What went so right?

What went so right?

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Everything. Only Capekinoir that has ever existed.

Dialed the crazy up to 11, borrows from the source material but doesn't feel compelled to follow it with strict regime.

It embraced its source material and went bonkers. Can't wait for season 4


He's honestly a good character the show is so wacky now they can pull it off

like what the fuck..

would an AT even explode at that range? pretty sure it would just crush his chest and careen off past him?

black bitches with touchy psychic abilities?
portable freeze guns handled by a human popsicle? Bruce not tapping dat camcam ass?

this show is totally unbelievable.

This show is unironic kino. The leap in quality between season one and two is unlike any other show I've seen.

Bruce is taller than Gordon, the main lead actor so cant wait for the inevitable future movie and steroid use desu, he makes an awesome bruce wayne

Motherfucking Bullock stole the show long enough for it to get on its feet.

>"I'll never be able to figure that guy out."
>"Yeah, he's quite the riddler."


I dropped it by the end of season 1, does it really get better?

I loved the 1st season but yeah it gets better, too.

I am too much of a Batman fan to enjoy this with the liberties it takes.

Then you were never a Batman fan

this. he's the best Bruce Wayne put on screen

It has a kinda arkham knight vibe from the game imo

Expands on, Indian hill, Hugo Strange, Mr Freeze, The court of Owls, Jerome/Joker, Penguin and Riddler shenanigans, Mad Hatter had a great arc and the Lee and Gordon love story was incorporated very well, none of that teeny tumblr relationship crap like on The CW.

The budget is far bigger than anything on The CW, much better sets and it feels like an actual city where everyone is connected and the storylines are always somehow linked and they can pull off ongoing subtle storylines without being formulaic.

My favorite episode has to be where Jerome's cultist guy cuts his face off only for Jerome to wake up and kill him later, then go full Killing Joke.
The ginger cunt has the Joker all down pat, I'm actually impressed.

Butch being Solomon Grundy was a bit out of left field and Fish Mooneys sudden return and death at the end of season 3 was weird.

Oswald and Ed are great playing off eachother
Can't wait for the new season in 9 days

This was fucking great they went all in, not just namedropping for fanservice they did a whole circus act and house of mirrors fully fleshed out the arc and the designs were really good


>Dr Bashir is Ras Al Ghul
You're mine now, Mr Wayne

Kino episode

>The budget is far bigger than anything on The CW, much better sets and it feels like an actual city where everyone is connected and the storylines are always somehow linked and they can pull off ongoing subtle storylines without being formulaic.
I've actually heard the exact opposite about the budget, I heard that the CW shows get way more money per episode. Which is shocking, the production value of Gotham is insane, the cinematography, sets and lighting are top notch, it feels cinematic. What makes this even more shocking is there's way more variety with the locations. Flash / Arrow primarily use the same sets every fucking episode with maybe one or two new locations every few episodes. Aside from the GCPD, we keep getting new locations every episode. Second half of season 2 there we would frequently revisit the asylum sets, first half of season 2 was Gallivan's tower, but revisiting the sets in Gotham feels natural and just a consequence of the story, while with Flash / Arrow it's because this is a low effort piece of shit made for simpletons. You can tell they purposefully write the story so we keep revisiting the same fucking sets every episode.

Arrow / Flash look and feel like low effort teeny bopper soap operas. None of the sets have personality or color, it's all lit to be as bland and boring as possible. The cinematography is flat and uninspired, it looks like a soap opera, written like one to, appeals to the lowest common denominator, teeny boppers. Gotham actually looks and feels like a comic book show.

At least you can say you punched a man's face off


> mentally a child still

>the cinematography
They abuse the fuck out of Dutch angles Tbh

>Flash / Arrow primarily use the same sets every fucking episode with maybe one or two new locations every few episodes. Aside from the GCPD, we keep getting new locations every episode.

You can tell with The Flash they base the scenes around the location and force the story there, even the bars and nightclubs in gotham are all different but you have common locations like fulton, arkham and the narrows. Flash instead of a different bar will just use the same fucking jitters coffee place and the exact same angle of shots, its obvious in the precinct aswell. Gotham isnt afraid to experiment and throw away sets when theyre done with them.

