So, after all the critical acclaim that Dr. Strange is receiving, i decided to watch.I thought that it was alright...

So, after all the critical acclaim that Dr. Strange is receiving, i decided to watch.I thought that it was alright, a harmless fun movie, with pretty visuals but shallow. Nowhere as good as the critics are saying that it is.

Because of that i also decided to watch BvS, a movie of the same genre, that was destroyed by the same critics. Have in mind that i just watched the movie once, in the theaters, with my friends, i had a great experience and came back home, without much thought on it. But now, after watch the two movies, that sit in different sides of the hype created by the media, i can safely say that i don't understand why one was so much loved and the other so much hated.

I can see so much passion in the little details of BvS, like in Martha scene, that everybody seems to hate, ,you can clearly see Supes trying to say her surname, or he struggling as he watches the news and listens to everybody debating what his place in the world is, when he is completely lost, trying to do the best he can, even without knowing how. The music, the cinematography are great too. And in Strange, everthing is so effortless. Just one more Marvel movie.

Whats your opinion about all this? Is BvS that bad or Strange that good? Or is everybody wrong? and the truth lies in between?

We're sick of this discussion consolefag. Take it to Sup Forums

BvS has a lot of legitimate problems, but overall I feel it gets right more than what it gets wrong. The Extended Cut helps add context, but doesn't fix the general editing problems that the movie has, in addition to other issues with characters like Wondy being flat and without a real purpose in the story other than hype building.

Dr. Strange was a boring color-by-numbers origin story that doesn't treat the source material with the gravitas it deserves. I feel like Cumberbatch plays a great Strange but the script hamstrings the character and prevent him from being really effective in terms of development. To be honest, they could've cut most of the first hour of the movie and not lost anything of importance.

I give BvS more credit because it at least takes more risks. Not all of them pay off, but I appreciate the thought.

BVS is SO BAD but the extended cut is decent (it highlights how FUCKING TERRIBLE AND BAD EDITED THE ORIGINAL FIM WAS LIKE WHAT THE HELL)dr strange is just plain out boring BUT the original cut of BvS was just plain out bad.

the extended cut now, really shows the potential this shit had like ALL THE PLOTHOLES WERE FIXED all the structure of the film was removed in the original cut like what the fuck was that

i cant even comment on dr strange its just so boring i feel like cumberbatch was an awful choice the cast is so bland its offensive.

Forgot to add that i watched the extended cut of BvS.

You can always hide this thread and search for one that interests you.
I did

>Because of that i also decided to watch BvS, a movie of the same genre, that was destroyed by the same critics. Have in mind that i just watched the movie once, in the theaters, with my friends, i had a great experience and came back home, without much thought on it.
Your story makes no sense. Strange couldn't have inspired you to see BvS once in theaters because they've not been in theaters concurrently. Therefore I can only assume you're full of shit in order to bait.

I'm not really into comics you see. I goy interested in Strange because is receiving better reviews than my favourite movie of this year, "Captain Fantastic". Got out if the cinema thinking, if this is one of the greates movie this year, then i wanted to see one that it was of the same genre and was deemed bad by the critics. And BvS was the only other super hero movie that i watched.

Look mate, I like DC as much as anyone, but BvS was crap.

It is all over the place as far as direction goes, drowning in the forced themes and the poor dialogue, with generally bad acting.

It falls in the very same category of films that Snyder and WB have been spewing for almost a decade, like 300, Watchmen, Immortals, Titans and the list goes on.

It's fine if you enjoyed it, but let's not kid ourselves here, it's the usual Snyder trash and you know it.

This guy posted the exact same thing on Sup Forums, he';s just meming.

Not really. I just wanna more opinions about this.

I really think that the dialogue was better in BvS. I'm not saying that it is the perfect movie - I still don't understand that MAd Max thing - but it was better than what i saw on Strange

I know he's meming and I knew as soon as I saw the thumbnail. That doesn't excuse such a glaring error. Put some effort into your shitposts.

i don't understand you guys. THe subject belongs in the two boards... Whats is the problem of wanting to talk about it with as many people as i can?

>I really think that the dialogue was better in BvS. I'm not saying that it is the perfect movie - I still don't understand that MAd Max thing - but it was better than what i saw on Strange

You must be 12. Shoving thematics everywhere does not constitute good dialogue, if it did, capeshit would be considered the pinnacle of literature.

I'm not saiyng that it was perfect, i'm saying that it was better than i what i saw on Strange, and that i don't understand why one is so loved and the other so hated.

I am saying it was shit.

I think OP means he HAD seen it once before, but didn't put much thought into it
maybe work on your reading comprehension a little before you post again

I'm betting OP just used old copypasta and replaced Civil War with Doctor Strange. Lazy as fuck.

Every line Lex had was hilarious in a droll kind of way.

