Daily reminder being Lion-O is pain


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He was so fucking hot

I want him to barb me

The lost potential of that show was a pain

This not where I thought it would


Are you certain about that


Cheetara a shit.
He fucked up by not going with Wilykit instead.

wilykit get off Sup Forums and go call him

Those first two episodes were so solid and then the rest of it was so shit man. Waste of potential.

Also Tygra had one bizarre fanbase where they were pissed off that he didn't get EVERYTHING possible. These nigga's wanted him to get the sword of omens and shit. Was obnoxious.

None of this happened outside of your imagination

Remember the time Lion-O literally died, and no one really cared?

It did go to shit after the first couple of episodes and yes Tygra's fanbase had some sort of bitter resentment towards Lion-O. I remember from the Thundercats forum where they were bitching that he wasn't basically the main character.

>It did go to shit after the first couple of episodes and yes Tygra's fanbase had some sort of bitter resentment towards Lion-O. I remember from the Thundercats forum where they were bitching that he wasn't basically the main character.

you mean when everybody cared and they finally gave him props?

granted it backslid later

>Thundercats forum
you cant just make up a place with dumb opinions and then bitch about it. Sup Forums was always on lion-o's side and never stops bitching about tygra

On the bright side, at least we got some Wilykit.


Meant for this to go to


I think the creator came out and said Wilykit is the endgame, after Lion-O was supposed to go on a leave of absence for a number of years to train.

I have literally never seen a show nosedive in quality so hard. The treatment of Lion-O was essentially torture porn


It's so weird, i could have sworn the kittens were a lot older-looking, but i'm rewatching it now and they ARE kind of small, so I'm KINDA getting some of the resistance to the pairing.. but I drew her olderish-looking
Another thing I missed is that Tygra isn't fully-grown either. adult tiger men are a head taller than him just like adult lions are twice lion-o's size. but i DID notice lion-o's mom was taller than he is now, or roughly the same.


And as we all know Sup Forums is the only place on the internet where talking about cartoons is allowed.

That's comforting to hear, but not all of their future plans were so good. That whole 'no redemption for pumyra, she turns into a bug creature' arc..

you mean writers

>I think the creator came out and said Wilykit is the endgame,

Did they actually have any moments together because Lion-O was like a teenage when Kit was a child.

the only place where it matters a damn

>but i'm rewatching it now and they ARE kind of small

More than kind of...

She seemed to be the only one of the group who was actively concerned for Lion-O's well being, or when he fucking died and nobody gave a shit. I suppose the timeskip (10 years I think) could have further legitimized the relationship as moving to the next logical step

why does every modern action cartoon except for korra get cancelled?

Maybe it's one of those universes where kids are three feet until they hit puberty, after which they have a HUGE growth spurt almost all at once.

Star Wars Clone Wars went on for 5 seasons, and it's sequel is in it's third.

Take it as a grain of salt. Unless there's a source, i've not read anything about it from when the creators talked about their plot lines for season 2 and up.

well in fairness they're underfed street urchins while the others are well-fed royalty, a sage, and a high-ranking soldier

I don't know... I just wonder why they made her clothes so revealing, especially with how covered her brother is...

Because its cheaper and easier to make a 15 min LOLRADUMB!!!! piece of shit, amateur hour, youtube tier skit for networks. Also because liberals hate exposing children to violence and think theyre all retarded. Frankly the lack of action cartoons is turning future generations into pussies

because they stole these outfits from a trunk and that's what they found. clearly circus shit, that's an acrobat outfit while Kat is wearing some kind of... i can only assume a scout uniform.

bcuz they are cats and dont have the same kind of hang ups humans do.

Remember the very first episode of the original Thundercats everyone was nude.

This. First and only furry looking character I wanted to fug.

For you.

>we never got any bath scenes like avatar was allowed


A lot aren't that great, and unlike other shitty kids show you can't just put on random episodes whenever you want to

yeah pictures like this they look closer together.
or pictures like this

kotta didn't exactly get canceled but it did get its last season put onto online-only for a while. it got the regularshow treatment

Man the first episode was so promising.

I remember being so hyped for this shit. Goddammit what happen.

I have never been more glad a show got canceled.
I seriously hope everyone who worked on this shit got fucking fired.

Still seems like comparing a twenty year old to a thirteen year old.

The writers weren't talented enough to pull off all the big ideas they had.

