Will they ever come out of the closet publicly, Sup Forums?

Will they ever come out of the closet publicly, Sup Forums?

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lmgtfy.com/?s=a&q=is bradley cooper gay?

Just get the AI to work them out.

Nope. You'll just have to keep wishing, fuckboi.

offended? lel

Why would I be offended?

Renner?? Did I miss something on him?

He was just on Stern and seemed like more of a man than 90% of the male US population. Dude loves the outdoors/survival, weapons and building shit.

He's regularly spotted with his long-time bf.

Did you go out of your way to find the ugliest pictures of them you could? Hugh and Jeremy look particularly gross

Hmm. These four are included in the tight-knit community of Hollywood A-listers currently making the studios millions, and none of them can act in the slightest.

Why do you care?

>he is regularly spotted with another dude

Stop being an idiot. If you are going to try to come off as factual try using proof for once.

>renner can't act because I say so

Surely you are go to for these types of calls eh anonymous ?

It's pretty common knowledge, m8.

he's like marky mark and lets his pals spend his money and do cool shit with him

hiddleston and jackman are definitely faggots though

Dude, they fucking live together.

Renner is notorious for hiring beards, his latest divorce is because his contract with that beard expired.

Spotted the queer.





>any male friend is a homo lover
lmao fag

I'm actually femanon old enough to be your granny, faggot.

And no tits for you, whippersnapper.

>Kris lived with Jeremy and his """wife""" for over a decade
>Jeremy and Kris are regularly spotted together everywhere and Jeremy's girl is never seen

They're best bros for sure, if you know what Im saying

>Dude, they fucking live together.
so? lots of celebrities live together, taylor swift, karlie kloss, etc.

yikes, nothing worse than a dried up roastie

Taylor Swift is also gay though.

Whatsamatter, kid. You don't like jerky?


you are just full of cringe, aren't ya?

Kek, undeniable proof guys. Astounding work

tfw hugh jackman has 2 kids and has been married for 21 years. yeah he must be gay

So what you are saying is...you have a lot of smoke but nothing?

Aren't the two kids adopted or something

Jackman is definitely gay my man.

Ooo, good comeback.

>dumbass roastie thinks this is a battle of comebacks




thanks for the bumps

>no kevin spacey

disappointed OP, he should be the first to do it.

>the eternal roastie
just stop


Jeremy always looks gross

>Keanu Reeves dated a male

Is he bi? "She" is a he.

Are there any closeted actresses?

Jackman unironically likes young men

You don't even know

>Is he bi?

Keanu seems like the type that would roll with it.

>Jackman can't act
that's news to me, and no I'm not talking about Logan you fucking capeshitters


Plot twist. I'm actually not a femanon. I'm a Springfield steelworker.

Jesus Christ, that is the best passing tranny over 40 I've ever seen. Even has woman arms and hands. How the fuck did it get that much estrogen in the early 90s

It's humorous that no one ITT has even debated Bradley Cooper being a homo.

He's always spotted on yachts with younger men and very few women.

In fact, the private lives / behind the scenes shit at a lot of awards shows, etc. is absolutely vile. I'd say that 60% of Hollywood are vile fucking people, if not higher.


You're saying Taron has a chance?

Two adults living together when they're both wealthy enough to live separately is usually a pretty clear sign that they're in some kind of relationship. It's not like they're broke college kids splitting a cheap apartment, Renner is worth millions.

>the private lives / behind the scenes shit at a lot of awards shows, etc. is absolutely vile
what kind of stuff goes on?

wouldn't surprise me if they're fucking right now.

drugs, prostitutes, child sex rings, orgies.

You are trying real hard to make up for lack of proof. You may pop a blood vessel

Why are you so defensive? Are you Renner?

How does Hugh look so fucking ugly in some pictures and then sexy in others? Is he considered a hunk entirely based on his masculinity?



Just hilarious how hard you are trying to convince ppl with literally nothing to work with. Are you getting upset I'm calling you out? Then try harder

Bradley Cooper has an amazing ass

>actually believes it's far fetched that actors and theater actors are closet homos

really, user?

Many of the actors in pic related were at once closeted and rumored to be gay before actually coming out.

No Cruise, no Travolta, no Chappelle. You missed the mark on this one. Only 1 of the guys in your pic is taking it up the pooper.

A few are most likely power tops / bisexual and not bottoms.

I'm probably the only one who doesn't think Cruise is gay.

what's the info on this?

Alan Cummings is bi, but married a guy.

That was the first post I made in this thread...why do people here always assume that multiple posts disagreeing with them are made by the same person?

I barely see it too, but then again, I don't see him with women either. I just don't see him as as sexual person.

I've never heard anything about Cooper being gay.

bi isn't real, you either like dick or you don't.

But bi people like dicks?

>I've never heard anything about Cooper being gay.

he's 100% gay.

It is real m8, you can like one or the other, or both. It's more mental gymnastics to deny it.

Post proof? Or at least a believable rumor.

Spacey and Travolta are already pretty well known.

Actors in OP's pic are all still hiding their homosexuality pretty well from the media / fans.

>Post proof?
I don't have a saved folder user.
>Or at least a believable rumor.
apparently he's just seen with male "pros" around town, and doesn't really have a steady record with women.
I can't say he's gay from that I guess, but it's hinted at.

lmgtfy.com/?s=a&q=is bradley cooper gay?

lifelong bachelor?

Hugh Jackman has been married for over 25 years and has 4 kids........

Pretty sure Hiddleston is the only gay in this picture

closeted men have been doing that forever

Only guy I was surprised at was Wentworth. Also that bazinga guy is gay?

I didn't know that Niles and Lane were gays.

why didn't he have sex with his wife and have biological children?

I used to think so. It would explain his inability to make a real go at being an A Lister. Sad really.

Nathan Lane? The guy who somehow perfected the gay act in one of his movies. The guy from Broadway. You didn't Know he was gay?

Have you seen his wife? her eggs were probably dust by the time they met.
But seriously, that's highly suspect. Invitro fertlization between couples is usually a sign. I think renner also did that.

>"I have never had the pleasure of meeting Jeremy's boyfriend, but the fact that Jeremy is gay has never been a primary concern."
- Jeremy Renner's acting coach in 2010

I just hope this one is gay

do people think jeremy is handsome?

it's a tranny? give a name or post more

jamie clayton

Noones debating that. His face looks like a Cambodian face statue cartoonlishly squashed down.

Well, I'm not an american and I've seen one broadway play in my life, that being The Book of Mormon. Only movies I remember him from are Mousehunt, Austin Powers 3 and The Lion King


You're probably out of luck.

As the publicity act ???