Well Sup Forums the good ole US of A is about to enter dark times...

Well Sup Forums the good ole US of A is about to enter dark times. Post some comics that inspire HOPE and light a candle in the darkness.

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You "people" never explain why you think "le wwiii is going to happen because le happy oompa loompa man XD le upboat".

Enforcing laws, kicking out bankers, and ending government run slave trading are not "dark times".

Go back to >>>/tumblr/ or >>>/reddit/ or wherever you came from.

From your good friend and neighbor

Harley Quinn

Uh no? Hillary lost.


What are you referring to?

Sup Forums, I am disappoint. You've been dragged down by cynicism and the rhetoric of a right-wing demagogue who does not represent the values of the USA.

>Well Sup Forums the good ole US of A is about to enter dark times

No it's not.

It's not all hopeless, though. He can still be voted out in 4 years, as can a good chunk of his Congresscritters in 2 years.

>op tries to bait but has to keep bumping his own thread

Superman would be more likely to support Trump than Hillary.


Why? He's an illegal immigrant, and he has a corporate executive (who at one point, became President of the United States) for an arch-enemy. His whole beef with The Elite was that they were violent populists who went unchecked. What makes you think he'd ever like Trump, even though he'd respect the American people's right to choose the wrong President?

Oh, fuck off, Trump-poster. Trump's got more claim to being an elite than even most politicians. He was born rich, and he's gonna die rich. You watch: he's gonna leave you out in the cold while he makes himself and his rich friends even richer.

>wanting Hillary in power
>wanting the US to go to war with Russia

Putin recognizes Trump as the extremely weak and scared leader that he is. That is why Putin is trying to strengthen relations cause he plans to play Trump like a fiddle.

Instead we get to be Russia's cheap, $2 door mat, that they'll use to wipe their feet off on after they annex more territory.


Correction. A DAMN fiddle.


>implying supes wouldn't have worked with the bat to gather the evidence to convict both of them for their long and overlapping criminal history.

Finally a voice of reason. Anyone got that pic of Supes talking down that suicidal teen? Favorite superman moment personally

And then the FBI would just say we dont recommend prosecution.

maybe you're talking about the one where he spends the entire night there but who cares this one is good too

As far as the FBI and countless, seemingly continues Congressional inquires found, Hillary's only 'crime' is compulsively lying about mundane, unimportant shit.

Like saying you're fine when you've got pneumonia.

Love the SaleSupes, but America is on it's way to being great again. January 20th it really begins.

America will be made great again and there is literally NOTHING you can do about it


Hang yourself stupid fuck. Clinton was literally trying to bait Russia into proxy war at Syria by making a no fly zone.

She wanted also a ton of Americans on the ground at Syria, to be killed by Russians.

She was also pay for play Soros puppet.

>He actually believes this


Superman investigating corrupt politicians and businesspeople invalidates that newspaper reporter secret identity he's tied to. Unless I'm being an idiot and there were Superman stories about that kind of thing.

Das da one. I've got friends who are suicidal, so it hits home a little.

I actually believe what?

That Trump was far from the "outsider" he claimed to be?
That he isn't going to "Drain the Swamp" because he's the living embodiment of everything wrong with that swamp?
That he will never fulfill the promises he made to rural America to bring back the factory and mining jobs?
That by allying us with Russia, he not only hasn't caused us to avoid war, we're going to instead help Russia start wars?
That his plan to "Make America Great Again" will only send us right back into the recession that we'd just barely clawed our way out of, if not into a new depression?

Come on, just tell me what you say I believe.

lol nope. The shit the FBI found in the Clinton Foundation investigation was extremely illegal and could easily lead to her and Bill's indictment and arrest.

Assange himself said there's no dirt on Trump

At least nothing compared to, ya know Satan worshiping sex rituals, election rigging and child rape

>doesn't answer the fucking questions
I don't know why I even get mad any more, it never happens.

>Election rigging
She totally rigged the DNC, but the national elections a whole different story.

>non-argument after non-argument

there was plenty of election fraud being reported especially in Florida which is why it took so long for them to announce who won

Can we get back to comic quotes now? Politics are for retards who think they have a say in anything.

Lazy filename, but the idea of Superman flying to a highschool to sub a science class for a day seems like a funny idea.

