ULTIMATE FEELS - Father speaks with his new transgender son

Watch this man die inside


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Poor guy.

Dr.Phil is a scumbag.


>when you ignore the obvious psychological problems of your child
Deserves it desu

That's not the worst trap I've ever seen to be honest. I still feel really bad for the father. Poor bastard.


His fault for raising such a queer

Father acts like a fucking retard.

You can thank the left for this shit.

This world is fucked.

billy you wearing your moma lingerie again ?

Imagine your little boy coming out to you on some pathetic talk show, millions watching, as he tells you he wants to identify as something he clearly is not while you are branded intolerant for not enthusiastically embracing this pathological delusion.

So the kid decided to roll his chances as a woman rather than end up as an ugly Shrek-looking fucker like his father. Smart if you ask me.

imagine only giving your son attention when he does something outlandish then the son fetishized this in his head and dwells on it and becomes trans because of that moment


If the dad wasn't such a bigot to begin with his daughter probably would have felt comfortable enough to tell him without the show involved.

Imagine being a father in the current year, overthinking every interaction with your kids, crippled with fear wondering every time if you triggered some socially accepted mental disorder that will turn them into circus freaks with a 40% chance of killing themselves.

>not conforming to casually accepting mental illness as a trendy character trait makes you a bigot


the american story

The dad should just kill himself and fuck off


>needing a DNA test to find out if your kids are really yours despite both you and your spouse being white and your kids being black

Degenerate fucking coalburner

This thing is gonna get fucked in the ass until it get AIDS and then it's gonna commit suicide

quintessentially american

>comments are disabled.

wouldnt want to give voice opposing the narrative

traps are gay

how would you understand? you're probably a twink who won't reproduce. the only real goal we have as individuals is to ensure our genes are preserved through our offspring.

this man is having the appropriate biological response.

Are you protecting your own experiences onto every father-disappointing tranny?

Haha your son is a mentally ill faggot!

Well, he raised him.

shitty manlets who transition after puberty are, yes

No, watch the clip.

We can only hope

jesus christ it keeps going


It never fucking ends

Why don't we eat him then. If he acts like an animal, why don't we eat him??? Eat the dad I say!

I just had my first boy child, if he turns out a tranny I'll end myself. I can't imagine that feeling.

>anyone on Sup Forums talking shit about "breeding" or "we must preserve a future for the white race"
This guy just hates his son being trans and wanted Sup Forums sympathy bucks, he wouldn't have given less of a shit if his son was a bachelor who had constant safe condom sex or got into a relationship with an infertile woman

relax guys, this is basically just like going thru puberty


>he's a beautiful man

Holy shit, poor guy.

You should try doing that now

>he's a beautiful man

Better if you end yourself preliminarily - there would be one less conservative degenerate in the world, and your son won't grow up to be white trash.

Triggered tranny?

>projecting this hard
What he said is correct. The biological purpose of all life is reproduction.

Lol way to cope by shitalking a group of people on a chinese anime forum

he's a 50 years old man, he has not idea what your scary Sup Forums boogeyman is that keeps you up at night. And yes, he would want his son to settle down eventually and there are plenty of options for a surrogate with an infertile mother.

You're probably just a tranny yourself with terrible daddy issues and in that case you should seriously consider suicide if it's too late to transition back.

this is hard to watch

How can a woman be this fucking stupid?

I wasn't aware we were all slaves to biology.

I see you cannot refute the point. Cool.

Yep he'll be much better off with a single mom than an upper middle class life with a daddy, or as you call it "white trash."

Dumb AIDS vector.
In all likelihood I'd really want to kill myself but wouldn't, just disown him and forget I ever had a son. I sense a lot of resentment from you, I'd imagine your dad probably did the same thing when you came out and said you like wearing wigs and being fucked up the poop chute. I feel for your dad. But not for you, it was your choice to ruin your life and your parents' lives.

she didn't take the lie detector??? oohhh shytttttt

Then you are legitimately fucking retarded.
>i dont need to eat bro fuck biology

Why do alt-right always want to be slaves of the system? Whether it be capitalism or biology or what else, all the want to do is get bumfucked and have no control over anything in their lives.

I'm not even sure what this is supposed to mean.

I guess I haven't done enough mental gymnastics as someone who is ok with self genital mutiliation.

