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Post ships with dem curves Edition.

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stream when

Back when grieve-ass wasnt a joke

Next week

What is she, /swco/?

How did Yoda know about the Rule of Two, and why didn't he head a task force decades ago find Darth Tenebrous, Plagueis, Sidious and Maul, ect?

Do you think Palpatine ever released his galactic tax returns?

Robot waifus

New EU is shit. I want a starexit.

I thought the con was different on the interdictors.

And you wonder why the Trade Federation really joined the Separatist movement

The Jedi killed Bane, presumably learned about it there. Didn't know he'd passed his teachings on to an apprentice.



Because Yoda was secretly a sith lord.

But there's no "Star Wars Rebels" ep today, is there?


Swexit sounds better.

TCW Grievous wasn't that bad. Yeah he did lose more than not, but when he kicked ass it was in style

Jedi-Sith War - Crusades

Clone Wars - American Civil War + World War 2 + Vietnam

Galactic Civil War - American Revolution

First Order-Resistance Conflict - Cold War if it had escalated

Nope. Nothing until next week

>people who ship anakin and ahsoka

Galactic civil war was also kinda Vietnam, particularly the battle of endor with the superiorly equipped empire's crack troops being taken out by natives with booby traps.


>didn't link new thread in previous thread
>didn't wait for page 10

To be fair he did link, it just got drowned out because the thread was still active due to not even being in autosage at the time he did it

Either way OP's a moron

How come they made Super Battle Droids so easy to kill the TCW but in RC they are extremely tough and hard to destroy.

All these Sith retcons are fucking killing me.

They weren't super hard to kill in the movies either, just tougher than B-1's. No idea why RC made them walking tanks.

Because RC is a game that needs to have more difficult enemies and TCW isn't.

Which retcons? What happened?

Yeah that makes sense.

this cant be canon


Would you get over that already?

>writer for an anthology movie

With any luck it will be his only Star Wars movie.

>Empire filled with countless different species of life, each with their own variation
>"white supremacist"
they could have at least made it biased towards humans or something

>countless different species of life
Not this shit again.

It's not, we've already seen it isn't.

>tfw to intelligent to care about cuckfaggots like this cuckfaggot

>Next week
Oh come on I bought booze and everything.

Basically the rule of two has been around since forever now and sith crystals are stolen jedi crystals that become red cause they "bleed" when used by them.

>Basically the rule of two has been around since forever now

No, it was still invented by Bane 1000 years before the prequels. That's soemthing that's been around since the development of TPM

>and sith crystals are stolen jedi crystals that become red cause they "bleed" when used by them.

No, crystals only turn red if a Sith forces a bond with the crystal. Simply using a lightsaber doesn't change its color.

>Clone Wars - American Civil War + World War 2 + Vietnam + Gulf Wars + War in Afghanistan + Korean war

Galactic Civil War - American Revolution + French revolution + Spanish Revolution + Indochina Wars + WW2

The Trade Federation's bullshit is something straight from the West indies or British Empire

Oh yeah? And what about the old as fuck temple in Rebels that needs two people to activate everything? And the lightsaber is still bullshit.

Can people move on? He deleted his tweet and is suffering the repercussions. Reposting this every thread is not going to change or "wake" up people.

Stop it, this is Sup Forums level stupid.

Back to Sup Forums with you

I mean, I agree with you but still, back to Sup Forums with you

>Oh yeah? And what about the old as fuck temple in Rebels that needs two people to activate everything?
Just because Sith liked to make things only work in twos before Bane doesn't mean they invented the Rule of Two.

Bane made it solely A master to teach and an apprentice to crave.

>And the lightsaber is still bullshit.

>And what about the old as fuck temple in Rebels that needs two people to activate everything?
That's not rule of two, though. It's meant to foster cooperation between a master and an apprentice (which ends up being counterproductive for Sith since they don't cooperate or trust well at all) but there's nothing about that that says "only two Sith should exist at a time."

I still think Droidekas should have had that role, or actual tanks. Well, not like you can have tanks in those corridors, but still.

When jews get over pogroms and functional nations.

>(which ends up being counterproductive for Sith since they don't cooperate or trust well at all)
Isn't that kind of the point, though? So that almost nobody could gain access to the super weapon...

This. He admitted he was wrong. Please stop being children and start talking more about this fictional children universe.

Go back to /pol with this "b-but the jews!" shit.

