What Sup Forumsgirl could your girlfriend easily cosplay as?

What Sup Forumsgirl could your girlfriend easily cosplay as?

Are you a cuck for black men?

With contacts, probably Anna.




funny thing
cosplay accurately? nothing
cosplay with giant boobs, but be called an attention whore? EVERYTHING

the invisible woman


The Invisible Woman

captain marvel

Pic related


The Empty Hand

Just kidding, I don't have a gf ;_;


>"Not polite to point!"


>What Sup Forumsgirl could your girlfriend easily cosplay as?
Riri, and I guess Misty Knight too.


I always said so

Knives Chau. The comic version, not the movie version.

What's the difference?

When did Sue get her penis pierced?

My what now?



This is Sup Forums. Everyone here knows you're lying.

Go be a newfag somewhere else.

Freaking pedo bastard

Do you tell compliment her hair often?


You forgot your pic.

Thing from The Addam's Family

Sue Storm


If by "easily" you mean the least amount of effort possible, then probably Marcie Fleach.

What does her hair smell like?

well, she cant defeat a GOD but she looks like her, lol

Fuck, that was a good laugh

I needed that, thanks.


Easily? Erma, maybe Creepy Susie if we can find a way to deal with her incredibly long hair.

Probably Cammy from SF (there are comics, it counts). Short, blonde, kinda exercise junkie since we met, British accent.

She's taller than me and she insists on wearing stupidly high heels and dumb platform shoes to dwarf me even more.
I love my giraffe and I wouldn't change her for the world.

Slight envy

did you mean my ex?
any blonde character i guess, most likely gwenpool since she once dyed her tips pink


>it's a "virgins invade a thread" episode

No, seriously, how does can anybody be over 17 and not have had a girlfriend yet?

Underrated post

Jennifer Lopez

Marie Kanker, Raven, Shego, etc. You know the type.

We don't know the type, what type is it?

If she put effort into it? Zatanna. Lazy mode cosplay? America Chavaz

Those are two very different looking characters

The invisible women


this but unironically

How can you be proud of yourself?

Sorta thicc Raven

Its surprisingly easy.

>your girlfriend

my boyfriend could be constantine and has shown interest in the concept but has not read the comics.




I have a girlfriend and you don't, that's good enough for me

I'm not gay.

>genuine hourglass figure
>never quite grew out of her gothy phase

no clue....adult version of the girl from my life me?

we just found out she's pregnant and I'm about this close to freaking out about it. Not because I don't trust that she's faithful, but because the idea of father hood scares me to death.

Time to take take responsibility, daddy

The invisible woman

You have to post pics of your gf

You should be.


You kidding? that's exactly what the thread was made for, we all know it.


savage normie

you ever go to a high school where everyone ixs a different race from you?

The one that doesn't exist.


She's from central america but the skin tone, hair and eye colour are perfect. she also has a small frame with smaller breasts so the costume would fit perfectly (not to mention cute as a button).

>brown lovers
muh niggas

Migi from Parasyte

Using contacts.



It's not unusual when you're brown too

I know this is a bait post, but my excuse is that animated media completely ruined my pewrception of women and now I can't perceive anyone that isn't a legit 10/10 as gf material.

I've dated some 8/10s but it just doesn't cut it anymore

>Be autist
>Get bullied all throught elementary school.
>Spent high school in hiding as a result.
>Don't begin to develop basic social skills until I'm 21.
>23 and still have no friends.

That's how.

No girlfriend anymore.

The only woman I actually started developing feelings for dumped me 2 weeks ago, giving me the "we'll alway be best friends" bit.

I try to never be happy so that when I get fucked over it hurts a little less.

I have to guess you're 15
as if theres age has anything to do with this.

As much as I'd love to pretend we could pull off Wonder Woman and Aquaman, we're probably better suited for Jessica Cruz Power Ring and Kyle Rayner White Lantern.

So who could she cosplay as?

Are you me?

Just lift, bro

>She's 26 but looks about 15.
>Natural short redhead.

I've never been more blessed lads


Sounds shitty. I remember a few kids from when I was in school decades ago that would today be diagnosed as autistic, but back then they just tossed them to the wolves and everyone treated them like shit. It was sad to see.


I'm 63

>>I wish
She got the long blonde hair, but we're still working on the whole "costumes in the bedroom thing"