What is the best movie of the decade so far?

What is the best movie of the decade so far?


Batman and Harley Quinn


not best byt Grand Hotel Budapest is top 5

That's a good one. I'd say The VVitch is right up there too.


doctor manslave

Gone girl

Man of Sneed

The Witch

agreed, I fucking loved it


Handmaiden. Hollywood cant even compete

Rogue One

fuck the haters


What's up with people hating on GBH though, especially plebs?

I must be missing something but the comedic timing and the whole story were really great. I loved the camera and sound work as well as the characters. What isn't good about this movie?

Even my gf said she didn't like it at all. I thought that especially this movie had mainstream appeal, what the fuck?

Post rabbits


The Dark Knight

Baby Driver