Is there anything good about Asian Daria?

Is there anything good about Asian Daria?

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she didn't fuck Bojack

She is an okay person.

her husband

and she doesnt deserve him

Her neck freaks me out.

How else is she supposed to get the succulent leaves on the top of branches?


She's cute, I guess.

Kinda shitty personality though.

I guess hybrids can exist in the Bojack universe.

I really don't see issues with her personality.

She's a terrible, terrible person

But her parent are both human,so she just has a fucking long neck.

Not really.

she's a hybrid

her mother was a chickenneck

She's better than the rest of her family.

No her only potential use was cranking little mr. peanutbutters out her vag and she couldn’t even do that.

She's one of the better characters, I'd say, but she's just as flawed as anybody.
Mr peanutbutter is still the best though.

She represents the current tremdy generation aging and confronting their own unimportance.

That's a useful lesson and relevant archtype.

Find a flaw besides his taste in women

did she ever get shit from anyone for releasing that book against bojacks wishes? no?

Deeply set nuerosis.

He's clearly got some buried issues regarding death and grieving.

Its a hinderance to himself rather than to others though, which is why he's the fan favorite. He takes shit and gives none out.

No. But that's because it benefitted everyone but him and Todd, with Todd not exactly giving a shit how Bojack felt at the time. Which says a lot about the rest of the cast.

She kind of did in the Hippo rapist episode in season 2; Bojack told her it hurt his feelings and she had to apologize for that...although this was after she spewed a bunch of self-serving bullshit instead of admitting she did it because she was angry.


Her Cheez-It shelf.

Final episode is Bojack and Diane running off together after ruining everyone else's lives.

>first episode of the next series
>starts with a long rant from Diane about how President Donald Trout is the worst thing to happen to America

She's literally going to spy on and sell out her husband, this amazingly sweet and caring good boy, because she doesn't feel feminist enough.

>We don't know that!
This is Bojack, everyone makes the wrong decisions

his voice and what he says are just fucking annoying

His incompetence in ordering banners and signs.

That's entirely the fault of the employees he talks to

I always forget she's asian.

I just got done with the second season, do we ever see her family again?

What does Todd represent

She's into bestiality

I stop watching after they really made light with the abortion episode.

Was something about some dolphin made some reality show around her having an abortion and Diana actually says it was very informative. Fuck these feminist lefties. No unbias writers would that wrote those lines. Abortions are horrifying.

Welcome back, conservanon. The point of their tv special is removing the stigma from the act when you are either not ready or are unwilling to raise a child that will either be neglected, or improperly raised. Of course no one wants to have one, but if the other option is ruinous for all parties involved then it's the right choice.

Though I have a sneaking suspicion that this point will continue to be lost on you.

You seem to have completely missed the point of that episode.


the only reason i think this might not happen is because it's so obviously what's going to happen.

Literally every character on the show except for Mr. Peanut Butter is like that though.

>I always forget she's asian.
It's awfully racist of you not to be painfully aware of everyone's race at all times, user.

Season 3 did a joke about hipster racism, btw.

>do we ever see her family again?
Nope; she seems to have ditched them like Bojack suggested.

If the counter-argument to abortion is "it's murder" than "it's inconvenient", "I'm not ready" or "I don't want a child" are not answers.

That episode was soapboxing trash because it ignored the counter-arguments, straw-man'd and circle-jerked like a champ. Princess Carolyn's line to Diane at the end was disgustingly pious.

It would be in this show's style to foreshadow something into the ground and then not actually do it as a joke; see the blackmail pictures of Bojack fucking the former child actor from his sitcom.

But then they fucking better do SOMETHING with Diane in season 4 if they're still going to give her so much screentime. s3 a shite

>If the counter-argument to abortion is "it's murder" than "it's inconvenient", "I'm not ready" or "I don't want a child" are not answers.
It's the woman's body, whose pregnancy put her life at risk. Always.

A woman getting pregnant always bargain her own live a bit going through it, this is why, for the sake of her own life, she has the right to decide whether or not take that risk.

>That episode was soapboxing trash because it ignored the counter-arguments, straw-man'd and circle-jerked like a champ.
You couldn't be more wrong. The whole point of that episode was not so much about abortion itself, but to make fun of how the media treat abortion.

The risk of pregnancy being threatening to a woman's life was not mentioned in the episode. It is not why Diane got an abortion.

1. The risk always exist, whether it is mentioned or not.
2. This episode wasn't actually soapboxing a pro-abortion agenda,
It was going more meta about it as told here >The whole point of that episode was not so much about abortion itself, but to make fun of how the media treat abortion.

>abortion controversy is primarily about the health risks of pregnancy
I won't believe your lies, user.

Health risks are a factor but at the core it's about bodily autonomy and whether or not you think the fetus' right to life (if it has one) overrides the woman's right to make decisions about her body

>>abortion controversy


That episode was precisely about how badly the controversy of abortion is dealt with in the media.

I think At some point, technology might solve that issue.

If artificial womb get advanced enough, instead of killing the foetus, it could be transferred there.

This way, the woman get to still decided whether or not she want to be pregnant and the life of the foetus isn't terminated.

Problem solved.

That line got me thinking: if she was actually more like Daria she would have been a more interesting character, and you'd be able to see why Bojack can relate to her and love her more. She'd be smart and sarcastic and pessimistic. He'd love that.

Coupled with an assumption that abortion is correct. It mocks opponents of abortion but never proponents of it (given that the dolphin girl didn't really care about the issue, only how she could use it to promote herself). And then there's Carolyn's line at the end to hammer it into the ground.

