Die in fire Marvel, die in fucking fire

They are going to show how strong this empowered feminist woman is by having her DENY A HEROIC LOVING FATHER THE RIGHT TO SEE HIS FUCKING CHILD!

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Your first mistake was reading Marvel.

>They just copied and pasted her face it save time and money
>This book costs $3 bucks if not more.
>Its probably chock full of shitty ads too.

Its a wonder how floppies are even around anymore.

>>This book costs $3
Ew, what is this, DC?

but, wer da babby?

Why would she not tell him where his kid is tho? Whats the context? Yeah I'm curious but not enough to torrent the issue.

Wait, so they're breaking up Luke Cage and Jessica Jones? Damn, 616 Sue and Reed are the only couple allowed to stay together in Marvel.

>Whats the context
> context
> on a Bendis book

That's perfectly in line with the first Alias series

>a Bendis book?

>black man takes interest in his child
>whitey won't let him
Uhh, this is actually really problematic?

I really don't think you're supposed to sympathize with Jessica here. Part of her character has always been that she's kind of a shitty person and a complete wreck.

Doesn't Jessica have better superpowers than Cage? Then again he's been powered up since his headband days, he used to be weaker than spiderman in terms of pure strength.

Welcome to comics, fag.

he said a swear

lynch this fucking nigger
not muh

Nope, Luke is now stronger than Spider-Man and has bullet-proof skin. Jessica is nowehere near as strong, her only advantage over Luke is that she can fly (badly).

>retarded tripfag shitposts
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Then he should slap her around until she talks, then slap her around some more.
Where's my baby, Jessy?

I'll let it slide this time, it shows that he's REALLY pissed because he wants to know what the fuck jappened to his daughter.

All this toxic masculinity

Not according to Ewing.

First Issue...

I dont know if there's any big message he's trying to voice here. Just people in dramatic situations. Chill bro.


According to the future version of the baby in question who's Captain America in the future, "her dad was an unbreakable man and her mom was even tougher".
Might just be poetic license, but hey. Jess was also portrayed as bulletproof in Mighty Avengers, for what it's worth.

>reading Bendis

I don't really like this vulgarity in '616' stuff to be honest, even if the comics market in 2016 is for manchildren who thrive on it. Doesn't really matter if it's Luke Cage or not

Never read it, how's this series?

A comic book? By writer Brian Michael Bendis?

>A book by Brian Michael Bendis?

I don't think Bendis would do that to his husbando

>same question 10 seconds apart, about Bendis dialogue.


> tfw Jess Drew lost her babby cause she's such a klutz and is now raising JJ's babby

It's also unrealistic.

>BMWF couple breaking up
>father not getting the child
Which stereotype are we going for here?

You really don't understand how Jessica Jones- Alias works, do you?
She makes more mistakes and does more wrong than right. That's her story. Really. That's not invented subtext - she is a damaged failure.
This is wrong of her to do and she will see it that way. I'm sure she'll get off easy, but she's in the wrong here and Bendis- loving father of four Bendis- knows it.

The way it looks I guess he's going to make Jessica do horrible things but he'll make it so she was compromised or that she was doing it to save Danielle (who we don't know what happened to).

>baby is revealed to be a skrull baby
>they switched it in secret invasion
>she flips out and tries to have the baby killed

>Getting mad than Bendis Cage swears
>In the series aping Alias
I know your autism compels you to shitpost when you see The Hulk or Cage but for gods sake to it user like everyone else

Bendis aping his own work?

I wonder what kids would think if they saw old soap operas like All My Children and got super pissed at every time a psycho lady would kidnap a kid for revenge, kill someone and try to get away with it or manipulate multiple men to do some sort of evil caper?

I mean geez, just because some woman does something bad to a man doesn't mean its showing it as a role model, sometimes people just like seeing juicy tales of women being manipulative and cruel and men trying to deal and hustle in these streets.

Although to be fair I won't watch the Netflix season 2 because I can't stand Jessica Jones.