>recession that we'd just barely clawed our way out of

People actually believe this/

Why would the entire establishment try so hard to demonize and stop him at every turn if he didn't represent some manner of threat to them?

OP was inviting this type of discussion.

Because it's true


How can superman fly?
Whats the official explanation?

Tactile Telekinesis.

We've been fighting tooth and nail to bring the economic recovery to the lower and middle classes, especially in the red states. Unfortunately, every time we've tried, their Republican and Blue Dog governors, congressmen, and senators slapped us away and told us to fuck off. We were lucky to get as much done as we did in eight years, and you're going to burn everything down in 100 days.

Because the Republican establishment, for all its many faults, knew that Trump was a funhouse-mirror version of them, and knew that he'd initially be very popular with the GOP electorate before he'd inevitably fuck everything up and sour the opinion of the American people against the Republican Party entirely.

The Democratic establishment, meanwhile, was indeed in bed with corporations, much like their Republican brethren, but at least they understood what a disaster a demagogue like Trump would be to the country, both in the short- and long-term. Problem is, they figured the Rust Belt was safe, that the Obama voters would come back for a hat trick, that the American voters were smart enough to understand that "where there's smoke, there's fire" isn't always true, and that the optimal solution was to appease the centrists. They were dead wrong, and now everyone will pay the price.

If you're going to act so childishly, then there's no reason to bother with an adult toddler like you. Just know that when your God-Emperor turns out to be buck-naked, you'll only have yourself to blame for not noticing it earlier.

Read this and watch this


Don't even say or do anything else till you have completed this video.

QUALITY animation, apparently. The Fleischer shorts requested that Superman gain the ability to fly because showing superman leaping over buildings all the time was too much work.

Whats that?

Just keep an open mind, things might actually improve over the next couple of years.

And remember: Sup Forums is always right.

Superman is willing himself to fly, rather than actively flying. Like the "super-hypnosis", it's one of those powers people would rather forget about.

>This faggot thinks that Sup Forums isn't Trump country.

>Trump is unpopular with the GOP, he'll never win the nomination!
>Trump is unpopular with the electorate, he'll never win the election!
>alright so Trump won, but actually he won't do what you think because I say so!

So much fucking backpedaling. What next? Trump won't really become galactic emperor?

It's true

Places like Sup Forums specifically lead to the inevitable rise of Trump. It's a shame how you grew so smug and complacent you all had to realize it too late.

Has nobody thought of a better power.
He could slay the multiverse with that!

Over the next few years, economically speaking, your probably right. Mostly because of all the work Obama and his administration put into bolstering it, which will spill over into Trump's presidency.

And, to his credit, infrastructure seems to be something Trump genuinely gives a shit about, and could get done, so that will help.

After that though? If Republicans gut the Dodd-Frank act like they're planning? If Ryan gets Medicare privatized like he wants? If Trump starts a trade war with China, hatchets the TPP, and/or fucks up NAFTA?

The years after that, we're going back to the fucking jungle.

And Sup Forums is only half-right, far more often than they deserve to be

Is Sup Forums really like that? Haven't been here in a few years. Back when I posted here it was just as racist and sexist as the rest of Sup Forums.

>We've been fighting tooth and nail to bring the economic recovery to the lower and middle classes

And what results do you have?

>And what results do you have?
President-elect Donald J. Trump.

>Because it's true

Just because you say it over and over does not make it true. Just means you live in a bubble.

Sup Forums was only ever racist to Japs because of the inherent insecurity about manga and anime far outselling comics and cartoons

otherwise the term Sup Forumsmblr was always perfectly appropriate

I mean people here genuinely enjoy Bioware games

I've been here all the while, and while it's not like Sup Forums(but what is?), I don't see where this is coming from.
All the tumblr shit is always shat on in Sup Forums.

If anything positive happens, it will be because of Obama's policies, if anything negative happens it will be because of Trump. I can't wait until 2020 when people will have to finally accept that this election was for the best.

The only thing Sup Forums hasn't been right about so far with the election is that Trump wins the popular vote and loses the electoral: the opposite happened. Though there are still votes unaccounted so it is still a possibility.

Out of curiosity, which opposing side of my statement do you fall on?

