What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

Nothing. She's easily in the top 5 KotH characters.

Unrealisticly high standards for herself, extremely fragile ego.

Fucking this


any oldfags have the RIP PEGGY HILL pic?

not much else to say

Dunning-Kreuger effect personified

"if i cant have (((thing))) NO ONE CAN"

Ugly, stupid, useless suburban loser who wants much more than she deserves because she was taught that women deserve everything.

ego as gigantic as her fucking feet
hank could have done better
peggy is actually on bill's level

ayyy dunning-kreuger in size 16 feet, lad

>Hank could have done better

A man should never go for a woman who can be his equal. Women naturally go for men who are better than them and can provide what they can't get on their own.

I miss comfy of the hill so fucking much bros it hurts:/

its the woman who willingly lost her virginity to a faggot but threw a fit when a girl forced himself on Hank in highschool giving him mono

extremely annoyed me that she never once fully let her hair down

you dumbfuck mobileshitter

your question is basically just asking who is peggy hill as a character


Shit meme

She's a liberal, duh.


Being a Boggle champion and two time substitute teacher of the year will give you a big head

>Peggy is genuinely likable in the early seasons despite her flaws
>At some point the writers thought it would be a good idea to make her a bitch
What gives?