Why did people hate this film?

Why did people hate this film?

It's pretty good for a monster flick

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its not even pretty good

its fantastic
nostalgiafags just hate new things

literally monsterkino

>When He Congs My Dong


I don't know what's worse cinemasins "analysis",the director of the film being a whiny bitch on Twitter, or screen junkies ( honest trailers) sucking the dick of the director on a recent video, while dissing cinemasins.

cinemasins is the worst

the director made good points about them being trash although you could tell he was butthurt

screen junkies is meh. their honest trailer was good since it was the director poking fun at himself and they're usually alright. they're not mean spirited usually.

their "panel" shows are absolute dumpster fires tho

The directors rant on twitter was so cathartic though. Cinema Sins is absolute trash and seeing an actual director shit on him was great.

The only thing it did well was hire Larry Fong

post it

its long

I just think that it's not very professional to whine about random YouTube channel on the internet

>Sup Forums tards taking the big bearded numale hippie director's side in embarrassing and cringe meltdown on twitter because some dudes tore his flick apart
pathetic, and the ultimate proof reddit has permanently infested this board, there's no coming back and shit like this is the writing on the wall. cinema sins is silly, but they did nothing wrong here.

Leave redditor

It doesn't affect his movie, so whatever he does in between his job is on his own time

t. cinema ass in

Is there even a more make-believe industry job than a 'youtuber?'

"""""""nu media expressionists"""""""""""

He speaks some truth but wew tweetfags are real autists.
>Posting a rant over 30 tweets.
Doesnt that miss the point of twitter?
One would think he could find a better place to shitpost his rant.

why didnt he let go of the briefcase

was it attached to his hand and i missed it

Ya it was alright, atleast it wasn't another retelling of the original

really? i enjoyed it a lot more than i did with nuGodzilla.

Brie & the chinese girl didn't need to be in the movie though.

I think the word you are looking for is indifferent, hate is a strong emotion. It's hard to feel anything about the film. It was ok n everything but forgettable.

i like it
i dont care what others think of it

It was very forgettable.The only cool thing was the spider. Kong was really shit, even Peter Jackson made Kong a better character

John C Reilly was shit, the rest was alright

Some people hated that movie, I guess that it was more interesting.

It's so obvious that CinemaSins is not meant to be taken 100% seriously, how are you guys this upset over it? They go out of their way to make it clear on several occasions.

Sometimes they are not funny but what annoys me is how some say that they disrespect film criticism.

It went full retard once Sam Jackson reunited with everyone else. It was fine up until that point (except for the shoehorned nigger chink pairing).

It was too boring to finish. Might have been able to get through it if Brie's top was white.

Roberts has some good points but he's also repeatedly saying "IT'S NOT SATIRE". Sure it's pretty bottom of the barrel in terms of creative input but the 'joke' is that they excessively nitpick every bit 'flaw' of a movie.
The fact that they go as far as to call them 'sins' while also having the nitpick of their own series as their youtube page video shows that they're having a laugh. Knowing all this I don't see how anyone can claim that their goal is to provide actual criticism or to spread negativity.

Generic cookie cutter baddies.

We've got a nornie here dude the sin part is in the title of the channel.
The problem is that some people take cinemasins at face value.

>generic movie is mocked on the internet
> Director "muh film criticism" and muh art

>be hipster director
>make a shitty monster movie with no artistic value
>claim it has any depth to it
>shitposting about movies: the channel gets around to making a video about it
>most of their jokes are, typically, taking very minute details and making a big deal out of them without any intention of criticism
>some of their points accurately depict how generic and badly-made the movie is
>watch the video
>realize you have no artistic integrity left
>throw a hissy fit

I genuinely don't see how people assume cinemasins videos are entirely and exclusively criticism. they clearly blend-in several valid criticisms (like the new trend of editing action scenes with 2 cuts a second, or like how the blockbuster oneupsmanship resulted in an industry-wide jumping of the shark) with many more jokes where an autistic persona is disturbed by details most people would ignore. I can understand le beard man for getting mad, he obviously grew up thinking he would make art and ended up making subpar blockbusters with a corporate leash, but the fact that the industry rushed to his support is disgusting. I think it shows that hollywood would rather shut everything down that indicates their steady decline than improve industry standards.

>Fighting a big monkey
>It ain't me starts playing

>the final monster is a gold elite version of the regular enemies

How come you can clearly see the sun when the island is supposed to be permanently wrapped in a storm system?

Felt like the plot was advancing a little too fast.