That we actually bounced back from the recession, hearty and healthy, brief case in hand, ready to get back out there! And that the whole thing was never as bad as it was made out to be.

Or that we haven't gotten out of the recession at all, and that things are as bad as they ever were, maybe worse?

Your average Sup Forums poster:

Who are you trying to fool honey?

Actually the FBI investigation found that Hillary did in fact store classified e-mails on her private server despite her claims otherwise. The only reason they didn't recommend charges is they believe she wasn't intentionally trying to break law and was doing so out of sheer incompetence.

Seriously, other than Marvel's bullshit, which gets shat on at every turn, and Steven Universe, which has other redeeming qualities, I do not get this Sup Forumsmblr meme.


>Trump wins against Sup Forums's most stubborn hopes

Not fooling anyone snowflake.

Hitler caused massive execution of Jews and people cried

Hillary caused the massive execution and ruined lives of innocent Arab and african civilians by literally supporting nut jobs

Trump wants to work with the Middle East (except Saudis) to undo the fuckery the previous bush, Hillary, Obama shit heads did

Seriously fuck you

>kicking out bankers



All issues are political issues.

He was unpopular with the GOP establishment. This contributed to his popularity among the GOP base, who were frustrated by the establishment that fucked them over economically, but which they continued to vote for because of continued religious, racial, and sexual pandering. He expanded his popularity by promising the impossible to desperate and job-starved Americans in the Rust Belt. We underestimated how little the adage "There's no such thing as bad publicity" does not apply if the bad publicity continues to be heaped on one person for decades-on-end. The electoral turnout after eight years has generally supported the party opposing the one in power (even if they only have the most public aspect of the federal government, the White House). And this was, all in all, a very low turnout election in spite of everything. In total, Romney got more votes in 2012 than Trump did this year, while the Obama coalition that brought him victory in '08 and '12 stayed home.

Thanks to the Congressional and state Republicans obstructing us at every turn, from the very second Obama was sworn into office, nothing of worth.

The GOP has two years to "Make America Great Again", as you all so love to say, before quite a few Congressional seats are up for re-election. Four years before your God-Emperor's seat is up for re-election as well. And if they can't do it in eight, the American people will view this populist demagogue as just another member of the establishment that fucked them over (albeit a loud and obnoxious one), and treat him and his cronies as such.



What hopes?
Show me an example of Sup Forums being identical to tumblr.


>otherwise the term Sup Forumsmblr was always perfectly appropriate
I remember threads for a comic based off of Brevik. I may be remembering wrong, but old Sup Forums would probably have supported Trump just as much as everyone else.

Your retard spawn of a board, /mlp/. No matter how much you want to distance yourself from it, it's Sup Forums's fault.




>Trusting MSM
>After this election
Do people even learn? This is pure speculation. Brianna Wu is saying how he wants to run for president, that has more founding than that article.



I see people unironically using people of color to describe niggers.

Sup Forumsmblr is a thing. Gas yourselves.

>expecting mods to do their jobs

>Sup Forumsmblr desperately trying to pretend they've always been right wing to avoid day of the rope now that their worst nightmare has come true

>he's legitimately implying that war is better.


>that the American voters were smart enough to understand that "where there's smoke
You realize you vote for Hillary, right?

Hillary is female Lex Luthor

Hey, hey, hey Mass Effect 3 multiplayer was a pretty good, but forcing you to play multiplayer in order to affect single player was stupid.

Sup Forums please calm down, here are a few options on how to cope with the next four to eight years.

>ending government run slave trading are not "dark times".
But he supports stop and frisk.
Our slave population isn't coming from across the border, it's in our prisons.

>he's legitimately implying that we're not going to go to war anyway, only this time with Russia instead of against them

I voted for Hillary to keep Trump out. Bernie was my preferred choice, and I made sure to vote for him in the primary.

Do you miss all the thread about people being triggered by out of context pannel?

>guys, I know a lot of you are scarred of this Hitler chap over in Germany, but if we let him just have Austria and Hungary I'm sure the Germans will be satisfied and leave it at that

I would have thought the results of this election would have united Sup Forums. We won the meme war and are bathing in these delicious tears. Don't you want to join us Sup Forums?