>white woman was raped by a colored man
>she wont abort because it's a sin
>she obviously refuses to let him kidnap the child
Marvel, Drumpf is proud.


Eh, interracial couples always break up. It'd be weird if they didn't.

It's not healthy being this delusional user, literally imaging a more racist plot just to make yourself feel better, stop being such a cuck.

>I mean geez, just because some woman does something bad to a man doesn't mean its showing it as a role model, sometimes people just like seeing juicy tales of women being manipulative and cruel and men trying to deal and hustle in these streets.

she was in The Raft in issue #1 of nu-Alias

so at some point she went full on supervillian

What happened with Luke and Jess? They getting divorced? Does Peter have a shot now?

Marvel books average around $4.99 nowadays for 21-23 pages of actual content with an ad on every other page.

Burn coal, pay toll

peter is getting gwen(s) in the spiderman event

jessica jones is gonna end up with iron man doom

interacial couples actually have a lower chance of divorce than a couple with a white woman

>permavirgins pretending to know about the matter

>guy rips off a car door
>same guy wants to see his child

woah black guy wanting to see his baby is unrealistic

this is the same universe where an african nation is a world superpower

they arent trying to be a carbon copy of our world

>permavirgin pretends to know something

See i can do it too!

>What is South Africa?
>What is Rhodesia?

Sounds like you're familiar with Africa.

Hillary Clinton is the President now; you don't have an excuse to be so ignorant.

so you believe wakanda is a SA analog?

friendly reminder before avx, MU wakanda was both more powerful than the entire NATO nations and atlantis.

I came here to post this.

>What is South Africa?
Not a superpower
>What is Rhodesia?
Nonexistent since the 80's


Guys, please.

I dropped Marvel a while ago. Is this a regular book or one of those "M for v serious, mature comic book readers only" books like Young Animal stuff?

its an Alias reash

so yes, mature audiences

Why won't he beat the bitch?
It's one of those cases where it's actually acceptable.

Super Strength + Super Strength = More Super Strength

Until I see otherwise, I'm believing that Danielle is a flying brick, with Luke's unbreakable skin, Jessica's flight, and is stronger than them both.

we really dont know why she is hiding the skrull baby or what she did to be in the raft

>"Is she alive?"

I know we're all too busy talking about about the interracial couple because Sup Forums is filled with Sup Forums shitposters and Sup Forums shitposters, but how about we talk about that line?

Whatever Jessica did, nobody else knows where her child is, and the father of her kid doesn't even know if his daughter is ALIVE!

Oh of course, because the entire dumb-ass gender can't be wrong or see how it takes two people to successfully raise a kid. How it's wrong to keep kids away from their biological fathers, usually because she wants to use it for exploitative drama-inducing reasons.

And she's having your typical sociopathic cunt attitude towards the whole thing that women LOVE to play with until they get their ass beat -- which was probably the point in the first place, provoke the angry violence that gets her cunt wet.

Late term abortion.

I hate you both, but your statistic only applies to white man/black woman

2 possibilities:

1. luke is playing hero again after being told not to. maybe someone tried to get back at him by attacking his home. she killed the bad guy (hence being in prison) and left luke taking the baby (which no one has seen since)

2. for whatever reason they fought and the only way she can get back at him was by kidnapping the kid and hiding it from him (explains the prison too)

When the fuck are business's going to realize that ads turn people off? You'd think someone would look at Netflix's success and be like "huh..."

I get it's extra revenue for them but it's killing the product in the first place which means no revenue for anyone. You can't watch TV anymore because it's nothing but ads. You can't use the Internet anymore because the ads will crash your fucking computer as they all try to load up at the same time.

Marketing is the root of evil in the business world.

Of course Bendis decides to ruin their relationship after another writer has stepped in and fixed his terrible characterization. Can't have anyone figuring out that these character can be fun to read about.

Go for a walk user.

I think they have to have been onscreen since battleworld for you to be able to make this point. They effectively don't exist right now.

The confusing part is she's also been tailing Miles Morales WITH Luke, and she's been in Hellcat. And that story where she rented a car and investigated Ulysses's house.