Class mates start talking about movies

>Class mates start talking about movies

>Class sneeds start talking about feeds

>"BvS was a good movie"

I graduated high school in 2005

>Recommend a film in uni
>They like it

>having to hide your power level while co-workers talk about GoT

>Mention the name of the director instead of the actor who plays the protagonist

It was.

>someone starts talking about feminist film theory and the male gaze

>Monday after GOT and TP aired at the same time
>boss gives mandatory GOT pop quiz

>that movie was really inspiring
>mary sue was a great character
>i cant remember what happened


>whoa isn't that movie from 20 years ago, it must look like shit
>some people are just haters, user, they can't appreciate a fun movie
>did you watch trailer for generic comedy#9123123, it was really funny
>these disney Star Wars films kind of suck, remember how good SW was when episode 3 came out

I want to rip my heart out.

>Someone criticizes feminist movies for being "cissexist" for not including transgender women

>recommend Drive to people in my Uni class
>they never heard of it
>next week they tell me they liked it
>mfw they now think i'm some sort of a patrician film buff and ask for movie recommendations all the time

>they think that terrible movie was actually good

>someone starts talking about films near me
>they're a Snyder fan

>they think
I doubt it.

>recommend a film from the 90s
>wow that's old haha

Whoa, Christopher looks nice with tits.

>some normie calls it a "movie"instead of a cinematic experience"

The last one is accurate though.

reminder, sneed poster is an underage spammer

These are people who like prequels over the original though.

I am a senior in film school. Prof asks us to go around the room saying our favorite movies
>The Dark Knight
>Good Will Hunting
>"I know it's a TV show, but Twin Peaks is probably my favorite."
>"There Will Be Blood. PTA is basically my favorite director."


>my favorite flim was I am Legend :D

t. Pleb

>TF5 is a materpiece.

I loved that movie. It was one of the first films that I saw in the theater without my parents (went with my bro). It scared me but also gave me the feels. For a week after seeing it hearing Three Little Birds would make me cry. No joke. I still think it's a very good movie