Headcanon thread

Hillary Clinton is president in SU's alternate timeline.

Other urls found in this thread:


The events of Marvel's Last Days Of is directly tied to DC's Convergence.

All the innovations from the Cold War and WWII were instead invented in response to gem catastrophes.

The highway system is to provide quick evacuation.
Cell phones were to track threats.

It makes sense. All white people in SU are retarded

>All the innovations from the Cold War and WWII were instead invented in response to events that happened approx. 5000 years ago

,>thinking retardism has boundaries

>It's another "I suck Trump's big fat dick" thread

and stay there faggot


>"I hate Hillary"
>"Ermagherd you support Trump!"
I am certain you have thought of killing yourself before, now is a wonderful time to revisit that idea.

>Still salty.

>caring about politics
I suggest you kill Hillary and Trump and then yourself before I kill all 3 of you

stay mad

Seeing you rape Hillary just became my new fetish user. Then I will both of you with a crowbar while trump sucks my dick

I've always been mad. I will have beaten to a pull while I rape Trump and my boyfriend won't stop me cause he doesn't want to rape me.

OW, edgy! Mom definately freaked.

Tumblr tier meme right there.
Why don't you just kill yourself?

Someone is being an edgy faggot today I see. You do know you have to be 18+ to post on this site, don't you?

This is sort of really pathetic.

I think it's a joke, user

>talking about childish politics on a man's board
Your the only teenager here. Go sick on Trumps dick and Hillarys pussy somewhere else you prepubescent faggot

Batman is still stuck in the life trap.

You need to work on your english senpai.
Does your mom know you're not using her computer for homework?

I don't know she is Donald Trump and she is busy sucking my sick right now. I will ask her after she is done


The election is fucking over. Why are we still having these threads?

Cause reddit and Tumblr fucktards are cancer

The United States government has a secret organization with reverse engineered gem tech (e.g: energy weapons and power armor) ready to defend the planet in case the Diamonds ever come back.

Said gem tech uses broken/corrupted gems as a power source.

You sound upset. Planning and unexpected trip back down south to your homeland?
Good! The first step is seeing where you messed up. Can you spot where you made errors in your previous posts?

I don't even live in USA your reddit retard. You should go back to the south it's called Tumblr.
And before you ask my autocorrect is turned on and just as retarded as you

Oh I get it. It's because she wanted to go to war with russia?

Serious diseases such as cancer don't exist because the gems cured them years ago.

>I don't even live in USA
Ah, now we're getting somewhere.
I would ask whether there are a lot of brown people where you live, but with the current state of Europe that wouldn't really narrow it down now would it?

I don't give a shit about politics you brain damaged neathertal.
I just love to shit post on every one. So please give me more attention

I think he means like Gem Monsters popping up or unexplained Phenomena like all the water in the Ocean converging into a spire that extends into the stratosphere.

Your tears are delicious, Tumblrina.

Retarded white people is precisely the reason Hillary DIDN'T win in our universe.

>I'm here to shitpost
No shit.
Your baiting lacks subtlety, and your shitposting is weak. Notice how I'm the only one responding to you? Everyone else can tell you're being retarded on purpose.
You have to work on making yourself seem more earnest in your beliefs to grab more attention.

This, now we need a new containment board for this faggots as well.

And she is called Yellow Diamond

Stay mad, cuck

I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. I hope the OP's screenshot was intentionally picked.

Enjoy the political gridlock. Rural America voted FOR the status quo.

This has potential. I presume Steven discovers this somehow and wants to deal with it but gets distracted by SOL stuff. Could be a whole season in itself.

Actually, its because Hillary is an even worse candidate than Trump, and she and the DNC burnt out all the enthusiasm for the D ticket with their anti-Bernie conspiracy and that conspiracy coming to light thanks to WikiLeaks. So it was Hillary and the DNC's retardation that caused the rise of the God-Emperor Trump.

>A man's board.

>Comics and Cartoons.

I use to send people messages like this when i was twelve. God I was such a faggot, but you made me nostalgic, underage bro. Thanks for that.

But you baited what does that make you user?

Would you like to taste my cock user? Don't be so clingy to orange dick. Try mine

Why not? Trump is here to protect the gays from the Muslims. youtube.com/watch?v=vkV9dXF3VR0

Gridlock? The Republicans might have two years, or more, to fuck everything up. They will have Congress, the President, and eventually the Supreme Court on their side. Everyone but the filthy rich will be fucked over in ways we can barely imagine.

fuck off Hillary

>Muslims have power
Thats just something the jews want you to believe so that they can keep you in line.
If every American carried a gun hhe muslims wouldn't set foot on american soil.
But jews want you to be afraid of Muslims and a the same time they also want gunless americans cause the Jews know that amercians are to retarded to carry guns.

Maybe SU will change its political thrust from INTERSECTIONAL IDENTITY ACCEPTANCE to grassroot opposition? That would be nice but liberals are too bad at not governing.

Yeah, Trump is going to be just a rubberstamp as soon as the president gig starts boring him in about six months. It's going to be that delicious Bush jr. bullshit again, all the war fetishists and the tranny fearing hicks and the cabinet billionaires pushing their ludicrous personal agendas completely unopposed

Maddie has one sided feelings towards raven

No wonder the Americans have elected a 5 years old. You are in the same demographic

>Hillary becomes president
That's also why all the states are different, she starts a civil war.

I'm gonna start working out I can be the Ayatollah of RocknRolla. How do you look in a loin cloth? I'm gonna need an effeminate bitchboy on a leash to drag around.

ITT people who get their political """"knowledge"""" from Alex Hirsch's twitter

I suspect I will.

Did you know Donald is the oldest man to ever become president? I doubt he'll make it to the end.

>Hillary is an even worse candidate than Trump

Not to a sane person.

That is the most ironic quote I have read in a very long time.

Fuck off Sup Forums. Only real adults watch cartoons. Trump and all his wackos watch beauty pageants.

People argued about the age aspect for Mcains entire campaign, now though if trump dies america will be stuck with creationist christian president which seems like a worse deal then trump

Forgot to add that only cartoon beauty pageants count as mature and trump doesn't watches cartoons so he is a failure and a loser either way.

Yeah, since they were too retarded to vote. Glad we're on the same page.

What, did Russia piss off Zeon of something?

In all comics, cartoons, tv shows and movies where a president is never shown or named, I will always imagine that my golden boy, Governor John Ellis "joyful tortoise" Bush is president, and all is right with the world.

please clap

get over it, nigger

>wanting a criminal, thief, snake as a president because "Muh Donald Trump is hitler"
Fucking beta

Stay mad forever tumblr.

To be fair Trmp is a criminal, theif, and snake but only on a relatively mundane Multibillionaire scale rather than holder of one of the highest offices in the Nation scale like Hillary.

His party hates him lol

He will get nothing done cause the houses wont let him.


Tell you God to suck my dick you retard amercanfag

Luckily now he's president and can make up for lost time.

Bernie Madoff is somewhere in prison thinking: damn I should have run for president.

Is this why florida is missing?

I meant it was ironic because C. S. Lewis said it.

...Fuck. This just keeps getting more horrible.

I am sorry, let me clarify. Many of the people who voted for Donald Trump were retarded white people.