The other CW shows are super CGI intensive for their retardedly bad fight scenes. That shit's still more expensive than just having cheap half-and-half stuntman actors.

Also they namedrop cities and labs like theyre meant to have some identity to them but nothing they show makes them unique its all bland. Compare scenes of things being stolen from a lab in The Flash and Gotham, its in a completely different class.

If I had to compare the CW shows and Gotham, it's like comparing Batman Begins to Smallville

The choreography in a small scene is better than any of the big pieces ive seen in Arrow
Look at the last fight its so simple and well done compared to the forced fights and weird camera cuts in arrow

Holy shit, is it really coming out in 9 days? It feels like the last one just ended. Thank God that it's back.

Yh I dont understand why people think Grant Gustin would work as The Flash in the movies he's just terrible

>Can't wait for the new season in 9 days
Wait, what? Didn't season 3 just end like a month ago?

He's got the wholesome midwesterner vibe but not nearly chatty enough.

It might feel that way with how slow and boring the last season was.


September 21st

Helps it feel more like a comic book

Even the music. Aside from the theme song does Flash / Arrow use music which was specifically made for the show? In every single "I'm so quirky and awkward xD" scene where the actors are putting on this horrendous manufactured I FEEL AWKWARD xD performance by tilting their heads, widening their eyes and putting their hands to the back of their head I'm hearing the same exact music I've heard in every teeny bopper show. Every break up scene I'm hearing the same fucking piano notes I've heard fifty times before in this show, and another fifty times in Arrow.

There's obviously just a pot of music tracks they've bought the license to use and CW just keep using the same generic trash music every time.

I'm sure Gotham has bought the license to use music but I haven't noticed repetitive music. They definitely have original music composed for certain scenes and all of the Gotham villains have their own distinct memorable tracks that were clearly tailor made for the villain.

And their CGI is garbage. Regardless of the budget it doesn't take money to light a set properly or film it in an interesting way. It just takes people who give a shit.

It just got added to Netflix recently here for catching up

> Katherine being so fucking easily duped into trusting Gordon and wanting him to join the Court after his uncle an heroed.
I should have been surprised when that snobby bitch got decapitated by Barnes.
I noticed they're using a lot more gore in Gotham too.

Season 3 ended like 3 times then started back up months later out of nowhere.

>I noticed they're using a lot more gore in Gotham too.
Yh no shit.

[Spoiler]Barnes ripping peoples heads off clean and Nygma slicing a hand off Tabby[/spoiler]

And Barnes getting his hand blown off.

If I'm going to be honest, I stopped watching when Isabela was killed by Penguin over his gay love for Ed, but I picked up from there on Saturday and finished the rest of the season today

God damn this show is good

I stopped watching only for Fish, i hate the character, the actress, the arcs that keep her coming back.

Is that legal?

Hopefully she stays dead

Yeah, pretty sure she's dead for good this time


the Camren catwoman went very right !

that dress is fucking ridiculous but she's looking kinda pfeiffer-esque now isnt she?

>finish season 3
> this thread pops up
> look it up
> season 4 starts on the 21st
> it's titled "A Dark Knight"
> first episode titled "Pax Penguina"

Promo Pax Penguina Season 4 episode 01: youtube.com/watch?v=Hyc12o3NY9o

>season 4 about to come out
>i remember posting on Sup Forums right when she was cast getting all her dance pics from her site
time is going by too fast how do i stop this


what in gods name is she wearing

>watching video of pictures

strong legs !


Fuckkkkkkk he's looking like a better in a suit like bruce wayne what a casting choice he will grow into that role perfectly

> Camren is legal now

I'm very glad they decided to go from copkino to Capekino
I know they intended Bruce to never be batman, merely on the path by shows end

How far is this show from showing her dressed as Catwoman? I don't watch but I drop into these threads once in a while to see if it's happened yet.
Also they should bring back the Silver St Cloud actress now that she grew into a cute

Theyve been making him into a detective finally


David needs to hit the weights desu

when the FUCK are they going to bring in based Calendar Man
he seems like a perfect fit for the tone of the show

Seems the perfect combination of slow burn mastermind shit along with no name recognition license availability.

