I'm sure it won't be another Episode 6.

Of course it won't be another episode 6, he will remake ESB instead

I can't take it anymore

ok but why does this guy's nose look like a literal mooring bitt. you could easily tie a rope around his schnoz and walk him like a dog

Good, maybe he can finally kill Star Wars.

>JJ and Terrio
Every other studio can just sit out that year based Disney wins

I just don't want anymore Star Wars stuff, period.

Get ready foor another starkiller base that can destroy an entire franchise with one film.
Why did they fire Trevorow to replace him with this hapless cuck? I wouldn't be surprised they want to continue with another trilogy with the same protagonists. Therefore episode 9 ends on a cliffhanger with more mystery boxes. Maybe Trevorow wanted to cloture this stinkers once for all. Katleen Kennedy is poison. There's no hope as long as she's there.

You cannot remake ESB twice goddammit!


Oh no. Now it really will be a redo of Empire

fucking based.

I love JJ. He's going to BTFO Sup Forums again.

nobody cares what you want



Legit request: Can someone post that pic of Kathleen Kennedy and those other chicks with this "The Force is Female" shirts? My friend still somehow thinks these movies aren't shit being made by shit and I'm looking for more evidence.
Feel free to share other stuff that proves these are shit.

Plenty of time for Episode 9 to include a part where Snoke declares his intentions to Make The Galaxy Great Again.

Before someone says: I looked all over google but somehow can't find it. I'm starting to worry I fell for a photoshop joke.

>tfw you'll never rape JJ. So hard he'll stop directing from the trauma

Is it this by any chance? Cause all I did was just search 'the force is female'

LMFAO Star Wars is done

I now regret ever wanting star wars to come back, what a fucking disaster

Makes sense

Abrams is a yes man, young people like Trevorrow & Johnson are harder for Disney/Lucasfilm to control

stop showing your powerlevel to friends and relatives, they'll end up ostracizing you

tried to do it with my family and now they all think im a conspiracytard

Thanks friend.
...Maybe I should stop using Bing.

Calling Trevorwood, he must be on suicide watch right now

Why isn'y he looking for more classic loved sagas to ruin?


I usually keep my VAST intellect and insights into reality (/s f you couldn't tell) a secret since I'm in college and it's a good 5-10X harder to get a gf and keep friends if you're a centrist libertarian and think feminists are annoying cunts like me (though I feel like I become more conservative every day, or maybe it's just that people on college keep going further left) or anything remotely to the right of that, but my friends, while they're further left than me, are at least not progressive feminists or anything. But it does get old hearing them spewing old BS talking points about Trump repeatedly. Not that I think he's the best president, but I'm still happy to have voted for him against Hillary, but I'll never be able to tell anyone I personally know that. Thanks a lot, cities of Minnesota. Also, unless you're desperate and have slim pickin's, don't date a staunch feminist. Me and my ex broke up when I thought she had a wardrobe malfunction because her shirt showed off a good amount of her bra, so I tried to point it out and correct it since I thought it was on accident (like I'd want someone to point out to me if my pants were around my knees), but she said it was meant to be like that and that I was oppressing and fashion-policing her. D R O P P E D.
Sorry, way off-topic lol.

I'm a conservative myself but I still think trump is an uncultured sub-human who sucks up to his jewish bosses and who gives 0 shit about the well being of america

>Star Wars
>A classic

you're a smart person then.

You know they interviewed 50 potential female directors before realizing they couldn't risk it.

Something is so fucked about The Last Jedi that they brought JJ back in to fix up his mess of open ended teases and empty mysteries.


Abrams knows all of your criticisms of The Force Awakens. He has, on multiple occasions, acknowledged where he messed up. I have full confidence that he is going to build on The Last Jedi and knock Episode IX out of the park.

Also, I thought The Force Awakens was phenomenally shot and directed. Not all that original, sure, but just a very, very well-made movie. If he can bring that, and get some originally in the script, Episode IX will be amazing.

JJ pls go

Yikes go back 2 reddit

maybe he'll make up for his TFA mistake and have Chewie hug Leia's force ghost finally

Jesus shut the fuck up about politics, your opinions don't matter, your votes will never matter. The elites cemented their power by convincing the populace that democracy can be used to further their interests when in reality it serves a group of elites like every other political system ever. There will always be those in charge and those who serve, if you want things to change you need to convince about 10-20% of the population to start dropping bodies until your demands are met. Stop worrying about it, stop thinking about it you over educated pleb. Just be glad the elites don't make you fight wars and let you have nice things like computers with which to post your gay ass opinions. People's lives right now are good enough that they basically let the elites do what they want.

>We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmys a couple times — you look around that room and you see the most Jewish fucking room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably jewish. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with goyim?

What did jj mean by this?

>Terrio also wrote BvS
wins at sucking ASS