Why did no one tell me this was kino?

Why did no one tell me this was kino?

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Season 5 and 6 aren't very good but season 7 rights the ship and it's a very nice ending (fuck you all I liked it)

Had one good season. The rest trash, pure and unadulterated trash

We have to reach out to brown to shore up alliances with white to keep blowback from black from hitting the club so we can get out of guns and keep Charming whole. I love you brother.

A tv show about a outlaw biker gang turns into a soap opera. It was not that good.

Wait til post-S3

Its really not even good, after season 3 I was just skipping scenes to get through it

When does Walton Goggins episodes start, always like that guy.

Season 5 is his first appearance. Get ready it's one of his most badass roles

Started amazing with lots of promise. Bar fights, converting other sister MCs, fixxing amature boxing.
But then it became a shitty soap with plot lines DDRRRAAGGGIINNGG for seasons.

goes south so fast

it's not

It's no Sopranos, but better than most pleb shit tier garbage like TWD.

Could've been one season shorter.

Post the webm.


Vic Mackey killing him was god tier fanservice.

best character

S1-S4 was camaraderie kino

also Kozik was best son

Because it is shit.

The only reason I watched it all the way is cause I picked it when it aired, it got laughably bad at times - the use of CGI in the later seasons was really weird too. All the characters were fucking awful too, I hated them all and was happy when one of them died.

this. The Sons of Vengeance is the best scene in the show by far.

Does Otto ever get out?

no it just gets worse and worse for him til he suicides by guard

It went down hill so fast, but by that time I was already invested in watching the show so I had to stick around to the end. Who woulda thought Wendy of all people gets the most character development?

It went to shit long before it ended, especially the final season, but I'm a completist and the memes still made it enjoyable.

Does anyone have the edited version of this scene?

>shitty CGI
>Shakespeare quote


it's a shitty show for edgy kids with badass jackets and bikes

also they repeat "sweetheart" constantly

>it's a badass bikers hang out and talk like bankers and lawyers episode

The Shield was better.

You just spoiled the whole series, asshole

Go suck a fat cock, faggot.

>also they repeat "sweetheart" constantly

I think you meant "JEEEEEZAS Christ....."

I loved how the show made you hate clay so fucking much and just be itching for his death but when he was gone it felt so empty without him.

I liked when they gave the irish theme to the opening when they were in ireland. also otto? he was pretty cool. the guy who created the show and appears here and there on the inside and each time he appeared he's losing bits and pieces of himself.

also wasn't it shakespear inspired?