What is the best body type for getting roles in Hollywood?

What is the best body type for getting roles in Hollywood?

It's mostly about talent.


in our current time, a boys. jews are pushing androgynous women as hard as they can right now for who knows what reason.

>gal gadot, a skeleton jew boy
>OP pic, an unusually attractive boy
>vikander, ugly boy


*ugly androgynous women
Milla Jovovich is androgynous but she's far beyond current hollywood standards

ridley always had a thing for androgynous women though

Because androgyny is hot.

You mean 'oral skills'

mmm i want to suk her niples

agreed but i don't understand why, can you explain it to me?

t.guy who jacks off to shemales

>Milla Jovovich is androgynous but she's far beyond current hollywood standards
he peak was 5th element
she was feminine as fuck

where is the vikander is ugly meme coming from

she not ugly but she isnt traditionally pretty either

>soulless black eyes

Slightly more normal looking than a fashion model, it also helps if the producer saw you as a kid, cause they are huge perverts.

>she not ugly but she isnt traditionally pretty either
her nose is off but other than that she's classically beautiful
again, she really isn't


Looks like that average hot aunt everybody has
Like yea shes is attractive but in a very every-day boring way

like someone in the pic is "hollywood" hot

The jew body type

OP just stop it.

you're waifu is straight up garbage and your threads are trash.

she's very plain

>classically beautiful

>tfw no spanish gf

Probably pic related.

depends on role producers want


sorry, but literally whoms't?

go back

The closeted homosexual male with a big penis, kind of body

sorry i don't know who your eceleb (assumption) crush is, but you should head on back to jewtube.

dude bella just gettin uglier by the day


The Frigidaire body

that is my fetish

That's Shekelman naked?

>she's classically beautiful
You wat mate?

It's Jenny Nicholson! Ignore the rude user here

Now she is a fucking stick too. Lost all of her thighs

she has the retardations

Hmmm?!? :0