Needs more Poison Ivy scenes


Seriously, and just generally stop being so much of a faggot. Generally speaking, the casting on this show is pretty good but David Mousoz (sp?) is one hell of a miscast. He's just such a prissy and wimpy kid, it's not conceivable that he could grow up to be alpha at all. But I guess when you hire young child actors for a show, you don't really know if they'll be any good down the line. They were probably hoping he'd grow up a bit, get some muscles, get more alpha.... but if anything he's gotten even faggier and wimpier.

Why is Gotham so preeetty?

NYFW 2017 - New York Fashion Week, from these last 4 days...

I think he has the height frame and face and according to /fit/ thats what you need. (((They))) will most likely give him some steroids next season or the one after anyway

Writers being self-aware and having characters poking fun at the tropes they employ, like people walking into the crime syndicate meeting all the time
>how the fuck does this keep happening why do we even bother having security at the front door
It's a comic.

it's Mazouz and you're wrong 100%

Sup David. Learn to use some facial expression other than, "I'm gonna cut and cry because dad drank all my mountain dew and is loudly fucking my mom".


Alfred's pretty great too.



I haven't watched it but noticed few clips on youtube and from what I've seen I kinda want to give it a go. Joker seems to be pretty fucking good.


I hope season 4 will capitalize on the sexual tension between Cat and Ivy that's been building up ever since Ivy grew into a tall beautiful woman and Cat didn't

Congrats to the Gotham team for their Emmy win on effects!

hope this will be a great Scarecrow !

Its the evil clone(hush?)

Evil clone is most likely Hush Tbh

Honestly, most of the villains have been really good. Even the minor one-offs. I doubt they'll fuck up scarecrow.
The costume itself is pretty spoopy already.

hope not...

I liked that episode where they briefly introduced him and what made him The Scarecrow, I don't know if that's the canon version or not though

There's a shit ton wrong with this show, but there's a lot *right* about it too. It's the most hit and miss show on tv.

Some of the villains are superb. Most notably Joker, but Penguin is a close second. Riddler WAS good until they made him ridiculously over the top with his mugging and posing all the time. Most of the minor villains are pretty good. But Mr Freeze, Fish Mooney (who gets way too much airtime), and Barnes suck.

And for the bad. David Masouz is way too wimpy to be Bruce Wayne and he's not growing into the role, also his acting is very bad. Making Penguin gay was a really shitty idea (I'm not homophobic) and his story arc really suffered for it. Riddler WAS an amazing character until they decided to go full 1960 Batman over-the-top with him.

Sometimes writing can be amazing, like most of Penguin's early story and the first season, also all the joker material. And sometimes the writing is absolute shit most notably the gay Penguin jealousy arc, court of owls, and Azrael.

And the best asset of the show, the Joker, is absolutely amazing. I think they realize he steals the show to the point that all the other characters (particularly the villains) seem superfluous. So they under-utilize him so the others can shine. But honestly, I think this is one of the strongest jokers ever. Probably evenly tied with Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger. He's intense spooky and chaotic; everything the Joker should be.

A very hit and miss show. I hope they learn from their mistake and cull some of the bad writers and do more with the good ones. Likewise stop using the villains people think suck, like Fish Mooney and Barnes and give Joker and Penguin the airtime...

Last few episodes have been a chaotic mess though. Penguins works against some villains who inexplicably become friends, then inexplicably he comes friends with the other villains... it's just terrible writing.

>inb4 canceled

I think David will definitely grow into it, look at his season 4 photos not as wimpy looking and much bigger.
I agree with you on the penguin was watching with someone else who wasnt following the show and even he didnt understand it, was so out of place. Maybe if they tried to make it more of a best friend relationship like Harvey and Louis in Suits it wouldve worked better.

Do you think the whole gay jealousy arc was because of Oswald's actor being a fudge packer himself?
I honestly didn't mind it, I laughed my ass off over how stupid it was.

Pic related was the only thing I didn't like
He went from an angry fat cop in a suit with a shotgun and a legnth of rope to a angry fat gimp with an Axe hand

>tfw no fit ayylmao gf


Cast is great, especially Gordon and young Bruce.

>Pls giv catfish gf

> Gotham brought The OC guy and the firefly hooker together and now they're married.
No wonder they have good chemistry compared to early episodes with Barbara

>Voiced Batman in Year One the animated movie