Watching this at Sup Forums's rec. I'm pretty disappointed...

Watching this at Sup Forums's rec. I'm pretty disappointed. Lorne and Wes are entertaining but everyone else is completely boring. Aside from evil lawyer lady, there aren't even good waifus.

Why exactly are the Powers and Partners all up on his dick about his importance? Good fight or bad fight, he's just a vampire.

What season are you in?

Wes just gave away Angel's kid.

>there aren't even good waifus.

I think you have shit taste.

>stuttering autism is good waifu

Wasn't cute with the fat girl on Buffy, it ain't cute with the skinny one on Angel.

Literally a skeleton. Darla was better but her voice is a chainsaw to my brain. Glad to see her go.

>he's just a vampire
He's the most powerful demon to ever inhabit a human body and is being suppressed by a soul. His potential utility is obvious.

>darla was better

Strap in for Wes' character development. There's a lot of shit coming, but it's worth it for that alone.

>Why exactly are the Powers and Partners all up on his dick about his importance?
Because Angel can do good or evil and change the world either way. As Angelus he's too wild, which is why Wolfram and Hart never cared about taking his soul.

>actually having taste this bad
I refuse to believe any normal person can have taste so bad, so I'm just gonna assume you're a homosexual.


What if Gunn had a Death Note?

I mean, Cordelia was hotter in every way.
Yes even pregnant Cordelia.
Especially pregnant Cordelia

Nice to look at at least.

sorry to say but you'er waifu got blacked

Only in the boobs department. But Fred was better overall.


And Whedon'd

I'm not sure which is worse, desu.

Cordy is a bizarre case in that I can look at her and think she's objectively attractive yet I don't find her sexy at all.


It's because you have been exposed to her personality. I actually unironically like harmony and her semi-canon story post-show.

>It's because you have been exposed to her personality.
Same reason I can't enjoy Joss Whedon's shows anymore. Fucking rapist.

Only one who got Whedon'd was Eliza Dushku. He wasn't banging any other main cast members. Fans and low level employees were fair game though.

Yeah, fuck you too.

>he had with his actresses

I'd consider guest stars and extras to be low level employees. It'd be way too blatant even for Hollywood to be banging so many of your main cast, like so many people seem to think.

My guess is Dushku was his go to girl for the affair, and then after she was less available he started going after the occasional guest star in the usual casting couch way. "If you suck my dick I can get you a part in this episode" kind of deal.


I don't think he was banging many. Eliza wasn't a main.

He was way, way too obsessed with Amy and Glau. So obsessed I don't doubt he'd try to leverage something.

She was a pretty pivotal character for like what, 2 seasons on Buffy? Not necessarily a main character, but definitely an important one for a little bit. But I agree, he wasn't banging many, if any main characters. (Though she was the main on Dollhouse and I'd bet my left nut he was banging her on the set of that)

Amy Acker I do not think he banged, because they're too close of friends to this day, you don't invite the boss who's dick you had to suck to get the job to your kids birthday parties. You just don't. He does seem obsessed with her though, but I think that's just in the unrequited ducky love kind of way.

Glau is definitely possible, she did start out as a guest star on an episode of Angel and then started appearing in all of his stuff, which is suspicious, but I don't really know enough about Glau or Firefly to be comfortable saying anything about it. I watched like 3 episodes and thought it was shit.

Never forget

This is some soap opera shit.

Near the end of S3 and I'm not feeling Wes arc so far. When does it get good? You stole the guy's kid, of course no one is going to listen to you. That's why you didn't tell them about it.

Angel is a dick, though.