I fucking love this movie

I fucking love this movie.

I want to fuck this lizard


I fucking love it too.


so would I.

She's so cute. My favorite part of the movie

Well that was fast.

I do too.
What was everyone's favourite part? Mine was Rango's talk with Armadillo dude after seeing the Spirit of the West.

>all the porn is gay shit with rango and jake

Two quick references

This one here

Also notice Rangos neck

I absolutely love the look of this film. Everything was so "ugly" and very gritty, but I love it. Such a great film, one of my favorites.


Not so much favorite scene but I love it was johnny depp acting like his old weird self and not fucking jack sparrow. To many of his roles after pirates he still has those mannerisms and it was nice to get away from that again.

This is something that I miss from animated movies

Everything is so sterile and plastic
It's even weirder when you have these really cartoony faces with these realistic hair and fabric textures... it really puts me off.

Yeah that made me so happy because when I first watched it I was like "is he supposed to be Duke from Fear and Loathing?" and then that happened and I cracked up.

Gotta be that chase/fight scene

>tfw I like chameleons but all the rango stuff is garbage

Rangos neck is bent at an angle like the poster for Fear and Loathing

>Dude, drugs! LMAO
Why is that movie considered good, again?

The journey user, its the journey

I know, I'm remarking at how I didn't notice it

Have you watched it?

you should read the book. the movie's messages were obviously too subtle for your little pea-brain.

a big part of the book/movie is the alienation of people who lived through the huge counterculture movement of the '60s, and how just a few years later it was all made into a big joke. thompson himself was an extremely pessimistic person because he lived through the '60s and this wonderful change that was supposed to happen crumble into dust. he killed himself because he didn't want to live in this world anymore.

I feel the same. I don't mind seeing these clean designs but Rango was a fresh break from the norm. I wish we can get more CG animated films with a different art style/direction.

You didn't watch the movie, did you.

Rattlesnake was one of the most badass villains in recent animation. If not the most badass.

>a big part of the book/movie is the alienation of people who lived through the huge counterculture movement of the '60s, and how just a few years later it was all made into a big joke. thompson himself was an extremely pessimistic person because he lived through the '60s and this wonderful change that was supposed to happen crumble into dust. he killed himself because he didn't want to live in this world anymore.
God, that's sad.
That last part about the change that was supposed to happen... If we had just followed through, would we have a less prudish and puritan society today?

Ah, hippy burnouts love it

Rango's is one of the very few G or PG animated films that I really do think of as being more for older teens and adults.

Not that there's anything in particular that kids wouldn't be able to take but the writing just doesn't strike me as something an under-10 would grasp or enjoy much.
Even the tone feels more like an adults film, even if the actual content isn't.

I like how he left the movie with a different perspective but still evil and intact.

He's a villain but he was a part of the world and story Rango and the townsfolk fought to protect.

Best part of this scene is the line "There's another one!"
You know Raoul Duke is seeing some shit on this trip.

I got bored of nonsense mumbling part of the way through. There was no substance or even a coherent story being told, just a guy on drugs having a bad trip.

>Even the tone feels more like an adults film, even if the actual content isn't.
I don't know, I'd call a sadistic snake with a gatling gun rattle threatening to squeeze the life out of someone pretty adult.

Rattlesnake Jake was so fucking cool, goddamn.

Seriously. Jake was fucking scary.

The animation in this movie was fucking stunning.

In the age of homogenized 3-d movies, Rango was a breath of fresh air. You can like the films from Dreamworks and Disney, but there's no denying that they kind of blend together at some point. Rango is something entirely unique and you'd be hard pressed to see a film like it.

How does one go about drawing Rango 34?

It feels kinda off. Like drawing Wind in the Willows porn or something. Just feral enough to make it weird.

It earned it's PG rating but it'd be a pretty sensitive kid who'd turn it off there.
There's nothing explicit.

So in terms of Character and Atmosphere detail, would this be Dreamwork's Zootopia?

It was nickelodeon and animated by ILM.

I havent seen this movie in years, my mistake

I wanna fuck this lizard then pop her eyes out as I'm cumming.


The bar scenes and Rango's confrontation with the bird.

There's a scene where Rango is giving some kind of pep talk and he ends it with a phrase among the lines of "What are we, ANIMALS?" which is followed by blank stares from his audience and a cat fervently scratching his ear like an animal.

Keep my waifu out of yer sick brain.

Most she deserves in some light bondage.

Don't worry, bub.

She'll be in good hands.

...I guarantee.