That's where "It" lives

>that's where "It" lives
Really? Walked out of the theater right then and there.

Doesn't that kid kill himself?

he does, yes.

wish he'd killed himself at the beginning of this movie. That kid and the black one were the weak links acting wise.

>14 years old
>already balding


fuck off shill

it's the jewish genes
not even once

The black kid was fine for the miniscule amount of screentime they had him in. Stan was killed the movie for me. His fear was also fucking retarded.

Mike was the best though
>only one who doesn't go towards pennywise tricks
>best scares aside from basement Georgie
>tries to get out and away when stuff amps up
>overcomes his personal fear in order to man up and face penny wise
>only kid who brings a weapon and it's a gat nonetheless
>gets suckerpunched and has his weapon stolen yet still overpowers and kills the bully

Actor is Jewish in real life?

His character was underwhelming (they gave the historian aspect of his character to Ben) but his acting was fine.

>have a fun goonies style adventure with your pals
>30 years later kills himself just by thinking about it?
Seriously ??

he slits his wrists in his bathtub at the beginning of the next movie.

Anyone else notice the librarian with a big fucking grin on her face when Ben was reading the book? Still can't tell if that was intentional or not

I didn't but my buddy did and told me afterwards and said it made him more uncomfortable than anything else in the movie

Wish the film had more of "the whole town is weird" parts but really it's mostly just kids with very little adult interaction
Even the pharmacist who wanted to bang Bev seemed fairly normal ...didn't do a good job of making him a creep

Bev and Ritchie made the movie for me.

This is bait, the pharmacist was really creepy

The mom jokes made me laugh the most.

Seemed like he was just being nice to a kid instead of him wanting to fuck Bev. Maybe you felt that way because you subconsciously want to have sex with an underage girl ?

She was being friendly so he was being friendly back.

probably looks better than you

She was FLIRTING so he FLIRTED back
How do you put your pants on?

>even having pants on when Bev is around

I have a full head of thicc hair and I'm 21. Nice try though baldie.

It's called returning the respect.

Thought this every time I saw him. No wonder Jews have so much pent up anger

yeh was definitely intentional, i was staring at it the whole time. bare creepy senpai

I think that's what they were going for but it wasn't done very well. The pharmacist was just being nice to a little kid.
If they put a close up of the dude checking her out as she walked away it would have been more effective (if that's what they wanted to go for)
>if a girl talks to you that means she's flirting
Literally go outside

based black man

write a 135 minute screenplay without using the word "it"

Based Mike "Token"

Nobody walks out of theatres.

I certainly noticed her but she was out of focus and I couldn't see her grinning. She's obviously a red herring for the audience.

WHAT THE FUCK was the best