A record 27 films have been submitted for Best Animated Movie Oscar

Which 5 will get nominated? Which will win?

Angry Birds
April and the Extraordinary World
Finding Dory
Ice Age: Collision Course
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
Kubo and the Two Strings
Kung Fu Panda 3
The Little Prince
Long Way North
Miss Hokusai
Monkey King: Hero is Back
Mustafa & the Magician
My Life as a Zucchini
Phantom Boy
The Red Turtle
Sausage Party
25 April
Your Name


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How many will actually be watched by the judging committee?

Just the Disney ones.

Sorry, forgot one other.

The Secret Life of Pets.

>Ice Age
Yeah, good luck with that.

>the judging committee
Why even bother? it's no secret they don't watch any of the films and just pic what looks the cutest. The fans don't like it, pretty sure only 1 person on the committee likes it?

>Your name?
>kimi no na wa

Anime gets nominated for oscar? How?
It will win for sure though

The Little Prince
The Red Turtle
Sausage Party

They deserve an award for not being the same recycled CG shit we see every year, I don't want disney to win again

>Finding Dory
>Kubo and the Two Strings
>The Little Prince
>Sausage Party

Final Winner: Zootopia.

>mfw the only one of these I've seen is Zootopia
>Even then it was only after it had come to retail.

>Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

B-but I really like it.

Zootopia is going to win and it's not even going to be a competition, since it's the biggest name of all of these.

>Finding Dory
>Kubo and the Two Strings
>Kung Fu Panda 3
The winner will be either Moana or Zootopia. Maaaaaaybe Kubo if the judges who bother to watch it consider it "artsy" enough, but that's a longshot.

>Sausage Party could win an Oscar

Kimi no na wa is going to be there, I'm sure

it's a pretty cliche story, but it's rocking in japan and I actually liked it.

Good, it deserves it.

Nominated? Dory, Ice Age, KFP 3, Zootopia, and either Kubo or Sing.

Win? Zootopia.

Yeah. It'll probably edge out KFP, no way they're dropping the Disney ones.

Theoretically, yes. But the chances are about as good as the Cubs winni...er, Donald Trump winni...uh...well, shit.

Nah, Zootopia is obviously taking it

>Anime gets nominated for oscar? How?

So long as it has a theatrical release in the US, no matter how small, it can technically be considered eligible for an Oscar.


>Angry Birds
>Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
>Sausage Party

People paid money to see that.

People actually paid money to sit in a theater and watch that happen.

Seth Rogen is a genius - an evil genius, but a genius nonetheless.

>Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

why even bother submitting it?

Why wouldn't they?

Sausage Party will save animation

>So long as it has a theatrical release in the US, no matter how small, it can technically be considered eligible for an Oscar.

Nope. The Academy has specific rules on what is and is not eligible. Best Animated Feature has certain sub-rules to help determine if something qualifies as an animated film or is instead a live action film with a shitload of animated effects but otherwise have to fall under the general guidelines.

They have to be at least 40 minutes in length.
They have to be publicly exhibited by means of 35mm or 70mm film, or in a 24- or 48-frame progressive scan
Digital Cinema format (with a bunch of specific video and audio requirements that I'm not going to copy / post here).
They must be shown in a commercial film theatre in Los Angeles County, and exhibited with paid admission.
During the time they are shown in LA they must be exhibited for a run of at least seven consecutive days,during which period screenings must occur at least three times a day, with at least one screening beginning between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.
They have to be advertised and exploited during their Los Angeles County qualifying run in a manner "normal and customary to theatrical feature distribution practices".
They must be released within the Awards year deadlines.

There are also a bunch of other rules that pertain to what happens if a film gets any sort of release outside of the standard theatrical run first (if it is released direct to video / online / tv first it's immediately disqualified unless it's a same day release with the theatrical release) or is initially screened outside LA county (this is a bit murkier but generally speaking it's fine unless the film through some weird circumstances winds up being eligible as a foreign film).

There are a lot of anime films that COULD be eligible if a company took the effort to give them a proper screening run in LA in order to meet the submission requirements but that usually doesn't happen.

I don't think Sausage Party will win.

I think Moana is also a strong contender for the winner, given the Oscar's methodology.

Kubo is what should win.

This isn't a nomination jackass its for submission to be nominated.
Both of you are fucking stupid. If any anime film gets nominated its Red Turtle

>tfw Kubo won't win
fuck 'em

Finding Dory made more money domestically than Zootopia

Don't count sausage party out

It's a known thing that most of the judges don't give a single shit about animation and have expressed disdain for anything made for children. They could easily give it to Sausage party.

Academy don't watch animated movies, their kids do.

Since Moana is closest to the ceremony and it's fucking DISNEY it's going to take the statue.

all of these 27 films will be screened at the academy to members of the animation division. only the ones that show up get to vote on what gets nominated. once the five nominations are chosen, then voting opens up to the academy at large.

nominations mean so much more than the actual winner since the nominations are chosen by people who actually work in the industry, the ones who know and care about animation. the winner is chosen by people who mostly don't give a fuck and just vote for what their kids liked, if they vote at all.

>Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

top kek

>Ice Age: Collision Course
>Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
>Kubo and the Two Strings
>Kung Fu Panda 3
>The Little Prince
>Long Way North
>Miss Hokusai
>Your Name

Look at all these fucking Chinese fucking things that no one has even seen.

Which one made the most money? GIVE THEM THE DAMN OSCAR

With how crazy this year has been, this would be the cherry on top.

>Since Moana is closest to the ceremony and it's fucking DISNEY it's going to take the statue.
Just like Wreck It Ralph right?

