Kek franco got the laugh on point

kek franco got the laugh on point

how many people have even seen the room?

No. Reddit is already eating it up. The Franco bros / Rogan egos will know no limit after this diarrhea makes millions.

Very probably.
It will also be a lot less significant than the movie it's based on.

who the fuck didn't watch the room at its high point?

a small niche crowd from every town maybe just enough to reach cult status. Adult swim shilling of the movie every April Fool's pulled in some new fans. I don't know about Reddit but I'm sure this movie was thrown around there for laughs.

genuinely looks quite funny.. I'll torrent it

really didn't know it was that much of a thing. I heard about it through the PewDiePie video. Not american though, maybe that's why.

I still think that casting Dave Franco to play Sestero is too damn distracting.

Otherwise I'm pleasantly surprised at how much it actually takes from the book.

Dave Franco is the worst thing about James Franco

>that scene with the room's premiere
was tommy really crushed that people were ripping at his terrible film?

I had my doubts but this looks way better than the first trailer.

trailer song?

They should put it on Netflix t b h.

Franko is fucking horrible. Is it meta?


I think it looks funny but I dont see it dragging people out of their houses to cinema's to watch it.

Its a stay at home kino

>Reddit is already eating it up
>Nowing thing about what's happening in Reddit

Tommy really considered it to be an amazing piece of art, he only joined in on the meme when he realised that tons of people were watching it and liking it ironically and even then I don't think he really gets it

ha ha exactly, these faggots check-mate themselves

Its makes me happy people like that exist in the world. I don't know why, it just does.

Does anybody have that excerpt where someone is talking to Tommy Wiseau and he's talking about having his own planet and then hands him a pen? It's a screencap that sometimes gets posted in The Room threads.

On one hand, the Room has become something more than a cult movie, it's more like a meme now, so many people know about it one way or another I personally learned about it through the tribute flash game in NG. On the other hand, I don't know who would go to the theaters and pay money to watch James Franco's parody on a bad movie.
Let's not forget the "haha I got that reference" audience though...



Just the way you like em' eh?

looks alright, not paying to watch it though

I think the biggest problem they have is that not many people have seen The Room, and it's not even available to stream online.

You do know where you are.... right?

Do YOUknow where YOU are?

Doesn't seem like an expensive movie and has Franco and Rogen, so I can't see it bombing.

>Bryan Cranston was cast in the movie in an undisclosed role, then announced in November 2016 that he would be playing himself during his time working on Malcolm in the Middle.[25]


is liking franco reddit? i haven't seen him in much but i think he was good in freaks & geeks.


>not bitterly spying on these retards as my homeplanet gets invaded by them

>a retard playing a retard
Looks like James Franco finally found the role that will give him the oscar.

never go full retard lol!






ha ha ha, what a story

How upset will Tommy be if this makes a lot of money and wins real awards?

so much effort for absolutely no pay-off whatsoever

He will make a movie about it.


Oh, he actually does the voice. The first teaser was pretty misleading.

>Tommy will never make his vampire epic.


just like the room

I could never get far into it. Too boring. The audiobook of the behind the scenes shit is funny.


>the script has THE ROOM in gigantic letters just like the reprints that Tommy sells at screenings
The attention to detail is pretty kino

Did "Best Frienemies" ever come out?

this could have been decent without the Franco brothers but still unnecessary, the book was great we don't need a movie about it

Best F(r)iends

I have

Not gonna see this shit movie riding on its coattails THAAAAAANNKKKSSSSS

That's coming out in November I think.

Damn, this really is the year of Wiseaukino

Will the "Chris-R's actor kept cursing under his breath to keep himself pumped and freaked everyone out" scene make it into the movie?

>James Franco's parody on a bad movie.
It's not really even a parody, it's a biopic behind an absurd movie, so of course the people involved are absurd.

i feel like this movie is just ripping off what made The Room special.

This is cheap. I really hope that console war movie does not get made.

I fucking hope so, and it looks like it'll do that. Funny enough I think Zac Efron really is the right person to pull that gag off although he would have been MUCH better as Greg

Why the fuck is James Franco's faggot brother in everything?

>i feel like this movie is just ripping off what made The Room special.
Y'know, we said that about the Troll 2 documentary too, though, and that actually ended up being pretty damn entertaining. In that case, it was because the truth was even crazier than you'd expect, and they had a charming lead guy. We'll see if tommy can swing something similar.

See it at a screening, that shit goes bananas.

It's like Rocky Horror but less gay (in the literal sense) and with fewer props. Plastic spoons are the only one that everyone brings, but during the sex scenes people will pull out lighters like it's a rock concert and occasionally there'll be two dudes throwing footballs in the aisles.

>What candles?
>What music?
>What sexy dress?

We already know how fucking crazy the truth was behind the scenes in The Room thanks to the book, so all this has to do is preserve as many details from that as it can reasonably do within a 2-hour frame.

troll 2's documentary feels more like a companion to the original film though.

a better argument is that tim burton's ed wood did not take away from ed wood's original films.

And the problem with that is... what exactly?

>Bitterly spying on people you profess to hate.
>A forum is your "homeplanet"

Jesus fucking christ user.

This shit was a franco and Rogen passion project
All the actors are good buddies that probably got roped in. There's no way it could really bomb

Franco doesn't really sound like Tommy, it just sounds like a generic 'retard' voice rather than that weird unplaceable accent.

>a better argument is that tim burton's ed wood did not take away from ed wood's original films.
Hard to compare a biopic to a docu though. If we go down this rabbit hole, we're just going to end up having the argument about whether Shadow Of The Vampire is a better nosferatu than Nosferatu, again. And then that one guy is going to wander in and start talking about the Cat People remake with Natasha "Inexplicably Hot To The Point of Making You Question All Previous Theories of Genetics" Kinski, and at that point we'll be officially off-topic.

Stay there you fuck

It can't do any worse than The Room did.

>no way it could bomb
But it can?

Oh what a story mark!

Doesn't feel like the book at all. They just lifted key scenes, made it a Tommy movie and not from Greg's point of view. I get that the main draw is Tommy, but this trailer just shows shit