Is respecting women just a meme, Sup Forums?

Is respecting women just a meme, Sup Forums?

Or are there shows and movies about respecting women that aren't a cucked mess?

I've been MGTOW for almost a year and can't go about without a woman anymore.

Every great mind from pythagoras and plato to kant and sartre have had nothing but contempt for women.

>greek and french pedophile homos hate women
what a surprise

>I've been MGTOW for almost a year and can't go about without a woman anymore.
Gosh, it's almost like actively suppressing your sexual urges is stupid and unhealthy.

yes but not being a butthurt retard about them is too

-t. roastie

I respect women like I respect my dogs. I feed them when it's their meal time and play with them occasionally but if they bite me I will beat the shit out of them

i'zza meem

Is it finally time for Sup Forums to discuss Star vs The Forces of Cuckoldry?

t. debt

The thing is, I don't want hookups or short-term relationships anymore. I want something serious. I don't want to date a woman I wouldn't spend the rest of my life with. I want a family and all that good shit it entails.

Fapping is just wasteful. Casual sex is just wasteful. Sex is meant for your lifelong partner and the person you have children with. Just because you have the urge doesn't mean you should act upon it.

nice blog

No one cares you're starting to grow up user.

Don't you have Mexicans to be jealous of cuckqueen?

1. Don't fall for that (((MGTOW))) meme. Ever.
2. Have you had sex & been in relationships before?

He's obviously a retarded kid.

I have. This Saturday marks a year since breaking off my most recent, most successful, closest relationship yet. I was dead set on her through the highs and lows but just got fucked over in the end.

I guess "MGTOW" is overstating. It's more I stopped making a big deal over sex and relationships and just lived my life seeing that as a plus to an already good life. It's not like I didn't pursue a relationship or generally take interest in any girls in the intervals. Some of them are very good friends of mine now, in fact.

Dont know wtf this thread about, but i loves me some star vs the rules of 34

>I guess "MGTOW" is overstating. It's more I stopped making a big deal over sex and relationships and just lived my life seeing that as a plus to an already good life. It's not like I didn't pursue a relationship or generally take interest in any girls in the intervals. Some of them are very good friends of mine now, in fact.
Okay, that's a lot different and normal/healthy.
Afraid I can't help you with the rest, personally I'm not entirely convinced that romantic love isn't a meme.

Why are you blogging here normalfag?

This is actually a stealth SVtFoE thread.

>I'm not entirely convinced that romantic love isn't a meme.



no girl wants some fucking freak who looks at sex that way you fucking weirdo

>modern western women are whores

And niggers are black. So what.

I respect women.

I respect the old ladies at my church who make tater tot casserole and peach cobbler for after service and pat my back asking how I like it.


>mfw I dont give a shit about either but still have a girlfriend because she asked me out and I said yeah sure why not

I always.ost saved this but srsly back to