A retreat has no 'Chinese values' – Dunkirk movie comes under fire in China


>Calls have been made in China to boycott the British war film Dunkirk after it was subjected to a heavy bombardment from critics who said a “disastrous retreat” does not conform with “Chinese values”. New Weekly, a Chinese magazine, compared Dunkirk to Wolf Warrior 2, a patriotic, all-action movie in which the Chinese hero overcomes Western baddies via a series of explosive and dramatic action sequences.

>“Wolf Warrior 2 depicts complete victory,” New Weekly said. “Whereas Dunkirk is about a disastrous retreat, which is very different from traditional Chinese values, so it will not perform very well at the box office.” Wolf Warrior 2, which became China’s top grossing film ever over the summer, has the tagline : ‘Whoever offends China will be hunted down no matter how far away they are.’


>"Wolf Warrior 2"

Holy kek.

Other urls found in this thread:


>caring what non-humans think about human endeavours

I can't wait until China and India kill each other.

Damn that's so true

this is why the west is falling and china is rising

Whats the surprise here? China has a conscript army it has regularly sent into suicidal wave assaults. There is a reason communist armies always need a commissar class to chivy them on.

If they see a British army composed of volunteers who's lives are actually considered valuable, then they are going to be confused, and they certainly arn't watching Chinese values in that case.


So China would have liked Rambo 3.

Damn, even in China they need to have the "strong female" trope

Literally who cares

based chinks

So basically they allow strictly propaganda and degenerate Transformers films?

cant fucking wait till china becomes the world leader instead of amerimonglers

well the Autobots always win don't they?

Suddenly everyone actually works hard and respects each other. Crime rates go way down, IQ and exam scores go way up. Masculinity becomes a thing again and being a pussy is worthy of shame.


the chinese government has deluded its billion strong insect population into thinking they are noble and strong, just like americans and brits. the chinese have poor self awareness

>just like americans

I liked a small conversation that happened between Matt Damon and the Lady General in The Great Wall. She, after seeing Matt's courage, says him and her are "the same", then she asks him how he became what he's now, Matt basically tells her basically what was a common story for many soldiers of that time, he fought for one king, then for another, for one flag, then for another, whoever payed the best. Then she angrily says "no, we're nothing alike"

we should have never let the chinks get a hold of our inventions

>this is why the west is falling and china is rising
Sup Forums why don't you leave for the rising china and work assembling iphones for 20 cents a day for the falling west

>A retreat has no 'Chinese values'

i have the first Wolf Warrior sitting on my harddrive now for ages. maybe i'll finally watch it.

anyway, average Chinese people do not share the same views of movies like Americans do. if you think the average American is a pleb, take the Chinese and multiply it by 10. most of them are culturally in a spot which a lot of America passed by already. they just want explosions, action, and patriotic movies right now. individual tastes and such have not had time to become as refined or mature as ours.

>wolf warrior 2

This shit is fuckin lit, that chink has a tank and gets pussy then raises family in mountains with strong labor and national pride 10/10

*blocks your path*

Should have stole gunpowder and genocided them tbf senpai

literally wonder woman

I simply don't understand how chinks can have high iqs but are completely devoid of any creativity or humanity

Don't delude yourself, they belong to the corporations and they gladly invest in China.

Do they boycott jap movies too?
70+ years later, still butthurt.

Why is China so evil?

Do you know what retreat means?

Chinese soldiers have still real value like patriotism, family and honor. White people are greedy and decadent

>The virgin walk

I miss the times chinks making kung fu flicks every month.
Do they even make good movies nowadays?

>individual tastes and such have not had time to become as refined or mature as ours.

*generates 1 billion USD box office for the minions, marvel capeshit and the emoji movie*

none of those things are part of chinese society
communism fucking sucks

Can't wait until the CCP collapses.


This exact thread was on Sup Forums a few hours ago, fuck back off there you rancid little cunt.


Chinese communists are fucking mindless SLAVES.

Get gassed

absolute kino, amerinigger numales will never understand it

>Chinese factory workers are now getting paid more than ever: Average hourly wages hit $3.60 last year, spiking 64 percent from 2011, according to market research firm Euromonitor. That's more than five times hourly manufacturing wages in India, and is more on par with countries such as Portugal and South Africa.

99% of mainland movies i've seen have been hot garbage. the only exceptions are art house stuff (which are admittedly phenomenal when good). but Chinese cannot into quality mainstream movies.

All communism is is numales.

Why don't you move to China if you don't want freedom of choice.

I want a buddy cop movie between these two soo fucking much

Chine is ~30 years behind the US in terms of culture. Right now they're in their 80's action movie phase. Give it 20 years and they'll start releasing true kino.

thats going to hurt them

fighting for whatever your dictator orders you to without questioning why or what you are genuinely fighting for is not patriotism. it's the human equivalent of being an ant.

>Do they boycott jap movies too?

