Stanley Kubrick

Overrated? Underrated? Discuss.

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He made one of my favourite films of all time.

Human kino

Fucking this, I love this movie. Way better than the overrated Lawrence of Arabia.

Overrated also hack.

he was pretty good

He deserves the reputation he has, I really don't understand the flood of contrarians around here trying to deny it.

2001 is objectively a top ten of all time contender

Which movie of his did he think was the best?

>can't enjoy a film without trashing another
You are a pleb regardless of your taste.

His success was almost entirely because he treated actors like the vermin they are.

Pink Floyd of cinema. Amazing blend of artistry and appeal. Only hated by contrarians trying to bury their mania phase.

he disawowed that film.


Room 247

Watch this and see how Kubrick used every inch and every second to tell multiple stories.

That guy was the producer artist most try to be

Overrated among normies, underrated among connoisseurs

Eyes wide shut, I have yet to see a single movie like it

Agreed. Actually a masterpiece.

I feel like a lot of those theories are just people solving for x with an incomplete equation. It's literally ambiguous, so people having different theories is sort of the point, but there is a lot of projection going on where people fill in the blanks and then attribute it to him leaving intentional clues when it probably wasn't the case.

Like the cross dissolve of tourists into the suitcases being a metaphor for the holocaust? It's like conspiracy theory, but instead of world politics they're just using an ambiguous movie.


Paths of Glory is one of the best war films ever.

I cry every time i see that scene

that documentary is fucking awful

>Despite the film being a huge box office success, gaining four Oscars, and being considered to rank among the very best of historical epics, Kubrick disowned the movie, and did not include it as part of his canon. Although his personal mark is a distinct part of the final picture, his contract did not give him complete control over the filming, the only occasion he did not exercise such control over one of his films.

He actually got cinema and understood what made it a unique artform unlike the faggot Hollywood execs who push bullshit like Save the Cat and sermons by hacks like Mamet about how you should only write screenplays focused on stuff that "can be filmed" and has a three act structure and appeals to China and also ties in with all the other merchandise and toy commercials in your cinematic universe. Even if it generated some great films over the years, Hollywood ruined the scope for cinematic experimentation and originality with its proclivity for the preponderance of layers upon layers upon layers of braindead rules. Kubrick had the one rule that matters - "if it can be thought, or spoken, it can be filmed."

>before the internet
Rated just right.jpg

>after the internet
Moderately overrated