Miraculous Ladybug

This show just started airing in Canada like a week ago. Is it worth watching at all?

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It's a fun monster of the week show. Don't binge it though.

Its French, so you know it's good.

are you a grown man? If not watch it

I've heard that if you like action cartoons, it's a breath of fresh air but still a bit generic or by the numbers or whatever. Also that it is a little more geared to girls.
I haven't seen it tho.

If you like slutty-yet-pure Catbois, yes.

Depends how kinky you prefer your tween shows.

It's fun and looks good

That's it though

Once you get use to the formula each episode is made from, it can get pretty boring.

Which dub does Canada use?

I want the catboi pussy
I want the ladybug ass
I want the catboy fucking the lady bug pussy
I want the ladybug fucking the catboi ass


the ideal show for bi people



Canada still shows cartoons?

It's a cute show with cute animation, but I mainly watch because I hardcore. ship LadyNoir.

That depends on what you watch cartoons for. It's cute and formulaic like a french Power Rangers, so if that's your thing, it's good.
It has some lore, but it's peppered throughout the series, but that won't be enough if you're a lorefag.

Not going to lie. 90% of the show's appeal is the sex appeal. Stupid sexy Catboy.

never change, Sup Forums

its a good watch so long as you don't watch it religiously. gives a little lore towards the end of the season, enough to garner anticipation for the second season

Catboi is worth watching and the creators know that. Poor little rich boy trapped in a gilded cage