RWBY/RT General #934: When Halloween is Over Edition

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>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Don't believe their lies

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First for smug thugs

First for cardin is best boy

How's the whole hope thing going?

Pretty good

Arkos is best ship!

Daily Dose has arrived!

If the Cubs lose tonight can I join the whole Despair thing?

Cinder's lips in vol.4 look so kissable.


Sure, misery loves company.

It is quite nice!

Salem will reign forever

I wonder if we can some healslut Pyrrha

Are you rensexual?

Oh cow, did you happen to get that Olympian Pyrrha and MMA Jaune green text?

> mfw these hopefuls

My apologies I didn't get a chance to yesterday, I'll do some digging tonight.

>if RWBY was made by Shaft

yes very

Lips I...


A fun game would be to take turns locking a person from this thread in a room with Penny and to see how long they could go without trying to kiss, hug or fuck her.

>Listening to Podcast #400
>Edible dolls of the normal podcast crew
>Barb-"I can finally eat myself"

not if its for Ren you butt faggot

You know it

>yfw she has probably tried to at one point

I'd be fine just bullshitting with her to be honest.

Have you SEEN his volume 4 design?
I'm not attracted to dudes; But if I had a boner for him, it's really trying right now.

I want Nora to confess her love to him. And then I want him confess to her that he is gay.


Wot if Ren was actually in love with Pyrrha all along

I want him to be gay, or just say that he does not love Nora like that. Ren seems to be asexual to me.

pic related

Anyone got the M3u8 for the #400 podcast? This being an RT general as well

As you wish

Thanks user

>"hey user! Get down from there i want to spar!"

>A Faunus came up to the stand the other day

And that's how she fucked up her knee and returned 6 months later like this


How much have you spent on RWBY merch /rwbyg/?
I've spent probably almost 200 bucks on shit like a couple shirts and plushies. to be fair it's only that high because of shipping to my country and conversion rate

Man RWBY is one of those things that just get crossed over with everything isn't it

Ok so Klein represents ALL seven drawrfs

Does that mean Neo also has multiple personalities?

>The only 3 constants in Remnant. Grimm, Death and Texas

I spent around $120

>The jacket with Ruby on the back
>The plushie bundle which had a small discount,
>My sister lost one of yang's gloves while she was playing with it
>Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang t-shirts


do Penny figures exist yet

Daily reminder that team RWBY is 100% devoted to the God Emperor of Mankind

Stabby, Smirky, Smuggy, Cutey, Crazy, Shorty and M.D.


No eat shit ugly bitch

I've only bought the Roman Torchwick t-shirt

Lancaster soon

Weiss will fall to Slaanesh

>My sister lost one of yang's gloves while she was playing with it


I want Weiss to be aligned to Slaneesh

What if Neo is his daughter from an affair with momma schnee

Fuck, is that Adam on the right?

God the shitstorm would be nuts



Pick a decent chaos god at least ffs

More likely to be Tzeench, purely to her the sheer KEKAKU present in the Schnee family.

Yang/Ruby are probably a khorne double team

And shitty kitty get's nothing

What if Ruby started to put up Christmas decorations even though it's November and we still have Thanksgiving

death is a mercy

With Roman dead and Cinder benched, Ruby needs another foil to represent this season's theme

Master plan.

Ruby's not an Amerifat, she doesn't celebrate thanksgiving


As much as I may like Yang I like my bones intact.



Being British I don't think I would mind too terrible much.
But traditionally you do that on the 5th of December.

unpopular opinion but i honestly hate the art style in the manga

idk who the artist is or what other stuff they've done, but the art style feels so unrefined and inconsistent and fucks up the way the characters are supposed to look half the time (though Ozpin does look particularly cool in his few shots)

I would try to stop her!


They all look like fucking psychos

It's not really unpopular. Many seem to agree with you, especially with how he draws faces and eyes.

What I hate even more is that the past few chapters have only been 10 pages long. Waiting 1 month for 10 pages suck.


It fits quite nicely to the series desu

They look like my mom

Im mostly a big fan of how he draws Roman

I'd say Slaanesh is more fitting to her. Weiss never really participates in any keikaku herself, at most she's just a victim of it. Not to mention being a repressed rich girl makes her very prone to the temptations of excess, and Slaanesh has a track record of using and twisting people's desire for perfection and self-improvement as a means of corruption.

Oh god I've spent so much


£18.29 + £43.54 + $15.92 + $142.69 + $113.79 This is all for Mech/posters

£15 (Grimm Eclipse)

Then I went to MCM London to get a poster signed by team RWBY VA's primarily. But I guess I can't chuck up all the costs for that trip on just RWBY.

But buying the poster was like £13.54 and getting it signed by all four VA's was £60

So grand total of £371.89 or $455.34. That figure not including the cost seeing V1 in cinema because I couldn't find the receipt for that

>Marital Arcs.
If Ren is gay will this get more homo art?
Because I'm not gay but I'd love to see these two fuck.

Combo that shit nigga
>Manger, but replace Jesus with a turkey
>Horn of plenty with a star on the tip
>Lights in the shape of a pie
Plus it saves me time having to do that shit and I can alter things later

I like the way he draws some of the guys (Roman for one) but yeah, not a fan.

It only looked good in color.

Waifus will only break your heart

I got you senpai

I don't like the style either, it has some hardcore sameface and really screws with the consistency.

But it's non-canon anyone so

Fuck user.
Stop spending so much money.


Wait when was it confirmed non-canon?

To be fair, the fandom only seems to hate Adam.


I bought a RvB dvd once, does that count? I didn't even want it that much, but I'd never seen it in stores in my country before so I figured why not

I just assumed

Anyhoo it's going at a snails pace and set in the valley of who the fuck knows what happend V1-V2 jump, so

Shut up and go fuck your Tau harlot.

Destroy my hopes anons, will we have a real chance? Is WK good enough?