>In China, Your Name became the highest-grossing Japanese film in the world's second largest movie market on December 17, 2016.[34] It has grossed US$81.3 million in China and is the highest-grossing 2D animated film in the country.[35] Its opening screened in over 7,000 theaters. It made an estimated $10.9 million on its opening day from 66,000 screenings and attracting over 2.77 million admissions, the biggest 2D animated opening in the country.[36][37] It also held the record for the highest-grossing non-Hollywood foreign film in China, up until it was surpassed by Indian film Dangal in May 2017.[38]

If those two don't still keep in touch I'd be very upset

Amerifats are slaves of money. They have zero value. That's why their empire is collapsing.

because im not chinese

i, unlike amerimongrels, love my country while being able to give the due respect to others

>itt buttblasted liberals mad that they cant stop the chinese dragon by welcoming refugees

>the patch is in English

chinese are incapable of anything creative

it's not about being behind. it's about having nothing in the first place

>what is autism

>he said as he gets deployed on his 4th tour to Iraq/Afghanistan

>not slaves of money

>the entire WORLD
>not slaves of money

what the fuck is your argument you retarded fuck
go back to leftypol you bootlicker

>I love my country
>even when my leaders do horrible shit and oppress and enslave me
You are the epitome of a cuck.

Say the ameriburger spreading wars wherever he puts his fatass in places he doesn't even know the name.

thats because you are uneducated pleb whos only knowledge about outside world comes from Sup Forums

chink art is great

>A retreat has no 'Chinese values'
>what is The Long March?

Lmao their current political elite LITERALLY acieved victory through a massive retreat through the mountains to escape annihalation at the hands of the nationalist forces.


A rush hour reboot.

Best post.

liberals support communism though

Didn't that guy who wrote that book on the wars, Shang Tsung I think, say that retreat was a valid option unless it would break your army's morale? Or was it that you should cut off your own retreat to really motivate them?

Lao Yang fucking BTFO

>I miss the times chinks making kung fu flicks every month.
Those were all from Hong Kong you donut.

fucking chink detected


>Although the arrival of the 10th Army succeeded at forcing the Chinese Army to retreat from Shanghai

>On November 19 Yanagawa ordered his 10th Army to pursue retreating Chinese forces across the operation restriction line to Nanking

>The mostly gently sloping terrain in front of Nanking would make it easy for the attackers to advance on the city, while the Yangtze River behind Nanking would cut off the defenders' retreat.

>On December 5, Chiang Kai-shek paid a visit to a defensive encampment near Jurong to heckle his men to keep up the fight, but he was forced to beat a hasty retreat when the Japanese Army burst onto the battlefield guns blazing.

>amerispics on full damage control when their hear the wold "China"
scared as fuck, lmao

>suddenly everyone is forced to work 12 hours a day, half the population is starving, the other half gets lung cancer from working in the coal mines, you're not allowed to believe in what you want anymore and getting tortured and murdered when you protest against the government becomes a thing again
Yeah bro, sounds sweet.

Damned if do, damned if don't.

thought they'd like it when westerners retreated like crying babies

not china because they arent their type of gay communism
the celestial empire is coming back paco and theres nothing you can do about it but take in more refugees

Gunpowder was re-invented in europe, chinks just had it earlier.

>some random guys says a thing
>no comment from an actual credit rating agency
>worthy of a news article

Does anyone know why the Chinese are so clever (IQ 106) but their media is so brain dead? Their tastes are worse than the average American red neck.. Is there any Chinese kino (not including Hong Kong)?

>'Whoever offends China will be hunted down no matter how far away they are'
nothin' personnel

china is their gay communism

Back to poverty little Ivan.

Never go full STEMfag.

IQ is calculated on hard science abilities, not on art or sense of beauty.

there are more english speakers in china than the us

wrong china hates muslims, buhddists and other minorities

You forgot the part where you literally can't access the majority of the Internet.

>but their media is so brain dead?
because they don't have free speech and free speech is silenced.

How the fuck do you not know this already?

delusional retard

>patriotism, family and honor

>Is there any Chinese kino (not including Hong Kong)?
Not much comes to mind. Mainland chinks are so shitty they have to steal real art from Hong Kong, just like how they steal tech from everyone else.

their entertainment is so bad the only fun they have is math

>le slit-eyed insectoid face

>it's been 178 years
>the chinks are still butthurt about it

The actual fuck?

what the fuck am I watching?

Story behind this one
My Google-Fu is failing me

this is one of my favorite Chinese movies, actually second only to Red Detachment of Women. it's comedic, but it also has a seamless way of showing you literally everything that is wrong with modern Chinese society. full of feels.

>there are more english speakers in china than the us
Yes, they all ching chong ping pong English perfectly

I'm just pointing out the photo you posted wasn't a retreat. It was a beheading. If you can't tell the difference, maybe English ain't your first language, kiddo.

shes hot

Japan is a million times better than commie shithole China.

IQ isn't what you think it is