How long until Comedy Central shits out a Trump cartoon?

How long until Comedy Central shits out a Trump cartoon?

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The only good thing from this show was this song.


About a month before his term ends, based on how ridiculously badly timed this was.

surprised they haven't already.

Obviously it's been some time, but IIRC didn't they basically shelve this show not long after the invasion of Iraq?

So I'd say it's not likely to happen at all, since the channel obviously has a certain level of controversy that they're not willing to cross.

the show came out in like 2007

it will be talked about but never green lit because making Trump comedic might undermine keeping him propped up as a boogieman to scare minorities.

Never. Trump can't be parodied. He goes all the way to deliver the jokes the comedians were going to make. Very Sad!

We'll be too busy starving and seeing our children play the Hunger Games to watch comedy central

That makes no sense and the syntax is horrible.

You're thinking of the live-action sitcom "That's My Bush", and that show was cursed from the beginning. Originally it was supposed to star a robot as president (Al Gore is boring robot, get it?) only to have to be retooled after the 2000 elections. It finally made it to air (and wasn't very funny) when 9-11 happened.

I don't get why this is hated so much.
My uber-conservative parents and I love watching this show.
Li'l Cheney is one of the best things ever created.

Or Trump successfully changes the libel laws and sues CC out of existence for even thinking about.


Oh fuck this makes way too much sense and doesn't even have the lopsided "my preference = hero your preference = shit" subtext

tfw when no lil bush sequel staring jeb

>Please clap.

Re-watching this during the primary was just the best.

Does Comedy Central even have anything good nowadays other than South Park

That started and finished well before September, though. Series premiere April 4th, series finale May 23rd, then ran in reruns until being cancelled in August.

Workaholics was pretty good.

Tosh.0 is still alright, but the Daily Show is straight up shit now


Holy fucking shit, that's STILL going?

>Came out in the closing year of Bush's presidency.

Honestly it never stood a chance, making fun of Bush (well to that degree anyway) was already starting to fall out of fashion by the time it started airing.

Are they still doing the "Play a clip, make a funny face, audience claps" thing?

yeah, it's even spawned several copycats on CC's sister network MTV

A better question is when will they learn that one note shit like this will always fail?

They should pump one out now before Trump reveals himself to not be a racist homophobic bigot.

That's My Bush was 100x better.

Can't believe I watched this when it was on during the time.

>(and wasn't very funny)
The South Park creators aren't good at political humour. What a shock

I liked Ugly Americans

>and wasn't very funny

Maybe not politics-wise. Cliche sitcom-wise, it was dead on.

Naathan for you is straight up 10/10

Wasn't there a live-action of this show that came first?

Nah, you're thinking of Thats My Bush: Different creators.