased by gays and retards
Why was Season 4 boring outside the Siri episode?

>on average

Reading comprehension?

>le race representative

How about you shut the fuck up and not speak for an entire race as if you're some informant from within.

You are part of the problem.

Jesus tumblr, as an insider he has a better understanding an more experience than an outsider would. Obviously you're some sort of livers shill, so why don't you go live in Detroit or Chicago? Go live among the people you defend.

You have no idea who that faggot is. He could be a black dude with white parents, or not even black at all.

The whole, I am *insert race* so listen to me is bullshit. Should I listen to Niel deGrasse Tyson on growing up in the hood, or Eminem?

it's not as if he made a very outlandish, controversial statement. And now you're imagining various reasons in his parentage to premptively discredt him. You're a bigger racist than the Sup Forumsfags.

I was letting them know the reasons why blacks from certain areas act the way they do i'm not trying to say "we niggers r dumb and white people are gewd"
But because of that i'm not black or have white parents? Thats just idiotic.

watch one fucking episode. Just one. You unbelievable faggot,
The MLK or Soul Food episode ideally.

It wasn't a "kill whitey" show but it was insufferable enough to further convince the average white numale that watched it to hate himself even more.

Luckily for them, blacks don't really cash in on the self-loathing like whites do. They're not really an empathetic people.

>>They were slaves!
>So we're the Chinese

The Chinese didn't suffer through chattel slavery. They were indentured servants, and thus went through an entirely different experience that had entirely different consequences on their culture over time. Yes, indentured servitude is a type of slavery, but attempting to compare the two is completely disingenuous.

hell, the way Sup Forums talks about white people, I don't even think white people really exist.

Because white people are known for being super empathetic, like you, I'm sure

Usually The Boondocks threads are really good and have levels of nuanced discussion much higher than the average Sup Forums thread. Yet you all decided to make this one a bunch of Sup Forums bullshit.

Right here. And the show was fucking great for it. It had a solid run, season 4 aside.

>blacks don't really cash in on the self-loathing like whites do
Funny, I thought another narrative running around this site was that they did when it came to being ashamed of their history.
>insufferable enough to further convince the average white numale that watched it to hate himself even more.
Some how the show's fault and not the idiot ,already self hating numale, that lacks critical thinking skills?
Jesus Christ

I mean he has a point. A lot of people grow up in poverty with very little way out and they grow up idolizing the gangbangers in their neighborhood or the rappers on tv/radio who tell them the only way out is to be a criminal.


>Whites are so privileged they have to look and find oppression where there is none.
Really makes you think...


>I'm going to Canada
Oh, MLK, if you only knew how bad things truly are.

So what is the counter to "their entire country was divided up for centuries on end and ran by puppets?"

No sarcasm because my Chinese history is shit and my basic understanding is that they spent the majority of the centuries fucking themselves or forcing unification.

Those aren't white people.

They're (insert sub divsion of not real white people). And victims of the evil Jew.

Aren't rich white people the jews?

>the average Wal-mart shopper
that is in itself a really prejudiced thing to say.

>not really an empathetic people
Stop learning about black people on Sup Forums

the red pilled nigga was always to mad at other niggas for acting like ignint foos

The kikes work too.

In the 1800s like 9 euro nations literally divided up massive parts of china and de facto than them
ayy thanks for the memory

>it's a "Sup Forums thinks Bondoocks is their conservative black pal" episode rerun

Compared to the shit coming out now, like BLM, Boondocks is Booker T Washinton with a Ronald Reagan Mask.

It's too bad, because I'd love to see McGruders take on BLM.

He'd be for it, probably would feel like those of BLM need to change but still be for it.

People on Sup Forums really do tend to think the McGruder hated black people. He was all for the supporting the excellence of his people.

It's really a case of misaimed fandom on par with what Chapelle went through. Instead of people taking it as McGruder loving black people, and having pride in himself and his culture but seeing the areas where we're weak and need change, people are taking is some sort of fuck you to all black culture and the people who are a part of it.

>This is so true. What is it about white folk that make them have more self-control than black folk (on average)?

Uh, whites are spergy as fuck. I work customer service, and a white completely sperg'd on me the other day just because he didn't want to pay a fucking $5.00 processing fee. I even told how to avoid the fee, and he was like "no, that's too much work. That's what I called YOU for."

All he had to do was pay his bill online to avoid the fee. Whites have better self control, my ass. And don't get me started on loo in the poo's.

>Please make fun of me.

Yeah, I don't get why people seem to think you can't say things in your own culture/race needs to change, while not saying you hate your own culture/race.

If you're black and you criticize the black community you get called an uncle tom by retarded niggers and self-hating white people

None of the black people I've seen give perfectly sound, logical criticisms of black people deal with that.

Uh... no? The Boondocks wide success and acclaim (along with the success of the numerous black comedians who aren't afraid to criticize black culture) should be proof enough that you're wrong.

This show was made before you could pin it on your favorite buzzword "SJWs"

Why don't I ever see white people criticizing the so-called white community?

Oh wait, some of them do, but you hate those type of people don't you? I believe you call them "SJW cucks"

McGruder has been accused of being a racist uncle tom on more than one occasion user. He even had Al Sharpton do in person protests.

>no true Scotsman

>show makes fun of blacks and whites
>Sup Forums likes to pretend people haven't made fun of their own culture for comedy for years now.
>Think people still wouldn't like it at this day.