Morrison Bat Epic Pt. 8

Previous thread here.
And we are now officially in the second Batman Incorporated Series.

Other urls found in this thread:!j1cjHLLL

Try this link!j1cjHLLL

Swap out "abcd" with "mega".
Password is the same password uses in the DCAU (91939).

Previous password was for rar file. This is the
password for link.

Way more uplifting first truth than I was expecting.

Also this scene is pure gold.

Batman & Robin suddenly materializing in the room cracks me up.




Peeps reading?







I'm here, mate.







Oh shit







I know this page probably doesn't need to be spoilered but this page was a surprise.


Nananananana Bat-Cow!!











Batman's reaction to being shot in the face is priceless.















Anyone manage to try out the links?








Say what you will, I think Morrison managed to make Leviathan feel like a much bigger threat than both Hydra/AIM



Part of me hates that out of all the amazing art and story, we get stuck with this art and the clusterfuck of the nu52 for the finale of Morrison's run.


>He doesn't like Burnham






>Bueno Excellente lite











No I don't. His faces look all scrunchy and his proportions are all fucky. I don't mind his style, I just don't like it for a story like this. Not to say other people shouldn't, but it's definitely not my taste.





I know I asked previously but did anybody test out the link up top to see if it works?






Wingman is slowly becoming my favorite member of Batman Inc.

