

A true freedom fighter

Im sorry that you forgot your place as funny lookin stoner guy and started to consider yourself an artist who feels comfortable using facial mist sprays in public. Work smart, not hard. This nigga found a way to be in everything and will still only be remembered as 'that guy that rage quit sillicon valley' Funny how things tend to work out like that sometimes.

Truly believe guy is mentally ill.

He's woke

Silicon Valley

>Sad music begins to play
>"Guys... this... this is it, you know, I tried, I led you guys with me all the way, and you know what? I'm, I'm sorry, but this is it, Pied Piper is fucked, I killed it. It's over. I'm so fucking sorry."
>Erlich walks in wearing a kimono while shotgunning a Keystone Light and ripping on his bong simultaneously
>"Wee Richard, my friend, did not you see the news? *DEUS EX MACHINA* saved Pied Piper."
>Silicon Valley return next year on HBO™

RIP Erlich

He is a piece of shit but his performance in the emoji movie was perfectly acceptable.

Literally missing a part of his brain

google it

I feel bad now

Elrich is the guy that made the whole shit-show watchable.

and Jared

No need to, I've heard he's a pretty huge dick anyway

He and his wife are the most insuferable tryhard "artist"cunts I've ever come across. Google his and her interviews for some examples. Ridiculous.

>you will never be a guy who FUCKS

Has he come down from his manic episode yet?



No, that was patrick stewart playing the piece of shit

>google "t j miller loses brain"
>first search result: "T.J. Miller explains why he's leaving 'Silicon Valley'"
it's all make sense

I was going to say I originally liked the guy but the honest thing to say is I liked the characters he portrayed, you have to be a real piece of shit to seem like an egotistical cunt even to normies not just in Hollywood

Shame as well, he seemed talented, just not famous enough to pull that kind of shit yet or ever

I'm sorry I watched some stuff you were in, improving the ratings and causing you to think I watched in order to see you. In reality I watched in spite of your presence.

>le 40 genders man
