ITT: good movies set in one room/location

ITT: good movies set in one room/location



Also by Hitchcock

127 hours


Any 12 angry men
breakfast club
reservoir dogs?

Exam was terrible straight to video tier garbage.

Glengarry Glen Ross

Exam is excellent straight to video tier scifi

What did people get out of Breakfast Club?

Maybe my childhood just didn't allow for it, but I was totally disconnected from whatever was happening culturally in that movie. I didn't understand the characters or their troubles. None of them seemed to actually have any problems except for that one kid. Even then it just was like, a little rougher than normal. Everyone else had pretty good lives. But I got the distinct feeling I was supposed to feel bad for everyone(?).

Please help.


It wasn't about them having real problems but their perception of their problems and the illusion of a social structure. Classic teen ennui film.

127 Hours


...I still don't really understand. So the point of the movie was to show that they thought they had problems but they didn't?

>some dude's house

Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes is mostly set on one raft.

Prince of Darkness


The point was they created their own problems but what is left unresolved is whether they will actually work to fix them. It's the climax of the film, what will happen on Monday?

The car just added to the whole vibe. I thought the film made great use of it.

I see.

Many scenes now make more sense in that context. Thank you!

>reservoir dogs?
it's not really a one location movie but it's close enough. Fassbender said that he told Tarantino he and his classmates did a stage adaptation of it in school because it works really well as a play. Tarantino was about to sperg out in anger until Fassbender told him it was all for charity. QT didn't want anyone making money off his stuff.

Yeah, I mean there were a couple scenes here and there and the classic walking to the trunk scene but I think it fits the bottle premise pretty well otherwise.

I did not know that about Fassbender, that is amazing.


Phone booth and panic room.


>Bar scene