What did Sup Forums think of the second spongebob movie?

What did Sup Forums think of the second spongebob movie?

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Not great.

time to die, you immature fecal spore :)



didn't really like it much, it was just an okay-ish episode extended to movie length

the first movie actually FELT like a movie, knowhatimean?

It's okay but it's not as great as the first one

I forgot it existed


I generally find people say the first has a better plot and story while the second was funnier

The biggest problem the second movie had is that its plot made no fucking sense whatsoever. Especially when half of the movie was time travel shenanigans that ended up amounting to nothing. It was like they came up with two different movies and couldn't decide which one to make so they did both.

That's not to say I think the movie was bad, I did enjoy watching it but I definitely agree that the first movie had a grander scale to it. This movie was mainly just stuff happening but at least it was fun shit like this.


There was one?

In the first movie, why does King Neptune look different?

Is he the son of the show Neptune? Or is he the same as show Neptune, but after getting hit with a case of middle age and balding?

The Spongebob Movie takes place at the end of the timeline. King Neptune is an old man by then.

it marked spongebob becoming meh-er side of season 4 quality again

much funnier than i thought itd be. I was turned off by the animation I saw in the previews but i decided to give it a watch when I was on shrooms. Ik youre thinking i only liked it cause of the drugs but it was definitely still funny to watch regardless.

dolphin part, and patrick being a guard part was really funny. Also seeing everyone dressed up like theyre in mad max was pretty funny.

Clever marketing desu, bait the walmart regular retarded americans with pretty CG and live action, switch'em with good ol proper 2D animation.

because in the movie, he is voiced by Jeffrey Tambor. And when he voices a cartoon character, that cartoon character has to look like him. see pic related who is basically just a blue miniature version of movie Neptune

>They couldn't just fucking mix 2D and live action
>for the new generation they had to include cgi

It could have been worse. The best joke was auto-pirate

This. The plot (pre-CG scenes) didn't really feel much like a movie moreso than a long episode. That being said, it had some legit good laughs that just kind of disappeared once it switched over to CG.

I enjoyed it. As others said, it felt like a long SpongeBob episode then an actual movie, but the thing is, it's also a good SpongeBob episode. It's the closest the series has gotten to the first 3 seasons in years.

The Neptune in the series is the god.
The Neptune in the movie is the king.
They're different people.

>Movie called """Sponge out of water"""
>All trailers/advertisement points towards gorgeous looking cgi with spongebob on land
>Goes to watches expecting 90% of 'out of water' cgi action
>It's actually only 5 minutes at the very end of the movie
>Every single minute of cgi used in the movie were already in the trailers

at least they made Sandy a giant squirrel.

Oh god that was stupid

It was ok, but it still can't beat the first one though.

It was pretty bad honestly. As others mentioned, the plot had no clear focus, and aside from it being contrived as hell, much of it went absolutely nowhere until the last 25 minutes.

While I like that the characters like Sandy and Squidward get more screen time compared to the first film, they were extremely undeveloped and added nothing to the overall story.