The five that'll be nominated will be

>Kubo and the Two Strings

Take a wild fucking guess which one will win. Yeah, Zootopia.

>video games vs princess movie

>Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
I saw this and I really enjoyed it.

Lego Movie made more more than Big Hero 6 and it didn't even get a nomination. Certainly possible that they could toss it Dory's way, but Zootopia also has the advantage of social commentary subtext the Academy often likes.

Nice double doubles.
But honestly, that would be the biggest shocker/upset/trainwreck of all animated Oscars if it happens.

Aren't Moana and Zootopia from the same studio?
I thought it was one each

Dory will win obviously. Why even nominate any others?

>but Zootopia also has the advantage of social commentary subtext t
Which is irrelevant now that Trump won

>but Zootopia also has the advantage of social commentary subtext the Academy often likes.
And Finding Dory is about the pain parents and friends have to go through dealing with a loved one with a mental illness. That shit is cat nip to them.

It's MORE relevant now that Trump won

The Academy is only in to racism and minorities now. That means Moana will win.

it's gonna get snubbed just like Lego Movie.

No one gives a shit about natives

Predictions aside, how many of these have you seen or want to see? It seems like it's been a pretty good year for animation regardless.

If either The Little Prince, Kubo or Your Name win, I'll be happy. But it'll probably be Zootopia or Finding Dory.

Zootopia is 100% winning

You must have not been watching long enough to assume otherwise

>Your Name

it's a joke, right?

Seen 7, wouldn't mind seeing like 4 more. A lot more than usual for sure.

>all this fuss about the shrek award.

>The Little Prince, Kubo or Your Name win, I'll be happy
Get some better taste you fucking faggt

But predators are a 10% minority too.

Seen all but Moana at this point. Kubo is the only one that desires to win or art least would be a nice change of pace from the Disney buy out

Saw Zoo and Kubo, want to see Moana
Everything else seems niche or too G for my tastes

Oh, excuse us, you magnificent user, what is the movie you want to win, then?

>inb4 another Didney movie or SP

Those films are great though you pleb.

I want your name to win. But Zootopia will win and I'm fine with that also.

>talking animal movie
>taken seriously

I haven't seen it, I'm not sure what it's about, but whatever it is, it's doing extremely well over there.

Sup Forums is too furry to not root for Zootopia

>the last samurai

>Both of you are fucking stupid. If any anime film gets nominated its Red Turtle
>biggest movie of the year in japan
>miyazaki-less ghibli blunder


That is an incredibly ridiculous list. Don't the studios have to put something together to show why these movies should win? None of the dreamworks shit should even be allowed to be nominated.

Finding Dory, Kubo, and Zootopia maybe because they had legit storylines. Kubo for its technical accomplishments if nothing else. Dory for promoting a child with disabilities' story as the main character. Zootopia for its modern-day take on aesop fables & bigotry.

Whatever the most popular Disney/Pixar movie is since the committee never watches any of the nominees and just picks whatever everyone talks about.

the marketing in japan was fucking genius
they focused on the japanese character, and since the title can refer to a single samurai or a bunch of samurai, in this case it refers to the japanese characters
also japan has a tom cruise day, this is why he was chosen as the protagonist of Edge of Tomorrow too

>Japan's shitty taste
>being relevant in Oscars

By that logic Hosoda films would get nominated every time. Hell Pincess Kaguya was a flop in Japan yet it was still nominated over Wolf Children

>Ice Age: Collision Course
Chinese? You wot m8?
>Kubo and the Two Strings
This was made by Laika, you know, the people who Coraline and Paranorman.
>Kung Fu Panda 3
>The Little Prince
French and based off a worldwide famous book

People had to animate it and might not have even gotten paid

Your name was better than all three desu

Anime gets nominated for Oscars all the time, bub, let alone submitted. Every awards cycle from the past three years has had one. It's almost always Ghibli stuff that gets nominated, though.
>2013: The Wind Rises
>2014: The Tale of Princess Kaguya
>2015: When Marnie Was There

>Japan's shitty taste
>Kimi no na wa
sounds like someone has the wrong opinions here, user.
It's you

If that were the case, they'd listen to the blacks in the industry that vocally didn't blame the academy. Oh well just keep burying it

>also japan has a tom cruise day
Is this like Depp's popularity in Germany or something?

It's a reference to an oscar voter who shat on a movie by calling them "these fucking chinese fucking things", user
you stupid cunt

>All Ghibli films

Still hysterical that people think Your Name is going to get nominated over Red Turtle

He's making a joke based on the fact that one of the Oscar refered to The Tale of the Princess Kaguya and Song of the Sea as "two obscure freakin’ Chinese fuckin’ things that nobody ever freakin’ saw".


Oh look its another bandwagoner pushing his shitty generic cliche romance story in which the main couple don't even interact until the last few minutes.

But none of those blacks are named Will Smith

Kubo -should- win.

Zootopia probably -will- win.

>Frozen being third

So basically those who still believe it won't be in KHIII at this point are fucking nuts

It's Japan not China ; )

Oh look it's a Sup Forumsmrade who thinks the DBZ english dub and music are good

Anthony Mackie kinda looks like will smith

Ah. It appears have made a mistake. Sorry I didn't get your joke user.

>kyoanuscuck still buttmad
Feels good.

>So basically those who still believe it won't be in KHIII at this point are fucking nuts
Who believes that?
What kind of idiot would believe Frozen isn't in KH3?

Faggots who hate the movie at all costs.

No need to shit on Kyoani, cunt

I dunno, it was just some association declaring it a decade ago. Not even sure if it's a supposed to be a recurring annual thing or was only for 10/10/06.


I would have expected Tommy Lee Jones to have overtaken him since then.