It's not, that guy is just being a retard and trying to make the franchise politically relevant to the election.

He got called out on it and deleted the tweet while kissing Disney's feet.

Jesus, man, if you feed the stray animals (you)s they won't leave.

Because crystals bleeding is stupid. I get it, Star Wars is all about magical space wizards, but not everything needs to be mystical. Makes it feel like something out of Harry Potter.

>Because crystals bleeding is stupid.
They're not literally bleeding, though.

Its not literal bleeding.

>Because crystals bleeding is stupid
Except it's not ACTUALLY bleeding. That's just a way of describing what happens- the crystal just starts turning red. There's no actual liquid blood involved.

Poor Kanan doesn't see any shit. Not anymore.

>mfw Droidekas are still around post-RotJ

I mean it's edgy, sure, but consider the people who use them. Sometimes edgy just works.

Fordo was twice the clone Rex or Cody will ever be

But they're twice as canon

Posting my shipfu.

Anyways, since Kylo Ren apparently has both Skywalker and Solo blood in him, shouldn't he be a pilot? I guess making him a pilot would give people yet another thing to nitpick about but I never get tired of a good 1 on 1 aerial duel.

I just figured out it's a new Sup Forums thing. There's an entire R1 thread dedicated to this tweet. I pray that bullshit doesn't come here. Getting real tired of Sup Forums and Sup Forums problems leaking on this site.

Report any leaks

You're deluded to think this.

I loved Fordo too, but come the fuck on.

It has for awhile now. Honestly I don't really care. Writers and artists have all kinds of weird opinions but we can still enjoy their work. It was all very much ado about nothing.

we should throw religion into the mix, then we'll really have a riot on our hands

We discussed it here just fine, and then moved on.

Sadly I suspect that Sup Forums will continue to bring it up whenever they want to start an argument.

Also this . Lady Gaga is a stupid hoe, but fuck me if Bad Romance isn't catchy.

>that rodian with dyed hair
>that thic pink twi'lek
>those background nemoidans
why didn't TFA have any of this?

>thic pink twi'lek
If you marry her, Lucas will be your daddy, win/win

And to answer your question, because JJ is shit, we discussed it last thread.

>that thic pink twi'lek
You know who that is?

Because why actually bring back old aliens when you can make tumor lizards and give Ithorians regular mouths and beards?

So he's basically admitting he wrote the film with an agenda to demonize white men? Why would white men what to see it then?

*want to see it

The only people who get offended by anti-racism are racists.

>Lucas will be your daddy, win/win
How is this win/win? Lucas is a hack. It's win/lose.

new episode today?

>Not wanting to be the son of one of the greatest creative minds to grace the planet
>Not wanting your father to be this wonderful guy:


Your fucking loss, no amount of memeing about "ruined childhoods" or "shitty movies" can take away from his achievements and wonderful personality.

Looks like someone doesn't like a literal sugar daddy with more money than God and a chance to search Skywalker Ranch for where he is hiding the real Ark of the Covenant.

Next week. I think they're planning for some kind of Rogue One tie-in, making the schedule weird.

Sadly not, but we have discussions of Rogue One libcuckness and cuckservative racism to bide the time.



>one of the greatest creative minds to grace the planet


>posts a picture of one of the first major CGI characters in cinematic history, a groundbreaking feat at the time, where there was no other fully CGI supporting characters in cinema at the time.
Even if you don't like Jar Jar, you are proving my point

>tfw to intelligent for the dumb people from Sup Forums

In the OT the rebels were 90% white humans. This prick has no clue what he's talking about.

I don't think great minds put fart jokes in legendary franchises, user.

Stop feeding him

I don't even hate Jar Jar all that much either. He was legitimately the best written character in TPM.

You know the OT had burp jokes right?

He knows. He's shitposting. He does the "but fart joke!" thing every thread.

ROTJ did. There's a reason why it was considered disappointing compared to ESB and ANH.

Luke, did I ever told you about Darth Bane? He was a big sith Lord and a good friend

>considered disappointing compared to ESB
According to who?

Sup Forums is now sending mass emails to Disney about this.

>Sup Forums is now sending mass emails to Disney about this.
Fuck me

>There's a reason why it was considered disappointing
ESB was panned by critics at the time.

And I think RotJ, like the Prequels, is still incredibly enjoyable, with and without toilet humor.