So what did Sup Forums think of this show?

So what did Sup Forums think of this show?

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>America isn't divided! Everyone agrees with me!
The current state of American politics and the Democratic Party can be drawn straight to him.



I thought it was funny in high school.
I graduated in 2006.

it WAS consistently funny throughout the 90s-early00's. It didn't have to get shoved into political PR wars and could just shit on everyone. Also had Stephen vs. Steven which was a great match up.

I prefer the Daily Shoah

>Stephen vs Steven
>Mo Rokka
I seem to remember it was about material more than agenda but who knows


The original "You should listen to everything I have to say about politics but if you actually address my arguments I'm a comedian and am just kidding lmao"

I thought it was funny
then I grew up

Mike E. changed my life, Sven not so much.

It was really funny when it was mostly satire about how terrible cable news was.
It was still pretty good when it shifted to frequent Dubya/Election jokes alongside Colbert's over-the-top spinoff.
It started going downhill at warp speed when they wouldn't shut the fuck up about Fox News and Glenn Beck and began using the shows as a counter-balance to push political agendas about things like super PACS and illegal immigration protections and masking their overly liberal ideologies as common sense centrism.

I stopped watching about a year or two before the boring black guys took over and completely tanked the shows.

But he would go on cnn and fox news. He also killed crossfire so bad that they basically stopped doing the show.

Yeah and every time someone would push back against what he said with any credibility, he would hide under the guise of being a comedian.

He bet conservatards out on a near nightly basis, so they lose their shit at his very mention.

It was the first heavily partisan late night talk show (although you could say it shared that the Colbet Report) and was sort of like a precursor to the whole hyperliberal/anti-conservative Trevor Noah/Seth Meyer/John Olivers that we have today. The ironic thing is that the cosmpolitan attitude and anti-traditional mindset these shows fostered are part of what's let the left crash and burn these last few years.

he's an excellent propagandist

Another thing to add: These were the days when liberals really WERE the counterculture. These were the George Bush days and the sort of de facto news source in much of the 2000s was Fox News for most Americans, and as outrage against Bush grew in his second term, these shows sort of became the televised "Breitbarts" of the anti-establishment left.

Some of it was still common sense centrism but the rest was Comedy Central mandated statements.

He had more credibility than a lot of cable news fucks but by the end it was lost.

Even when Colbert started it wasn't heavily propeganda. It took a while before it went that far. Definitely did go though, I like to think they couldn't afford Jon Stewart's complacency because he was good for many years.

What did he say that was so wrong? He also went after CNN as much as fox unlike the liberal faggot hosts today.

Peak Daily Show and Colbert Report (circa 2005 to 2012) was unbeatable. It absolutely destroyed mainstream news and buttfucked Fox News
Unfortunately, it also created the smug liberal who decided that reality had a liberal bias and that anyone educated couldn't be right-wing without being morally reprehensible

This is why we can't have nice things

I never said I disagreed with anything he's said I was only pointing out how he always tried to play both sides when it was convenient for him.

No, he only ever said this when O'Reilly would get buttmad and claim that it wasn't fair that Stewart would get pissed off at fox news for misreporting the news and having a bias since the daily show was clearly biased.
And then Stewart would laugh and remind him that the daily show is comedy satire and doesn't advertise itself as a news source

Pre-Obama he tried to play both sides most of the time. Playing both sides is the correct option for a news presenter. He didn't hide his jewishness or his liberalness but he also shat on them when the opportunity came up. That was a good time.

And O'reilly was less credible than any comedian, pretend news source or not. Whether or not you agree with O'reilly's beliefs he was a complete shitlord and fox news has really generally been shit as well. The right can't get any decent foothold in the media.

Product of its times. It was actually a good program during the Bush years. Staked its claim in the market, had a purpose, disbanded, end of story. Whether you like it or not, its legacy is intact.

That being said fuck jews and libs. white power.

This is accurate
It's funny how it's now swung to the other side, but the damage has already been done. Two extremist polar opposites who refuse to compromise and use strawman arguments and hyperbole

Excellent entertainment, terrific propaganda. Far superior to its successors.

>And O'reilly was less credible than any comedian, pretend news source or not.
And Stewart was explaining to him why this was
Stewart had credibility because he could always defend and articulate his views extremely well without resorting to just attacking the other side as a defense
(in the old days)

TV is going the way of the newspaper and organization in any sort of combined-political-spectrum medium will be lost forever. Interesting times.

It's a really smart tactic I'm not knocking him on those grounds, but he was in a position where he can never lose. He could go on every single night and trash Republicans 90% of the time (especially near the end), knowing that a lot of his audience was only getting their news from him, while simultaneously falling back on "well it's a comedy show" whenever someone called him out on it. It was straight up propaganda to get more people to join his side.

I like to think that someday on Jon's death bed he'll think back to the time he spent fucking with Bill O'Reilly fondly. A lot of his views were a call to popular common sense sort of thing even in the beginning but it wasn't always the hugbox comedy propeganda ministry. Future generations won't even know what they've lost.

They are actually pretty good friends, this is their debate from 2012:

Yeah, they both got pushed hard & pretty fucked over by their networks. I guess they're in the same boat now with the whole mess fucked to hell.

I remember seeing articles all of last year about how he was going to do something with HBO, but I guess that all fell through for some reason.