I'm worried about the reboot fever people have lately. I like having original ideas

I'm worried about the reboot fever people have lately. I like having original ideas.

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I agree Cartoon Network has fallen from grace in recent years.

I've been saying this ever since the network became TTG time but nobody listened

perhaps due computers and phones being the #no1 source for entertainment, TV just isn't as popular as it was in the 90s early 20s. Thus bringing ratings down, and thus having less to work with in creating quality shows.

Dan the cuck is gonna ruin rick and morty isn't he.


>Cartoon Network has officially gone downhill

You just noticed this now? Welcome to 2010.

>Dan the cuck is gonna ruin rick and morty isn't he

You can't ruin what was already mediocre.

I honestly never understood the appeal of Steven Universe. What am I missing?

You have to have a black guy fuck your wife or be a female overweight social justice warrior to enjoy it.

nothing, its generic tumblr trash

So I take it you want them to go back to CN Real again, right?

so I assume you enjoy it then?

How the fuck is the show generic? That's the last word I would use to describe it.

Don't confuse me with your bathroom mirror, user.

hey that would have been a better name for the show

This. It tries to be different. I mean, it's not good and it appeals to fat unlikable women for a reason. But to say it's generic is just incorrect.

Sup Forums will trash me, but it has a great story, great dialogue, characters and the music is the best in the business.





>Sup Forums will trash me, but it has a great story, great dialogue, characters and the music is the best in the business

Yeah, you're right. You are trash. But lucky for you Sup Forums has the biggest number of gay males and fat women with dyed hair so you're still not alone in your shit taste.

>How the fuck is the show generic?
Its called watching more than one show

>Show is nothing but copying tropes from anime and bad singing
>not generic

>bad singing


>posts anime

Steven Universe is a top tier cartoon, youre too blinded to see it