Ok, i guess.

OP is obvious liar.

Yeah... Sorry, english is not my first language.

I liked BvS way more than Strange as well.

Except he says "because of that". As in, an action subsequent to seeing Strange. Nobody is buying it.

I dont think there really are editing problems to BvS, i mean point out a specific example at least.

Also Wondy was there for two reasons. One was to be a parallel to superman, another god like figure who actually did lose hope in man but regained it due to Batman and, arguably, Superman.

The other reason, and this is coupled with the other cameos, is to re-enforce Batman's feelings of abandonment and distrust in heroes, puncuated when he aske WW where they have been a this time.

U guys are retards, he specifically says he saw BvS in theaters but decided to rewatch it because of Strange

Marlel fans ladies and gentlemen

Nah, the dialogue in BvS was great. And no one said anything about themes in the dialogue but you.

All this time**


Then what makes you qualified to judge the dialogue in a movie?

As I was having sex to day, I couldn't stop thinking:
"Where the fuck is the soul stone?"

What makes you?

BVS was just ok. As is most most Marvel movies. I don't really know why people hold DC up to impossibly high standards. I guess because the old Batman and Superman movies were top class. The only really superhero movies that really wowed me were Guardians of the Galaxy, The Dark Knight and The Winter Soldier.

It's called "pretentiousness" and expectatives.

Dr. Strange intended to be a harmless fun movie, with pretty visuals but shallow

Batman vs Superman is pretty, but tries to hard to convey a serious beauty on something that is not, removing the essence of it's characters and their story.


Meant Expectations. I'm drunk, sorry.

> serious beauty on something that is not, removing the essence of it's characters and their story.
how does it do that

Actually, I majored in english lit with dual minors in communications and film.
All three degrees are completely useless outside of these threads

>a degree just makes you an expert

I majored in Written Arts, which at my school had all the requirements of the Lit degree plus more, so fuck off with this, a degree don't mean shit.

regardless, you havent actually given any analysis of the dialogue, just said it was shit. It was good dialogue.

Main problem is that it's difficukt to tell how much time is passing in between scenes. I also would've cut the Knightmare sequence differently to make it more explicit that he fell asleep (kind of) at the start.

I also get the role that Wondy was SUPPOSED to play, but I think it would've been better if she got the information deceypted and sent the Justice League reveal stuff to Bruce. A way of opening him up to the idea that he's not alone and that he can't do everything on his own.

Well thats a far cry from the editing being "terrible," I mean I had the same problem with Doctor Strange. I felt that it was pretty straight forward in BvS, the events happen chronologically and sans the opening events that took place obviously in the past, each scene is within a day of each other. Like give me an example of a place where you arent sure how much time has passed.
And I feel that its stronger with Bruce decrypting the info because, a) WW has never been much for computers and it shows Bruce's competency as the world's greatest detective, b) having Bruce THINK WW knew about these heroes before he did (when in fact she didnt) re-enforces the idea that he is paranoid and not right about his distrust in the heroes.

BvS is a great movie but its flaws are too ridiculuous, internet people saw it as an easy target to make fun completely disregarding the themes and premise. If you take out the dreams, the Martha shit and hire a better actor for Lex, you have a strong 7/10 movie

Dr Strange is fine too, same movie all over again but that's what people like.

>regardless, you havent actually given any analysis of the dialogue, just said it was shit. It was good dialogue.
And you don't see anything ironic in what you just did. That's the amazing part.


>and it shows Bruce's competency as the world's greatest detective
Now I just feel bad.

Even fans of this movie can't decide what the themes are. They change every three months.

The biggest problem is that the movie tries to posit on a moral quandry absolutely no one asked or should be asking and then rather than give us a proper debate it either skips the counter argument entirely (theatrical) or underdevelops it (EC) before disregarding the supposedly deep philosophical quandry for punches and explosions.

Snyder wants so badly to be Ang Lee that I can see why some people just want to give it to him. But no, it wasn't earned.
And Batman was right.

>Even fans of this movie can't decide what the themes are. They change every three months.

What? The themes are clear as day man, it's a capeshit movie not a Malick movie

Strange's character develops exactly as it should just in an understated way.
It didn't need two and movies half of which is backtracking to get there either.

>it's a capeshit movie not a Malick movie
No it's "kino". Which means you throw shit at the wall until the people arguing against it get tired and then you get to pretend you've won and make the exact same thread again tomorrow.


Not their fault shitposter are too young to remember 9/11 days and too stupid to think how the world would react if Superman actually existed, but the themes are easy af to follow

>muh realism
That whole "this is how the world would really react" thing is selective at best and doesn't fit the entire narrative. Which is a huge part of the problem. But you don't even know what I'm talking about. You're just gonna go on about how muslims would shit their pants or something.

If you think that only Muslins would react the way show on the movie you are a retard