Why are all Marvel women over 30? Are there no attractive young actresses in Hollywood?

Why are all Marvel women over 30? Are there no attractive young actresses in Hollywood?

dirty 30's

there is something really off about her face

Is that Katy Perry's Mom?

Yeah, my semen isnt dripping off of it

I wish she was ON my face if you grasp my basic gestalt

She'd make for a fantastic hatefuck

Lizzy is in her 20s, fool

Goop is over 40

Because they play it safe and hire tried and tested talented actresses. They don't take risks (or cheap out) on unknowns.


Best Marvel girl tbqh

they know their audiences are young kids, which still have mommy issues.

young girls are only for the grown men demographics

Because Hollywood has no new stars

Yeah I must admit I've got a weakness for Jewish girls, but they age like fucking milk.

Women who tan that much disgust me, her chest looks like leather and cancer.

Dude, Elizabeth Olsen's 28.

Japanese potatoes

She was in her mid 20s when she appeared in Iron Man 2. This series has been going on for a long-time. And Olsen isn't even 30 yet. The black girl who's Black Panthers bodyguard or whatever is also in her 20s iirc.

So they can use cgi de-aging as a gimmick to get people more interested to see prequels involving them in movies years from now.


I miss 90s Goop

>there is something really off about her face

why does she look younger now than she did then?

>Panties don't have discharge on them

Immersion ruined.