>Literally just says "hurr projection"
>brags about "heh I see you aren't as intelligent as m'e"
What did you actually mean by this?

>turn off commenting
Lmao what a bunch of oversensitive fags

>literally cannot refute the point
>desperately floundering in an attempt to deflect from his failure

Not once in the entire clip do they say the word "black". Is it racist to even mention that race exists now?

>biology is alt-right

you think going trans is resisting biology?

i thought it was 'as i'

Bumfucking isn't biology and it's more your thing anyway.

seriously Sup Forums, what would you do in this situation? No meme answers, I am genuinely curious.
I just don't see how someone can never speak to their son ever again because he's a fag. I assume eventually they all get over it?

>I wasn't aware we were all slaves to biology.
You've been driven by the desire to perform all your basic biological needs your entire life but never realized you're a slave to your instincts? Get a grip.

He's a big guy

Nice projection, you can continue shitting up Sup Forums with your Sup Forums shit then screeching
>Sup Forums? What Sup Forums xD gas the trannies lmao libtards

If you inject your child with test boosters and annavar while he's asleep will it prevent this from ever happening?


have my son killed and make another one

I don't want to generalize the type of men who become attracted to the sissy stuff. There must be alpha males who get caught up in the same thing.
However, when beta males turn themselves into sissies I wonder if they are motivated by the desire to have a more active sex life? Betas often struggle to get dates from the pretty girls and even have difficulty being successful with girls in general.
I consider myself a beta. I'm not terrible looking but I have shy and unassertive body language. I'm not very charismatic or exciting to be around, and unfortunately I have a smaller penis than average. When I found sissy hypno and it told me to be a girl and serve the alpha males, this had a powerful effect over me.
In a weird way it seems like a beta male feminizing himself takes the pressure off of his failures with women. The beta reinvents himself and develops a different mindset toward his sexuality.
I'm not saying any of this is good but I think for many betas it is the way they feel.
And I feel that in the future the sissy phenomenon will get worse before it gets better. Today's growing MGTOW movement will likely end up pushing many of those men into sissification.

>biology and basic truth make you "alt-right"
>capitalism = slavery, communism = freedom
Imagine being this much of a fuckhead

Imagine raising your son for half of your life, playing with cars, shooting, fishing, going on family trips, bonding with him. 20 years later he comes out as monstrosity saying "lol just understand bro"

>test boosters
>to a child
He'll end up with testicles the size of a fingernail

I'm happy if you wish to continue making two line greentexts that aren't anything other than "no u" if that helps you sleep at night

Why didn't this dumb bitch just admit she fucked a black dude? Did she think they would fuck up the DNA test or something?


Why do the alt-left snowflakes think they are resistaristas that go against the status quo when they actually uphold it more than anyone else?

>literally cannot refute the point
>cannot accept this and pathetically tries to change the subject in every desperate response

Holy shit...
I could never bear the shame of being in public with him if my son did that to himself.

Being a fag is one thing, being a tranny sex toy for old men is another.

you're the one projecting if you think anyone who doesn't hold the same political opinions as you is a nazi boogeyman Russian hacker

>you said something I don't like
>i'll just say you are wrong and are suck


you fucking loser.

Well, if he did all that I bet that shit wouldn't have happened.


fucking shame, that.

>literally cannot refute the point
>cannot stop responding in a sad attempt to save face

nope they discover themselves during early teen years, but it's essentially something that's "been there" from as long as they can remember

all you can do is help them not want to mutilate themselves due to peer pressure from mentally sick trannies

Ah yes, having the desire to mutilate your genitals because of a mental illness should be praised and celebrated

>when you have zero knowledge on a topic but you still feel the need to share your opinion
xD Sup Forumstards

>cut your dick off bro

pathetic bait that could only come from a roastie

xD mental illness

>ugh you just don't get it

So you just plan on greentexting two liners of the same thing over and over again while talking about face on Sup Forums of all places

not go on fucking TV would be my first port of call.

They can't think for themselves, they parrot whatever they see in the media, and the latest meme now is tranny shit, so they're parroting it like the good little fucktards they are.

Something can be true for all of history, and then suddenly some media scum start telling them "This is the new issue we need to shill, you all believe this now, this is the new truth" they suddenly make that their new rallying cry. It's pathetic.