Sir! Sir! You forgot your usual XXXXL bucket of popcorn...

Sir! Sir! You forgot your usual XXXXL bucket of popcorn. You always get it so I was pretty worried when you just walked straight past me.

Other urls found in this thread:

Where. Is. My. Fucking. Diet. Coke.


> r.r..Robert! Oh it's so nice to see you again...yknow a used to call you a filthy n word but I'm sorry I just wasn't used to you... but now I am and
> wake up
> passed out in the popcorn mines again from exhaustion. Haven't seen Robert in months. Perhaps never will again
> "back to work cuck! Maybe if you work hard we'll let you eat the leftover cucumbers from the women only showing of 50 shades deepest... they get quite crusty hehe"
> me...

The popcorn, dahnald. Hand it over.


Keep the change you filthy animal.

These are secretly the best Sup Forums meme


oh man, arent you afraid of tripping? dont run on wet floors man... robert, youre always looking after me


WATCH OUT, ROBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!





>I know Robert usually does your crab legs but his mom just passed away. I hope you think mine are just as good.

You Finnish, Lane?

You're a good man robert when the day has come for the normies to be culled i will spare your life as a thank you for the many years you have served me loyaly now be gone sir robert the film is about to start and id hate to miss the previews

>Trump's Amerikkka
republicans will be held accountable

Hey user you forgot your popcorn. Here it---Whoops!

damn lane sup girl

>robert sits behind the concession stand and even though he is surrounded by patreons he feels cold and alone where has my friend gone he asks himself why has he abandoned me no he says user would never purposely abandon him something must of happend he thinks to himself tonight I'll venture into the cold dark mines and there in the darkness will i find my answer stay strong old friend roberts coming

M..maybe we can catch a together robert as friends j..justice league comes out in november if you wanna go see it with me

jeez you'd think that guy was european the way he didn't bother helping

I can't even imagine what all the boys down at the mines did to her while she served her sentence for food wastage.

Whoops, sorry, not liable

Why did no one try to stop her fall? she is surrounded by people and she was stumbling for a long time

>putting yourself in front of 120 lb falling out of control

Great idea

Be very... careful, now

Robert! I yell out i run to him and kneel down holding his head in my arms A..user don't speak robert conserve your strength its gonna be ok the ambulance is coming and for first time after 7 years of knowing each other robert brakes protocal a..user come closer yes robert you were always like a brother to me.... robert slumps down as the life leaves his body nooooooooo!

because she is in Vista, and it is prime bean time.


Sir, please do not litter! Please throw your trash into the bin, not on the floor!

newfag here

seen this thread before and joke itself is marvelous, but could some1 explain it and its origin?

She's clearly faking, it's some dumb teen thing to do, just make a mess by pretending to act retarded then have a laugh about it later.

Read up on Kinoplex Extended Universe.

Take your hands off of him! He was my friend dont you understand

And get accused of rape?
Fuck that.

>physically touching a stranger
wew lad


D-d-does Robert always has to die..?

They mass-produce Roberts to run kinoplexes, getting attached to one is like getting attached to your lunch.

>Ah, user no need to be so upset, touching as it is
>that was just my popcorn clone jutsu


Its some nigger in drag. He has compilations on youtube. I think it was on vine first. Just like every old ylyl thread on this site.

The Robert you know is cloned from the original Robert, who died in a tragic "accident" when building the Kinoplex. He also serves as a vessel for the soul of Lillith and there are numerous more disposable clones

I didn't realise Deus and the Wave Existence were in the Kinoplex

Robert what is the meaning of this do you mean to tell me the robert i knew and loved was synthetic clone?

... mine is different, and one day i'll get him out of that god forsaken Kinoshelter.

fucking racist cops

theyve gone too far this time

user, if you take Robert outside he'll just explode into popcorn. He was born in the kino, he dies in the kino.

Its biodegradable you dumb nigger, maybe if you didn't skip class you would know what that meant


FUCK YOU Sup Forums

Oh I remember when that was a thing back in college. Never got the appeal

I can always count on you

>tfw I can't afford a cinema falcon and have to take a shitty hawk instead

What is this, 2016?

The new hotness is Cinema Eagles

>this thread

Remember when cinemas were just cinemas?

Heeeey man I'm new here! Here's your popcorn haha. Enjoy your movie hope you like it!!!

did you even watch the video 10 times you fucking pleb?

clearly the only person who has vision of her and is in range is hat man but he would need to be an athlete to create enough burst to leap forward 3 feet to catch her

No, its so much better now that my cinema added the pool. I can now take a dip while watching kino.

Ohhh look at richie rich over back in my days i brought a vulture had him stealing hot dogs for men till the deaignated sniper blew him to pieces

What the fuck?


oui oui honhonhon, could ah eenterest yoo een zome popcorn or zome of ze finest fro-crabs legs fresh from ze waaters of bretagne?

Her ass when she falls down looks far too fat to be a man but I believe it is staged. why else would someone be recording then?

who the fuck is this guy
wheres robert

why is he so helpful?
truly a stand up citizen

Why did she age ten years in two?

and risk getting sued? lol nah thanks

And Sup Forums told me blacks were subhuman.

>Dave Chapelle
What other black men are literally /ourguys/?

uhhhhhhhhh can i get a uhhhhhhhhh popcorn

>Assuming the gender of the popcorn mine depth grovellers
Careful now user.

vhere is ze halal section?

Idris Elba


Mexican Robert when?



Hiya, user!

All blacks look alike to me

Thanks Robert! You even put extra salt on, just how I like it. You're the best.

>Name tag says Robert
You're not fooling me

Sorry, still calling you Robert.

kek I remember these

Would Vegeta Ted Cruz win against angry Colbert?

Depends on the amount of scoops vs delegates

why didnt we vote ted cruz for president

he wouldve been far more memetastic

Clearly fake

but thats her name you silly boys, stop hitting on her.

How does this work now? Do I fuck you while my wife watches?

We got an order for a replacement Robert unit at your kinoplex, courtesy of CinemaRobotics. Can I get a signature from the current manager of this establishment?

yeah, you're right, death is the appropriate answer

why do white people love paternal black archetypes?

Just let me head to the kinoplex's showers first

Fuck off already Robert

You gotta go back

>Here's your special order, sir. Sea bass served in a fine chili, as per your request.