Old characters

>This will never be a show.

half of the charm of the original avatar was that everyone were kids thrown into a world of grown ups and then seeing them mature (or stay innocrent) to adapt to it

Every time you get what you ask for, you hate it. Stop asking

Good. It would probably
just suck.

Fuck that.
Give me an Avatar show with the same premise as the Dofus show, with an old avatar retelling stories of his past lives to his grandkids or some other kid(s)

>Avatar 3
>Toph is still alive at 150+
>Dresses like Master Roshi

I've got to admit, I really like older Zuko's design in that, he's the only one who really changed his look noticeably.

>Sokka becomes a politician in the governing body of a fledgling city-state
>Zuko becomes the emperor of a warmongering nation and has to change it's ways
These would be very cool... As House of Cards/Game of Thrones-style adult oriented TV shows.

>Toph makes cops
This is the only thing I could see as an animated action show.

>Aang an Katara do... Something? Some non-specific "guiding" and travelling around? I honestly don't remember.

well Aang still has to do Avatar stuff and maintain balance, so it'd likely be quite similar to the 'town of the week' style show like season 1, Katara probably accompanies him on that, at least until the first baby comes along

>>Sokka becomes a politician in the governing body of a fledgling city-state
>>Zuko becomes the emperor of a warmongering nation and has to change it's ways
Why do they need so many swords and knives if they are peaceful politicians?


You know that Aang is never going to let them stab some niggas


Weird that he ended up copying his dad's hairstyle

Is that a buyable poster?


Why are Melon Lord's breasts so small?

She had some decent size breasts.

>You will never see Aang struggle to keep his dream alive in the midst of urbanization, pollution, and rampant crime
>You will never see Aang fight with Zuko over the latter's unwillingness to help protect their shared vision
>You will never see how Sokka came to the decision to leave the Southern Water Tribe and rise to power in Republic City with his wit and charm, while his rivals softly grumble about his connections to the city's founders
>You will never see the Gaang slowly come to their own, separate realizations about the horror that is Yakone
>You will never see Yakone's empire crumble as the city's underbelly descends into chaos as the triads fill the power vaccum
>You will never see Katara comfort Aang as he realizes that he traded one hell for another
>You will never see Toph furiously reprimand the warden of whatever prison Yakone escaped from
>You will never see a city in mourning over the passing of Avatar Aang
>You will never see Amon's arrival in Republic City and the slow growth of his underground organization into a force that will topple the government

>The Lin/Suyin storyline will never get fleshed out to the point it's not white hot rage inducing anymore

Why does Zuko have three swords?

A backup sword
And a backup for the backup
Be prepared.

The two on his back are his dual broadswords. I don't recognize the third from the series, but I imagine it'd be something smaller and more widely practical.

>Implying Yakone was THAT horrific

The show itself made that implication. Which I always thought was pretty lame. A mobster is a significant step down from taking down an all-powerful evil emperor after a 100 years of war as children.

tied up hair seems to just be how people in the fire nation wear their hair though, and for men there's not a lot of variation in that

Sometimes you need to shank three niggas at once


Seeing how LoK turned out i'm not too sad about it desu.

If Star Wars has taught me anything, it's that you always carry a spare weapon and a spare hand.

But Zuko can already shoot fire from his fists.

Why does he need so many normie weapons?

What if he fights a non bender?
It would be unfair.
Maybe he tosses the third sword to the opponent if he's unarmed too.

He was always better with swordsmanship than firebending

I want an arc about Sokka journeying the Earth Kingdom on foot trying to find his Spacesword

Chi Blockers.

fuck off retard

>You'll never see their adventures

>non-bender fodder

Fair point. Momentary stupidity on my part.

That's ok, surely it would suck

If you're expecting Bryke would've done better with this, you're the retarded one.

I'd rather see their adventures

>you will never see Zaheer rescue Pi'Li' from an evil warlord
>you will never see Zaheer rise through the ranks of the Red Lotus as a non-bender
>you will never see Ghazan realize his powers for the first time
>you will never hear Ming-Hua scream as her arms are ripped from her torso
>you will never see these young, powerful benders fail to kidnap a baby Avatar in an epic showdown
>you will never hate Unalaq even more than you do now, after seeing him betray the Red Lotus
>you will never see an anarchist Avatar, freed from the statist bonds that have captured the spiritual bridge for ten thousand years

it hurts

Oh shit, it's the Special Snowflake OC Squad.

>you will never hear Ming-Hua scream as her arms are ripped from her torso
She was born armless, user.

I kinda like the idea of a Red Lotus varient of Korra, maybe she could learn combustion bending and Lavabending aswell as specialize in the Octopus waterbending move.

blame the pic

I just want to see korra tear down the bending establishment of the city that her past life founded before moving onto the fire nation to truly exact revenge for the destruction of the air nomads

now I really want an artwork of a flying, water tentacled, lavabender Korra with the forehead tatoo

I like it. I also want to know if Zaheer is a better spiritual teacher than Tenzin, and if he would have more success with teaching her airbending.

well the primary problem for Korra and Tenzin was Korra's focus on the physical aspect of bending, this was caused by her essentially being raised in a martial arts training camp, of course she sees combat skill as the most important thing in the world, it's all anyone's probably bothered to teach her. Under the Red Lotus they probably would have spent a decent amount of her upbringing teaching philosophy and politics (in line with their beliefs obviously) and, for the spirit portal plan, some education on the spirit world. So the main block for her spirituality wouldn't be there

I guess that makes sense. I assume she would still get a healthy dose of combat training so she can help them topple the world leaders and their followers.

I'm glad. Bryke proved they are shit at writing without Aaron holding their hands. I'd rather seem them fuck up a bunch of nobodies then the original gang.

Isn't that the knife his uncle gave him that has an engraving. I remember he gave it to that kid in the small town but i think he took it back

way too large, that was like a penknife

Because Zuko is terrible firebender

Him being a mediocre firebender and still achieving his goals in life by becoming a better person is kind of where his character starts and ends.

Oh I didn't see it sticking out from the back

Most people don´t need a backup backup weapon. Then again, most people don´t need a back up weapon at all!

He was supposed to have gotten good at it after meeting the dragons, but he was still not allowed to win any fights.

Who knows? Maybe he was so damn powerful he had government connections and led an international multimillionaire business like the Russian Mob, the Yakuza and such.

I like to think she has huge tits, it's just the armor squishes them down.

>a walking scientific armory
>don't need a backup weapon

You didn´t quite get my reference there.

>Melon Lord
>her tits can be squished


How strong would your jaw/neck have to be to not only comfortably hold a sword in your mouth but use it to effectively cut people?

Anime strong

>Toph makes everyone hate her because she does nothing but whore around


I'd still watch it