Does hollywood really think that adding in asain characters will make it sell in china?

Does hollywood really think that adding in asain characters will make it sell in china?

If they can act, sure. Unfortunately the only good Asian actors/actresses I see are South Korean. Jin and Sun from Lost are the only great Asian performances I've seen in the west.
The Chinese can't act for shit and if Hollywood wants to pander to chinks, so be it. I hope none of it sells there.

doesn't matter what they think
probably some of movie investors are chinese, so to get founds, they had to cast her

they prefer seeing white people, so i dunno why all these white dudes think asians in the movie will make asians go out and see it more

Going with this
Donnie Yen can't act for shit but he's a star out there so ofc they lumped in there like Forest Whittaker

Yet the movie still has a black person in it, and the chinese are literally terrified of black people, that can't pander to the "progressive" crowd and china at the same time, remember when people made a big stink out of Dr. Who?

They could have cut his scenes out for their theatrical run

>Dr. Who
fuck, I meant Dr. Strange

star wars originally was never even shown in china, it won't be popular there.

It also has concepts that legitimately turn Chinks into chimps, like ghosts and mysticism. they will go out and start killing babies and sacrificing it to the moon due to the emotional trauma seeing such things creates. There's a reason that the regime tries to ban anything with the supernatural in china

Name five Asian actors that aren't Jackie Chan

>China is literally afraid of black people
Stop making this up.

It might work if they hadn't paired her with a black guy

you must know how movie industry works
lets say this, of course there are diffrences but this is general thing in last decade movies

>studio wants to make movie
>they need founds, they find investors,
>usually 50% are american, 30% china, 10% other asian countries and 10% rest of world
>american investor demands to have people of color and lgbt cast
>chinese investor disagrees, thretens to leave. studio can't lose chinese 30%.
>they discuss and get to general consesnus. >people of color can stay, but for chinese market they limit/cut lgbt or black people use
>american investor agrees, rest is happy too and movie is created

finished movie contains:
-white lead
-people of color supporting roles
-pol/lgbt scenes, that conne be cut/censored in chinese rrelease
-simple plot with over-exposition, so can be easly translated to many languages

Why do you think there are no blacks in anime and thw movies over there

I think she more of a pandering to the "healthy at all weights" crowd.

He's right. Asians have some very weird beliefs about black folks.

I heard one time that some of them don't want to go near an African because they think their blackness is contagious. There's also an interview somewhere on youtube where a chink woman says if she ever woke up black she's going to kill herself.
China is very weird about blacks, but it's not all of China. Hong Kong is pretty good and friendly with them, unless you think them wanting to touch your hair and feel your skin is racist.

>Hong Kong is pretty good and friendly with them
>former british controlled place loves niggers
figures. dumb britcucks. to all honk kong chinks you arent british nor white so stop larping you fucking manlets.

They're fine with them because they aren't paranoid and ignorant about black people some mythical beast- they know they're people and a lot of them teach english there to high school students.
.... But at least your interpretation is more entertaining.

im reasonably certain that being paired with a black guy is career suicide in China

I'm pretty sure China doesn't give a fuck if there's asians people in movies(or any other race). Only niggers and white SJW do.

There's a black guy in Gantz

source: my ass

Did it work for Rouge One? That was blatant pandering casting those two asian fellas.

...she's vietnamese

Didn't Force Awakens under perform in China or is that just a Sup Forums meme

Jet Li
Woo Sang
Il But Jiang
Wing Wang Boo
Stan Lee

And China and Vietnam hate each other.

Hell, Vietnam loves the US in comparison.

What does anime.have to do with China?