I miss the times when they weren't mainstream

I miss the times when they weren't mainstream

I miss the times when they made content

Literally who are any of these people

Owl noises


they're still a thing?

What do those unfunny faggots have to do with Television and Film?
Those who aren't good enough to make it in Hollywood, go to YouTube.
Have you every seen the premium paid TV shows on YouTube Red? No? That's because they're all dogshit.

what does any netflix show have to do with Sup Forums?
both youtube and netflix are video streaming websites, the only difference is that netflix charges you for viewing their content.

Grow up fag, stopped watching them a year ago and I'm swimming in pussy now. Lol at your life, bitch boy.

me too because i hate fucking seeing them everywhere


too many fucking children on the Internet. Who the hell are these REACT participants?

Netflix pays millions for their content, bringing in professionals to make proper content.
Youtube is a social media platform. Should we start talking about people who post videos on Instagram here too?

They were never funny


Why can't youtuber's use the word "video"?
They're not cooking up kinder egg surprises for the internet, it's just videos.

Was really into them when I was 16-17.
Now I just stopped viewing their content but hey, nostalgia will call me back to watch their videos.

literally who

poor man's jake paulers


When they started to do videos together they were all mainstream, so can't really see your point here. Most of their older shit is garbo anyway

Collaboration between them is what ruined their videos

Joji is still a qt