Harold: C'mon Rohnda you know you like me!

Harold: C'mon Rohnda you know you like me!
Remember that time at the cheese festival when you jumped on m-

What did he really mean by this?

Also general Yo Ronald thread

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Rhonda was really underrated,Hope to see more of her in the Jungle Movie

This was the best Harold ship and they should go with it in the future.

Big Patty was fun too but it's not the same, the contrast of this is good. Big Patty is too similar.

Rhonda was the school slut

>Lila was the school slut


>bad-mouthing Lila
Jealous much?

Lila was like the worst fucking thing in this show.

In retrospect, she really was. I guess they wanted someone to drive Helga mad with jealously after Arnold found out Ruth wasn't worth it? So they make someone who really is frustratingly flawless instead of a distant fantasy.

how is someone so badly clothed supposed to be the school fashion bitch?

t. Helga G Pataki

She had money

That's the reason kids tend to listen to others, even if they're wrong

Rhonda likes jewboys

Jews also have money and connections. He's perfect for Rhonda.

Gosh user, I'm sure that's ever so mean of you to say.

Lila was great in that sense.

Bitch like to stir the pot, you can really see it in the school play. Before giving up the role she slowly drags out Helga confession, then quickly backs off when Helga threatens to pound her if she blabs.

Her relationship with Arnold is 10 worse. I think there was an early episode where Arnold rejected her first. After that it's a cat and mouse game where she almost never loses. Again you can see it in the episode where Gerald sister follows Arnold around, Lila catches on and see's how long Arnold can go. In the end he confessed, but really she just gives him a 'fuck you' and throws up the dueces.

In short she is a villain with a small power level, who manipulates ppl into small victories only she can see.



Your aggressively bean-exclusive diet must mean you are constantly and uncontrollably farting

Kill yourself you fucking obnoxious phoneposter.

He's autistic. Let Lila have shit taste.

She jumped on his dick

Lila was the best part.

you adapt
Thing is though, patty's smart.. and nice. she's the kind of influence he needs
rhonda and harold would just have jerks for kids.

also, Rhonda needs to be dominated

She's basic but far from unfashionable. Her clothes fit her nicely and no doubt made of fine material. Perhaps they should have gone with a dark royal purple for her sweater.

In an episode where there was a cheese festival happening, there was a Tunnel of Love their too, Rhonda dragged Harold to the ride with a very coy voice.

Harold stole a ham in spite of being a practicing Jew
He is the ultimate alpha

more like a wild animal with no impulse control. he's destined to be a henpecked husband
i love how his mom's reaction was like "if you were hungry, i'd have made something for you"
like fuck kid, you're fat, i'm fat.. i've been making you all the food you want, and you resort to theft? what's that say about me?

Jesus user, you could have just called her a sociopath and that would have gotten the point across

Lila is Azula

>"You ever so weren't even a player."

Maybe she won't be so haughty in bed

You know Lila won't be in the Jungle Movie right? Bartlett said he's leaving her out so Helga and Arnold can deal with their feelings for each other.


Rhonda was best girl by far. Wish she got more episodes dedicated to her.

I kinda wish that episodes where she had to start wearing glasses stuck. The frames she had at the end were cute.

I see Rohnda as that type of girl who needed a little filth in her life.

Take for example, that time her family went flat broke. Took her a while be she finally managed to thrive in it.

Now take a look at Harold, slob of a human being fat, lazy, egotistical show off, but there's a kind heart behind those jelly rolls.

Putting the two together? It's like fuckin pickles in grape Jelly.

Just imagining what really must have gone on during that cheese festival. The two(mostly Rohnda) In a heat of filthy passion behind some cheese dumpster. Rohnda slipping off her black leggings her priceless lacey panties all the way from France or some shit and riding Harold's fat, chubby, hog.

It must of been perfect for them too, the loud sounds of the terrible carnival music playing to serenade them, the crackling sparks form the bumper cars being their fire works.

It was a filthy bliss between these two.

...I better stop before I green text a god damn story.

>...I better stop before I green text a god damn story.
You've risked reviving an ancient darkness, user.

Was this babby's first NTR?


Yeah I had a feeling back when it was announced and her name wasn't on it. Makes me sad.

If Harold was an athlete it might make sense because of what usually happens out there, but this opposites theory is too weak in this particular world. It makes sense in the Breakfast Club because of the interaction and dialogue we see. But just implying just doesn´t cut it.