

This is probably pushed that way so you don't pay attention to the information in the film.

What information is in the film? What secrets and mysteries are contained within?

>what made it such a classic story in the first place

Is he not a cuck in the movie?
(((They))) are mad about him not being a cuck, aren't they?
I bet Lancelot's not even black.

>make a King Arthur movie
>surgically remove all Arthurian legend from it
>be surprised when it flops

I mean fuck, how are you gonna make a King Arthur movie without Merlin, Guinevere, or Lancelot? I'm not saying you have to remake Excalibur, but when you turn one of the longest-enduring works of fiction into "HUNK WITH A SWORD VS 2SPOOKY SKELLYMAN LMAO" you're setting yourself up to fail.

Just the fact that if you put markings on a sword, it could make it powerful. It would be even capable of expelling visible energy if blessed by a Divinity. The power of sacrificing a 'loved' one. Etc.

King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable were initiated Elites, pham. Not all fiction. I have no idea whether dragons were literal creatures yet, but it's possible.


not even passing budget costs, which was insane tho. this movie is like disaster to investors

I think the issue is that modern audiences don't give a fuck about King Arthur. They tried it in 2004 with Clive Owen and it flopped, so I'm not sure what made them think it would work 13 years later.

What do you mean 'What?' What's so confusing about if you put certain markings on a sword, it could become powerful?

I also forgot to mention the fact that souls can become passengers to other people.

It was a laundry scheme. Movie looks like absolute shit and most actors are mediocre ones from tv. Pretty sure half of budget was stolen

Jaxx is a terrible actor and I can't think of a worse person to cast as Arthur.
They got what they deserved.

Go back to /x/

i guess so, this looked like under 100 mil anyway

You just asked me what Mysteries were in the film. I assumed you were initiated by the terminology you used (unless you're not the person). I don't know anymore secrets or mysteries in the film, since I'm not initiated.

Guy Ritchie is money. I know his movies will be entertaining so the critics can sit on it and spin.

thats the problem, it made no money

Sorry, I'm not an expert on Scooby-Doo lore, you got me confused with someone else.

>Scooby Doo
That's exactly what they want you to think it is, pham.

They need to a knight cinematic universe. Would love Gawain and the green knight solo film with actual COLOR in the film

After Spider-Man Homecoming, Wonder Woman, Guardians of Galaxy 2 and Get Out
I never trust in critics anymore
Sayonara Rotten

You gotta have your review guy that you trust, don't listen to the mass media (((CNN)))

You the knight genre to catch on right now?
When pedowood hates white males and they would just make Gwain hispanic and the green knight a black lesbian

CIA was best character
Back Lag was /ourguy/
autist Merlin avatar was a qt

>modern audiences don't give a fuck about King Arthur

Is it that, or that they don't care about the faggot Jew revisionist King Arthur? The last one had Guinivere as some "stronk womyn", and this one has a nigger as one of the knights. NOBODY wants to see that stupid shit, and the box office demonstrates that clearly.

>everything that ever happens is somehow related to my infantile identity politics

to be fair, the reason they went and fucked with the myth lore this much was to differentiate themselves from the 1985 version (and which everyone will compare it to anyway)

the main problem was the actual story is not that interesting, even if it has its good bits like the whole dad subplot and the cthonic horror stuff

>virtue signalling is more important than proper casting

This is exactly why people have stopped going to the movies...

It was a bad movie on 10 different levels, it had nothing to do with a black dude being in it. You're a fucking retard and the world would be a better place if you killed yourself. Insert the gun in your mouth and aim upward toward the base of your skull for maximum effectiveness. Do something right for once in your life, make a positive impact. You can do it!

>the actual story is not that interesting, even if it has its good bits

I don't agree. There's plenty of room to work with in that story, and you could make an entire movie about just one or two of the quest knights alone.

What you don't do, however, is insert your stupid fucking leftist ideology by casting niggers or trying to convince an audience that some bitch is some kind of warrior badass. That's not selling any tickets, and is dumb as fuck.

who is to say some of king arthur's knights werent black or female or transexual?
there are no photos to know if they accounts of the events have been "whitewashed" by the patriarchy

You're both right apologize to eachother and look at your common ground

Casting a nigger was a SYMPTOM of a shitty movie, you sperging piece of human trash.

Why don't you go back to whatever shitskin nation you originated from and spare us all from your incessant whinging.

>who is to say some of king arthur's knights werent black or female or transexual?

Sir Thomas Malory....

who for all we know whitewashed or omitted mention of the knights of diverse backgroups

Does this mean you're not going to kill yourself? I'm genuinely disappointed. There's always tomorrow, I'm still holding out hope for you to do the right thing. I believe in your potential to make the world better, I really do.

Go troll on Sup Forums with your bullshit.

Does this mean you're not going back to your shitskin nation of origin? I'm disappointed. There's always tomorrow though, so I'll hold out and hope you do the right thing. Take some of your shitskin friends and family with you and make western white civilization a better place.

I doubt he signed any contract to tell the entire truth.


Basing it on The Once and Future King with more nods to and less sarcasm towards Le Morte d'Arthur while maintaining good production would go over well, don't you think? Realistic fighting alongside Merlin and gang's magic fuckery with good acting, cinematography, writing, directing, costumes, set, and all of that would be amazing.


This is now a delicate alt-right snowflake triggering thread.

>not gender bending king arthur like the nips

Personally I find the casting of a black man in this film offensive. I'm sure my fellow gentlesirs will agree.

It makes me so angry, but fortunately I have one of these babies with me at all times so the liberals won't upset me too much. Works like a charm. Who else here #spin4trump?

off by 1, checked & kek'd
based magapede reporting in!

>libs get btfo
>sperg the fuck out

I was so mad when a black dude was in this movie, I bought this t-shirt. I don't wear it outside but I proudly wear it when I'm making memes in my room every day!

I unironically love Guy Ritchie movies. It's a great pleb filter.

This movie is degenerate trash I would never watch it

Guys don't watch this movie. We have to take are country back.

Race war when?



Why do today's period movies make the characters look so modern?

The haircuts and costumes make them look like a shitty halloween costume.

holy shit I have the exact same hat!

I'm ready to fight fellow kekistani!

literally every time
The best part is she's so butthurt she's spamming the thread as if anyone actually anyone actually gives a fuck.

I agree with the point that Hollywood failed and tried to amp it up with pg13 + strong woman crap (kira abs kightley at the time).

DESU they should have hired zack Snyder and do a quasi remake of Excalibur.

I will fight the race war with you fellow based magapede
I am armed with teeth and claws and a ferocious roar!

Can I fight in the race war too? I look young but I'm almost 13!

I know that guy, he's 36 and still lives with his 70 year old father.

what pills ya on brah?

I'm on a shot, Invega Trinza, but that's beside the point. This is your way of 'discrediting' me and that's fine, you believe what you want, pham.

>do a quasi remake of Excalibur.

Anything other than trying to shove "diversity" into the story would have been better.

>literally every time

Never fails.

>Thread about a movie
>Trumpcunts make it about themselves

Nobody cares about your shitty country or your shitty president

But there was a black dude in this movie
It's literally white genocide user

>libs get butthurt because somebody rejects hollywood jew diversity casting
>make everything about Trump