Can comeone recommend some John Byrne written books where the writing isn't garbage?

Can comeone recommend some John Byrne written books where the writing isn't garbage?

He drew plenty of good stuff, but I've yet to stumble on anything he's written that isn't wank.

You didn't like his Fantastic Four run or his Fourth World run?

I can understand the latter being an acquired taste, though.

i really like the two magpie issues he wrote

I've mostly read his post-2002 work, as the mid-80's to late 90's are the biggest hole in my backlog. FF and Alpha Flight are the only ones I've ever heard praise for in his writing and I'll get to them eventually.

His Fourth World stiff is atrocious.

Wait, scratch that, post-98 because I read his attempt to reinvent Spider-Man in ASM. Guy's writing just seems opposed to what I enjoy in literature, so maybe he's just not for me.


>but I've yet to stumble on anything he's written that isn't wank.

Yeah he isn't for you. I appreciate your curiosity OP, but yeah he's a fanboy in the end & some of us love him for that.

I don't think you'd be one of them.

he can not wank at times
he's not roy thomas

His She Hulk was good. Just avoid everything after he left Marvel in the 80s.

I've got nothing against fanboyism, just continuity whoring and bad dialogue. The guy seems too concerned with making things "correct" instead of branching out or building on his contemporaries, at least on mainstream cape books. Maybe his older stuff is better about it.

Alpha Flight and Next Men

80s work. F4, She Hulk, Alpha Flight

Oh don't be that guy, Roy wrote plenty of good stuff.



I'm alone but I actually like Thomas/Heck Avengers

There's also a chunk of Sup Forums that likes the DC golden age JSA revival stuff he did.

>continuity whoring
Stopped reading there

Yes, because it is totally not a valid criticism that the guy who has to retcon Sandman to be Norman Osborne's relative because their HAIR is similar might care way too much about continuity and arbitrary details.

>retcon Sandman to be Norman Osborne's relative because their HAIR is similar
wait WHAT?



I thought his Fourth World stuff was mediocre. Honestly out of that whole period that started when he dumped Next Men for Wonder Woman, The only stuff I truly enjoyed from him was the Batman/Captain America crossover, the first two Generations miniseries, and maybe X-Men The Hidden Years.

Was his Avengers/West Coast any good?

What the fuck.

I still like his art. I wish his commissions werent so expensive.

what the hell is this from?

Next Men

Next Men. Where if you have sex with someone superpowered, you get an STD that gives you superpowers. And if you have sex with someone else, you give them an STD that gives them superpowers, too.

All-Star Squadron and Young All-Stars.

...I think you just stumped all of Sup Forums, OP....

>I'm alone but I actually like Thomas/Heck Avengers
you're not
it's my favorite run

>best period in all of comic history
>biggest hole in my backlog
>asks for john fucking byrne of all things


>i haven't read anything from before 1993
>is this jack kirby guy any good

geez it's supposed to be curly hair, not cornrows

it was ok
scarlet witch raped wonder man
byrne also hated vision so he made him more robotic


>Best period
It had some really good books, but I get the feeling OP means that he hasn't read the majority of that period.

You know.
The part that's fucking garbage.