Seriously, how many stealth marketing clickbait campaigns does Sup Forums host daily, and hourly?

Seriously, how many stealth marketing clickbait campaigns does Sup Forums host daily, and hourly?

How much of this board are actual people not being paid to promote discussions that create a false sense of hype?

10% real people, the other 90% paid posters?

The intense levels of autism make such a questions nearly impossible to estimate, but possibly 60 to 70 percent of the content here is paid material posted to project the idea that there is interest surrounded a movie, TV show, or actor.

Given that nothing is permanent here, and that everyone's batshit insane, I'd put it at 0% shills. T

yes because i'm sure hundreds of marketers want to advertise their movies on discount reddit when the real thing is much more accessible

It's hard to tell the difference between autistic shitposting pretending to be shills and actually shills.

There's a rvierdale thread that's posted everyday which is probably a shill

>All these "IT" shills
>all these anons obsessing over how "hot" one of the child actors is
>fetishizing a fucking clown

whats the point of shilling on a site where 80 percent claim they pirate.

t. marketer

t. marketer

t. redditor trying to fit in

t. marketer

Fucking atheists

none of us are that stupid, cats and cloister

we know it's you

i read op like 6 times trying desperately to figure out where atheism or anything even tangentially related to that was brought out in his post to try and piece together what the fuck inspired such a comment from you. i get that you're a crossboarding Sup Forumstard, obviously, no one hates atheists as much as you hugbox christfags, but you could at least bring your irrational hatred of atheists into a more contextually sensitive thread.

Every day, Jason. Exact same fake shit. You must hate being a permavirgin.

See people this a crazy autist so no there areo shills here maybe on Sup Forums tho

are you an insane person? what the fuck are you on about?

I genuinely believe threads like bigbrother and GoT are from paid shills

>are you an insane person?
Yeah, he literally is
He's Sup Forums's resident schizophrenic who thinks that every post he doesn't like is by the same person called Jason

well that explains things. i thought i accidentally followed some posting pattern from some jason person and he just assumed i was that person based on what i said. that was the only sensible conclusion i could come to, but it's comforting to know that sensibility isn't a factor here.

Its an old mem÷about atheism u dumb newfag

pardon the fuck out of me for not keeping track of every single painfully unfunny reddit tier meme Sup Forums has regurgitated in the past several years desperately and pathetically trying to recapture the magic of baneposting. i'm sure this one in particular was a real kneeslapper though.

Sup Forums:
>50% shit posts
>48% shill posts
>1% good posts
>1% blacked posts


Nah ive browsed those for years believe it has a lot of autism

>you're only being paid to like what I don't like
Truly, can you even get more autistic than that?

Jesus what a waste of money. Very few people actually browse or post on Sup Forums.

Nice reverse psychology, shill.

>He's Sup Forums's resident schizophrenic
I bet you would know about schizophrenia & seizures huh jason levy

It's 90% shills, 10% redditors and 100% fucking retards LARPing as the above two for (You)s

If ever I wanted to see a white girl blacked it was the bitch in OPs pic related.

If I ever wanted to see an user get brutally murdered it's the one who posted this.

OP, I know when you're in middle school the approach is "smart people can recognize conspiracies, therefore if I think everything is a conspiracy, then I must be REALLY smart"... so instead I'll just ironically say that YOU'RE a shill for some under-marketed thing who's trying to discredit all the other threads because they're your competition.

You can't prove me wrong, so you're definitely a shill, OP. Good job.

You overestimate the importance of this board and this site in general.