Hello,im Shelley duvall

>hello,im Shelley duvall

I hear from a friend of a friend who worked on the film.

Apparenlty kubrick and jack nichlson both fucked her and emtioanlly abused her


she played a great olive oil

Reminds me so much of my aunt its insane.
She is even in an abusive relationship and everything.

>Cut! Aaand one more take, Shelley...

Original bunnyfu

Shame what happened to her. Time and age are horrifying things

oddly, the role she was born to play

even her "ooooooooooh popeeeeeeeeeeye!" is perfect

I understood that reference

>Shame what happened to her. Time and age are horrifying things
How exactly did she go cray?


You leave my Bunnyfu out of this.

sounds legit

I'm so mad at Kubrick for bullying her!

Robin WIlliams is still alive

>TFW the Bermuda Triangle won't leave me alone

Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall.


Typical Jack

Why won't hollywood cast skinny, flat women like her? She is literally perfect.

It's a tragedy what Kubrick did to her. I don't get why he is regarded as a great director. He was a shit person and his movies should be considered as such.

Isn't this normal for all women?

That's bullshit. But I did hear in that documentary Room 264 that Kubrick has been known to abuse his actors emotionally if it gets them into character.


Supposedly he fucked with Cruise and Kidman on EWS since I guess they were dating at the time.

Well what's worse is she's bonkers in this interview. Otherwise I don't think anyone would keep posting.

They had a divorce before filming

Gosh I love Shelley Duvall

muh lankyfu

Why aren't there cute girls anymore like Shelley Duvall? Even a dirty habit like smoking still makes her look cute. It's a shame how she ended up.

A bunnyfu I saw recently was Zoe Flood, in Ghost's "Cirice" music video. Unfortunately not an actress.

Twiggy wannabe

>the role she was born to play
ha. was about to write this.

remember Twiggy in "The Blues Brothers"?

>He was a shit person and his movies should be considered as such.
>His achievements should be undermined by his personality.
Go back. Reddit is fucking gay.

crazy pusy