It is time, Frodo

It is time, Frodo.

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to lick galadriel soles ?


Please tell me this is The Hobbit? Oh that's right, Gandalf is not white in the Hobbit. Fuck. These special effects are aging like milk. Everyone already agreed Gollum has looked like utter shit since like 2008. Would love to see a reboot of these movies, I just fear Hollywood would push their political agenda on it and cast black wash the cast.

Where the fuck did he go to, upper earth.


Is there any epilogue about Frodo in afterlife(or whatever the fuck its called) in one of them Tolkien's books?

He wasn't alone.

there is literally no god damn reason to reboot LOTR you absolute fucking plebeian, they are almost perfect movies. God I wish I could hate you to death for having such trash opinions you humongous fucking faggot, you god damn waste of space, you fucking shit eating troglodyte. You should probably just fucking kill yourself and try not to piss off satan with your shit opinions you stupid cunt

Uh, why did Gandalf get to bring friends?

Frodo and Bilbo lived out the rest of their days in what you or I would call a heavenly paradise, but died all the same.

Sam, Legolas and Gimli all went when they felt they were done in Middle Earth.

So where does one go when they die in paradise


>"there is literally no god damn reason to reboot LOTR you absolute fucking plebeian, they are almost perfect movies"

>Legolas riding his shield like a snowboard and taking out dozens of Orcs
>PS2 CGI Legolas doing Spiderman stuff on the Elephant
>Gollum needs a major upgrade, effects wise, keep the actor
>The Trees are laughably bad, the cgi has no aged well
>The end for Return of the King is tedious and drags. I remember in the theatres everyone kept getting ready to get up and leave but the movie kept going on

I like you.


Frodo dined on elven puss for eternity

have you actually watched them recently, or is that just your nostalgia talking. they're still great but the cgi has not aged well at all.

>tedious and drags
>caring about normies
You are the lowest plebean of this board.

Now we really, really, really... must go...


I'm reality we don't know, for Eru reserved a mysterious destiny for man, and Hobbits being a race of man, share the same path.

Also, Valinor is not an afterlife, Mandos is; there was a time, before the foolishness of man ruined it all, when one could have gotten there by water, if he was brave enough to try it.

Tol Eressea isn't paradise on earth.
That would be Valinor.

>muh ebin graphics
yeah, and they also should make it in 60 fps, that shit is l33t as fugg amirite. fuck off back to to

they went to west earth


>they are almost perfect movies
they're incredibly campy and full of cliche but i can see why you like them

>go through literal hell to save middle earth
>leave it

bravo frodo what a fucking waste

I'm coming

okay you fucking faggot go ahead and list ALL of those campy moments and cliches in LOTR you god damn shit heel

>being selfish

I watched lotr with my nephews. I was wearing a cap so that no one could see my tears falling down my cheek.


The first half hour of fellowship of the ring is the only watchable part of the LOTR

lol go back to your basement

>The end for Return of the King is tedious and drags
You better not read the books then, the movie cut it really fucking short.

>god damn
>shit heel
You seem like a bit of a faggot user.


>foolishness of man ruined it all
Foolihness of Manwe, you mean.

Lol. The books are fucking terrible and received mixed reviews when originally released. I bet you haven't even opened up a LoTR book. Something like the first 350 pages of FsotR are just the 4 hobbits walking through the woods and staying at different places every night. An absolute snore fest. The books also have some pretty laughably bad ideas that weren't adapted to the movies that you are probably unaware of. Point is, the movies are better than the books because they got rid of all the filler, but the movies need a major upgrade

Do you guys think in the case of frodo taking the boats its a metaphore for suicide? he is ptsd as fuck after the end of the quest

Not the same user but I watched the trilogy this weekend, I underappreciated how great these movies really are, I like them 100x more now.

I stopped reading Fellowship of the Ring when the book decided to dedicate more than 2 chapters to staying at Tom Bombadils house. It was already a chore to read up until that point minus the shire/bilbo party stuff of course. I just stopped caring at that point and made peace that with the fact that I will never read Lord of the Rings and that they work better as movies.

>americans can't read books just for the beautiful language
What a shock.

Just like any refugee, to seek a better place.

I dont know man, I watched the LOTR trilogy for the first time a few days ago and thought the special effects were great for 2001-2003 and hold up very well

Why does Frodo have to leave with the elves?

>Beautiful language

>t. milleniel

>Is it April 15th already, Gandalf?

>Would love to see a reboot of these movies