Hey remember that time one of the show artists threw a temper tantrum on deviantart because someone tried to give constructive criticism? Or that other time the writers went full retard and really wanted Tigra to be the main character so they shat on Lion O at EVERY turn? Good times

>The writers weren't talented enough to pull off all the big ideas they had.
Wasn't it more that basically most people in charge of the pilot left and they handed the show off to a bunch of chucklefucks?

To me it comes off more like 11 and 15

>Still seems like comparing a twenty year old to a thirteen year old.
What's wrong with that?

3rd season never.


I was startled by how lame and generic Mumm-Ra was. Hell, his voice was terrible.

I miss this show

From what I've heard from interviews with the writers, unless you are big Tygra fanboy as they are it's probably for the best,

we'd need a 2nd first

weak, weak bait dude. 'random pile of food in the middle of an empty sand sea' tier bait


>act like an ass towards a creator
>be surprised he got angry with you

>Post something on the internet
>Cant be a professional about it and expect this kind of response

let's just say there's plenty of blame to throw around

Too bad the creators clearly wanted Tygra's cat cock

Wow no wonder thundercats died.
It's a shame I actually started to like it towards the end after lion-o had his spirit quest thing

It definitely took a nosedive in quality, but I didn't think it was that bad of a show.

>The writers weren't talented enough to pull off all the big ideas they had.
You mean the majority of writers weren't talented enough.

Reminder that the voice actor for Lion-O wrote the best episodes outside of the pilot.

Trips confirm 2nd season never

They only confirm we need it, you blind mole.

Damned shame really. I loved the character designs too. Wanted the show to be good and a few episodes were. Damned shame. If only the writers of the He Man reboot were in charge.

>He thinks it's bait

Mumm-Ra was ass. At least classic Mumms was entertaining.

Netflix like it or not may just be the savior of this kind of thing.

oh i see, you're a Brave and the Bold fan

I kinda want to support this, but shit's fucked.

Werent the original writers shitcanned after the first episode? I keep hearing this and it would make sense considering the massive drop in quality.

I can't believe there's no fanart of the kittens' younger siblings. unvoiced little cuties.

maybe don't look at the porn then

You mean like any time he had character development? Maternal Incest was better than the Cheetara and lizard dyke.

This didn't deserve an extension unless they got the writers back from the first two episodes.

>lizard dyke

If it makes you feel better their actual age isnt far apart. Lion-o in the original was just a bit older and then got aged up by magic in the first episode, and this one just looks older but is still a teen.

He wanted Bengali to be a proper mentor and father figure for Lion-O too, since they kept handing shit and accolades to Tygra for just being there.

The credited writer of the second episode is Tab Murphy, who continued to write later episodes for the series: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ThunderCats_(2011_TV_series)_episodes.

One needs only look at their parents' difference in sizes to see that the lion's share of their size difference is racial, not age-based

that said, I've been tooting that horn for a long time, and LIke I said earlier, having rewatched, the kittens are smaller than I remembered.

>their mom's face when she comfortingly tells them the only way they can help the family is to go find el-dara, and they fucking run away and she assumes they died and never forgives herself

somebody post the webm you know the one

I don't know what your talking about, but...

But we'll never get it will we?

Well, Hey Arnold is finally getting the jungle movie made, and how low the chance of THAT being made was?

A lot of those are ranged from the better episodes to complete shit especially the Tygra focused one.. They fucking had J.M. DeMatteis writing some episodes and even they ranged from okay to terrible.

Yeah but hey Arnold was actually popularbut whatever prove me wrong with those trips

I thought Mumm-Ra was cool, I liked him being some sort of ancient space warlord. Did the creators ever explain what his origins were after the show?

I think they are still hoping for another season maybe someday hopefully.

Otherwise, we would know how it ends by now.

The Wikipedia page says he's an ancient spirit of evil and considering all the characters are animals I think the original creators wanted to imply that man is the greatest of all evils.

>has to bring LEEEEEBURAALLLLLS into this

but he's clearly a bat
the idea of him being a fallen ancient spirit of evil makes a weird amount of sense.. but I always took him to be one of their worshippers.

I wasn't sure if Mumm-Ra was a human in this continuity. He has a snub nose like a bat along with the wings this time, he might be a bat person.

There was an article somewhere that said mummra created the cats though and snarf was part of a race of prototypes he created

I took this to mean he was once a human but idk.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is still going on.

Hey Im not the one throwing a tantrum across America

i remember reading some of that but I thought he had just selectively bred / engineered them from their more catlike state into their more humany state, and had been doing that with a variety of the animal races. it explains a lot about their variation

and it's shit