>Coupled with an assumption that abortion is correct.
But it is correct. In the end, the woman has the last word on what to do of her own body.

>but never proponents of it
Have you seen the Music Video and how all the people who supported her were represented? It doesn't look like you actually watched the video.

you do know that this solves nothing, right?

Yes it does, it solve everything.

The women who don't want to get pregnant don't and the foetus isn't killed. How does it not solve everything?

That's right, the episode was circle-jerking while pretending to offer commentary on a political issue.

They didn't actually care about abortion, just fame - a favorite target of this show.

What was it saying? Smug churlishness about killing babies is uncouth and stupid...but that actually killing them is fine?

Like said before, it was making fun of how the media treat abortion.

I'm still calling it. Bojack lives. Diane commits suicide.

Well, I know I won't be happy unless SOMEONE kills themselves!

because fetuses turn into babies, and those babies have no safe options. clearly the birth mother doesn't want to be responsible for raising them. the adoption industry is a complete hellhole full of abuse and mistreatment of children that are caught up in it.

unless you're one of those conservatives who doesn't really care about any of that and only about saving the "life" of a developing fetus.

I'm not that user, but i would make a shit father. I am irresponsible and don't want to get children in first place. If i were to knock my girlfriend who doesn't want kids either, we'd make shit parents with a kid who'd grow up in an unhealthy environment.
No child deserves that.

He's not real ;_;

>fetuses turn into babies
>the "life" of a developing fetus

You are not making any point.

Bojack's teenage daughter kills herself because Bojack doesn't love her enough.

Bojack comes to an epiphany.

The following season, he doesn't change.

That's dumb. You're dumb.

You acknowledged that a fetus develops into a baby then described the "life" of the fetus with mocking-quotes. Inconsistent.

I guess I was being too subtle.

>What was it saying?

That Hollywood and the media that pursue them are crazy.

This isn't Aesop's Fables, user. There's no moral. They aren't advocating for abortions. They're taking the piss out of how modern media treat what are otherwise somber or unpleasant issues. They actually do this all the time in the show. It's rather telling that you get so triggered over this one episode.

It's an entire series of selfish people casually acting awful and only getting called out for it about half of the time. Being more worried about the morality of an abortion music video than the actual abortion is pretty in-line with everything else these people do.

My only question is, whatever happened to that sea cow Bojack banged at the beginning of season 3?


Or bribed with a few hundred bucks, I don't know.

Either paid off or killed. Might come back in S4 since they never addressed it.

Then why is there the part at the end where Princess Carolyn pats Diane on the shoulder and coos "You have nothing to be ashamed of".

Seems kind of out of character for someone so grumpy most of the time (and certainly in earlier scenes in this episode). Does she even like Diane?

The average young person.

Todd's importance is not really what he represents though. Todd is a living example of living a sitcom life. Bojack watches his own show constantly, and states he believes a sitcom is happiness.

Todd is Bojack's Kramer. Zany character who pops in with his own subplots. But while Bojack is unable to live his sitcom life, for example kicking Wanda to the curb and not chasing after her for a makeup like a usual sitcom trope, Todd is unwilling to leave it.

Look at how many sitcom subplots happen to Todd. Two girls to the prom, mistaken identity, wacky startup businesses that never pan out, taken away by the "cool kids" and needing friends to prove they care, turning a dramatic situation like being taken hostage into a drawn-out gag, and so on.

She nothings Diane, they've rarely interacted beyond her being her client's wife but Diane was her employee at the time. It was like her pep talks to Todd and Bojack, but not as enthusiastic.

Her VA is hot as fuck

Pics or you're wrong.

She's pretty cute.

She's fuckable

Allison Brie man, look her up, she's gorgeous, in a cute way.

The counter argument to it's murder is that legally and ethically an abortion before or at the 20th week cannot be considered murder because this is before the first possible point for a fetus to have any higher brain function.

We legally and medically consider brain dead people as dead, so the brain and higher brain function is the legal and medical decider of life. A 20 week old fetus does not have it, and cannot be considered alive. Thus, an abortion at that point cannot be considered murder.

Exactly the kind of thing that wasn't in the episode. Just "anti-abortion people don't want women to have choices" and "babies are icky".

It's the kind of smug masturbation that this show usually doesn't indulge in.

I'm going to be completely honest with you, I didn't watch the episode so I'm not going to say anything about the episode, or try to refute your criticisms of it.

I will say that the brain death line of argumentation probably wouldn't make for good TV, even if it is the best ethical argument for access to abortion.

She's cute, that's enough for Sup Forums isn't it?

Lenny Turteltaub makes no mistakes


She also knows people make gifs of her. The guys who ran Community knew the internet made gifs of her scenes so there's lots of nods and moments that are ripe for giffing.

This was a DVD extra I think.

considering how shitty her family is, she could have been way worse.

His perpetual stride to sustain an unrealistically perfect life. He has a darkness inside him, just like Bojack. And when the happy fuel runs out, he will be the one hiding from the world in Horseman's house.

>implying he's not the the best character
if they make him cry in the next season I will riot.

shut the fuck up
that wont happen
i hope

>you will never wake up next to him
>you wont feel his soft coat
>you wont feel his fit body
>you cant convince him to stay in bed and just fug you all day

i knew this and voted for the hilldog so the world can end

>It turns out Ronald Trout is actual a decent president.

Daria's pretty cute without her glasses on.

>He calls seasons "series"

>The Mouse
>Cuddly Wiskers

All of those are decent individuals