So when is this shit coming out, 2018 or 2019, and will it be overall crap compared to source like the two movies?

So when is this shit coming out, 2018 or 2019, and will it be overall crap compared to source like the two movies?

But Dredd 3D (maybe calling it that was why it flopped hmmmm) was actually pretty good. Maybe a bit too grimdark for source.

The only good thing about Stallone's judge dredd was the ABC warrior

I liked Stallone's I AHM THA LAW moment, the ABC was good, and there were some nice jokes "eat recycled food, good for the environment, ok for you".

I enjoyed Dredd 3D but it just had to go and make everything more "realistic" (armor, bikes, megacity itself, etc) to appeal to normies. Half of the appeal of Dredd comics is how ridiculous everything is. If they cut it from the series, it will suck, IMO.

Also Stallone > Urban as Dredd.

Which one kept his helmet on

Urban. Scenario's fault, not Stallone's.

After the two failed movies I have no faith we will ever get a good Judge Dredd movie/whatever.

Anyway, we already have Robocop and the Fifth Element and I can sort of crush them together in my brain to make it work.

Stallone almost would have been good if he just played Dredd. There was a bunch of good stuff in the movie, but overall it was garbage. The new one was the same really. It wasn't really Dredd, but they at least had the violence/helmet and Anderson stuff. A real Dredd was somewhere in the mix there.

It would be nice if some studio made a 2000AD, Heavy Meatl universe.

we got the best possible dredd in 2012. the series could be a nice bonus

Dredd was actually awesome.

They just fucked up the advertising by making it look like it was only going to be dude 3D lmao after many, many shit movies they used it as a gimmick on but Dredd used to enhance the move rather than try to paper over the cracks.

Dredd 3D can't possibly be topped, its downhill from here only

people like these are either extremely ignorant or just trolling. Dredd 3D hands down one of the most enjoyable action movies of the recent memory.

>new robocop
have you actually watched that pile of crap?

I've read all of the comics.

So I'm not sure what you mean by "ignorant". I thought Dredd 3D was a bad film and it wasn't a very authentic/good adaptation (maybe of the more drab stories, like America).

>recent memory

I can't think of a single good action film (not counting capeshit stuff like The Dark Knight) in like 15 years to be honest.

>new Robocop

Why are you talking about the Robocop remake?



Why was Nigel Farage in one of them and why was the political commentary so bad?

This is the first time I've heard of this. Is Urban coming back?

>I've read all of the comics.
>So I'm not sure what you mean by "ignorant".
Because Dredd 3d was a good movie, even if it was a poor adaptation.

>I can't think of a single good action film (not counting capeshit stuff like The Dark Knight) in like 15 years to be honest.
So you haven't seen either Raid movie, or John Wick?

Urban was a great choice as Dredd, but the movie was pure shite, made the idea of a multiplex war look like some low budget tv show episode.

As for Mega-City One, Dredd will be black, and anti-fascist, and Anderson will be hispanic.

Dredd 3D was a reskin of Raid.

Actually, when I said "All" I was wrong. I mean "all" up to the late 90's and sparingly through the mid 2000's.

I thought it was a bad movie - separate from any issues I had about it as an adaptation.

I literally hated both movies. I couldn't even finish John Wick I found it so bad/boring.

Scraping my brain, I guess fairly recent stuff I liked action wise would be the Ninja movies, the Besson/Li flicks (Kiss Of The Dragon, Danny The Dog), Born To Fight...I dunno. Not much I enjoyed I guess.

There's a streamline to modern action (and some horror) movies I can't stand - They're like barebones.

John Wick was shit, Raid, Dredd, Fury Road were great action movies though. Also that Korean movie about that guy who fought for every side in WW2.

Brothers In War or something, right?

Also I forgot Fury Road. Yeah, that was fantastic too.

Well personally i prefer Judge Dredd (1995) over Dredd. It has much more scope and excitement for me. Dredd's good but its ultimately just "muh grimdark" and watching it again recently i noticed that several scenes had a low quality TV level of quality. Still a good overall film but meh.

>Fifth Element
Now that I think about it, a Luc Besson Dredd movie would be pretty great, at least in the visual department.

>Also that Korean movie about that guy who fought for every side in WW2.
My Way

>So you haven't seen either Raid movie, or John Wick?
Both are trash.